
The Mistress.(check it out on Mobo reader)

WARNING: THE BOOK CONTAINS MATURED CONTENTS TO THE FULLEST!!! he was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother died and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father decline to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life. He was angry that even with a her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love. He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil. Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim. But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

Sarah_Daniel_7646 · แอคชั่น
14 Chs

Frustrate Their Life

Mr Orlando POV

I went home after the drama Maryjane and Elena acted at the party.

I was burning in rage, I still can't believe that woman humiliated my daughter in public.

MJ was frowning and cursing all through the ride. She ignored me when I called, so I had to call her loudly.

"Yes dad" she replied, pacing back and forth.

"Yes what is it?" I know she had something to say but was holding back.

"Dad how can you let that little tramp humiliate me in public? me Dad" she spoke throwing her hands in different directions.

I only sighed.. I mean what else can I do? That little tramp happened to be that indifferent Leonardo kain's date. The same man she's fantasizing and proudly telling me about. He didn't even notice her.

I sat down with sighed as she stormed her way to her room.

I glanced at the picture on the wall of the living room. The living room was too wide and big for a family of two.

I was also pissed off I Orlando couldn't do anything when my daughter was humiliated in front of me... Well I did do something, I just can't get use to the fact my daughter was lusting after Leonardo kain, like why that arrogant and Ruthless CEO? Why not someone else?. Yes he was obviously a right match for her. Though that woman he came with looked perfect with him.

Gosh! I don't even know the woman's name. I can't let her think she could get away after insulting the Orlando's, but how can I do that when she cling onto Leonardo like he is her messiah.

I need a drink before my head explode.

I was about to get the drink before I felt an unpleasant gaze behind, I turned and saw my Maryjane staring at me giving me that look that says, Dad your health you shouldn't be drinking any alcohol. I smiled at her opening my arms for her to come in.

"How are you feeling now? Are still angry about that woman? Because you know I will do anything to make you happy if you want I can make her disappear from the surface of the earth my darling."

"Dad I really love Leonardo I really do."

"I know my love, don't worry okay daddy will make sure Leonardo return your love back I promise." I said patting her head gently.

"Okay daddy I know and i trust you."

She said smiling and hugging me tightly.

"And one more thing what is the name of that woman?"

Maryjane raise her head up to look at me with a frown on her face.

"What do you need that thing name for daddy?"

"Hahaha Maryjane just answer me I just want to know her name." I said with wide smile.

"Uhmmm I think she's called Elena or whatever, who cares."

"Hmmm Elena not bad." I said still smiling at her.

"Dad I want to go back to my room now, make sure you don't take that alcohol after I leave here to my room Dad." She pouted her lips.

"I promise okay."

She smiled and walk away. I went to my study pick up my telephone to call one of my boys to get every information concerning that woman. Nobody insults my daughter and get away with it, I will make sure she begs for death, I will make her death is slow and painful. Thought giving a devilish smirk to it.

After calling my boys to get information for me I went straight to my room to rest from the tiring day, when I got a message on my phone about my client is cancelling our business partnership because of the Drama at the party. After reading the message I thrust my phone across the wall with anger.

This is all that brat's fault, if he had not bring that little thing to the party as his date none of this would have happened. I will make sure to frustrate their life, I said tightening my grip.

The next morning I got ready to leave to Mexico where I handle my drugs business. I needed to get some things straight over there, before I get on with my plans on Leonardo.

"Hi darling." I said to MJ who came downstairs with sleepy eyes and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Dad am fine where are you dress to? Don't tell me you are leaving to Mexico? Dad you promise to stay, why you going back there?" She asked with a sad face.

"Daddy is not leaving you, I just want to handle something over there then I will be back I promise okay."

"Don't forget your promise. Hmmm I will be alone again. Daddy I will miss you."

"I know my princess don't worry I will be back before you know it."

"Alright then eat your food so you won't miss your flight."

After eating I hugged MJ and said goodbye. I look at my broken phone, I will be back, to get back at you Leonardo. Be prepared you won't break my daughter's heart and destroy my business.