
The Monarch of the Sun (dropped)

A teenager gets reincarnated with the power of the sun in a world full of magic and sword with two goals becoming a harem master and the most powerful being in the world. Cover is AI generated

Dio_3740 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 4 Training

After exiting the church, my parents brought me back home but I was distracted by something else, a golden screen to be more precise [Please say/think status to begin the system] (status) [ding!Generating status...]


Name: Henry Heralds

Race: Human

Age: 5 years old

Title: Reincarnated One, The one blessed by the sun, Descendant of Helios

Strengh: 20 (average 15)

Agility: 15 (average 14)

Intelligence: 30 (average 10)

Mana: 3 (average 0)

Charisma: 50 (average 30)

Luck:55/100 (average 40) (A/N: Luck can't be greater than the cap because it will break the balance)

TP:17 (average 10)

(A/N: luck and charisma aren't counted in one's TP and for those that will think that he's weak it's normal because he just got awakened and he nerver really train )

A few days after, just as he promised, the headmaster came to fetch me, to go to the capital of Altaroi so I'll attend his school. Before he left he asked me in an emotionless voice "Are you ready to begin your training to become the future duke of the Heralds territory or to become one of the great adventurers?""Yes I am" "Very well then, let's go" Without delay, he summoned what seems to be a wolf ,it had red fur and the aura of an alpha (image in comments) and ordered me "Get on!", not wanting to disobey him, i did as I was told to and got on, the fur was soo soft i felt like i was dying of softness, it's like waking up in a warm bed during a winter's night and was so comforting like a mother's embrace but ignoring me the wolf began to run as fast as it could and pulled me out of my daydreams and i hold on like my life depended on it, next thing I know there's a rumor about a red wolf running and shouting like someone was killing it.

After a few hours of pure suffering we arrived, the capital Altaroi, it was a huge city made of marble and polished quartz it was simply beautifull, seeing me entranced with the sight, the headmuster chuckled and began to wald towards one of the biggest buildings in the city, I quickly concluded it was the school...But no! This was only the entrance, the school was in a subdimension and this building was the only exit and entrance that it had, hurrying me, the principal entered the building and placed himself atop a huge circle full of magical inscriptions and suddenly dissappeared not wanting to make him wait, i stood in the same spot as he did and instantly felt sick, the world was spinning and not being able to hold it more, I barfed and the principal was before me, feeling danger around him, the principal turned around only to see me livid and pale with a hand on my mouth and abruptly vomiting on him. You should have seen him turning from blue to green whithout forgetting blue, yellow and red! It was hilarious for me but seeing me so happy enraged the headmaster even more! Not wanting all of his reputation to be soiled he quickly cast one of the daily life spells {Clean}(A/N: spells will be { } )and quickly got rid of my vomit. His pride not allowing him to ask me about my state, he ordered me to follow which I did. After a few minutes of presenting the school, Sentinor Academy, it's history, who founded it and why and finnaly, we stopped, in an immense hall full of door, before a door with only 0807 written on it, enventually, the headmaster broke the silence and told me "This will be your dorm room for the future 10 years in this school, your roomate will come a bit later. Be nice with him he has a sad backstory...Saying this, the principal continued his way and got my luggage out of his dimentionnal ring and left me before my dorm room, feeling all the stares of the people around me I quickly entered my room and was met with a simple room with two sigle bed two tables and chairs and empty wardrobes (image in comments as usual) the only thought it gave me was simple. Wasting no time, I arranged my things inside my wardrobe, as I did this I noticed a strange uniform on my bed with my name on it was a green and white uniform with shades of red and the insignia of the school: a sword and a staff doing an X and a shield behind them, i proceeded than, after putting my uniform on, to clean my room and myself, the room was clean but I had to ask too many people for how to use the bathroom until they discovered it was broken. I was fuming with rage, I was running towards the principal's office and i was angry too many people laughed at me for not knowing how to use a shower only for my humiliation to be because of a plumbing problem and I was going to complain! Never in my two lives have I been so enraged and humiliated! Not even knocking on his door I bust into his office only to find him hugging a woman which would be the incarnation of the world milf: she had a hude bust and although I couldn't see her ass I knew it was a soft one. The principal as if reading my though yelled "GET OUT!" not wanting to face an angry headmaster i promptly ran away to my dorm only to find a man telling me the shower has been repaired, not wanting to suffer once again during this day, I quickly entered the bathroom, undressed and got in the bath... "uuh" waking up, I discovered I had fallen asleep in the bath from all the exhaustion. I swiftly got out of the bath and thinking my roomate wouldn't be here, I exited the bath naked. The only thing was, I was wrong...

A/N: Thanks for the 1k views and if you have any ideas on how to make this novel better please put it in the comments

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