
The beginning

It was a very cool and calm saturday in India. All were busy. Dr. Robert Carlos was busy on his computer working hard for the upcoming Mercury Mission. His dark blue eyes were glued on to the computer screen with his long white hair straight and tied behind. He was a man of very fair complexion, with a height of about 6 feet. He was very skinny but a genius. For this particular mission of ISRO, he was working on cancelling the effect of sun's radiation on the MERCURY Rover. A tough task it was, but Dr. Carlos was tougher.

Far away on a computer, in an all proof cabin, sat the chief of ISRO, Dr. L.K. Sivan. He was working on calculating the conditions present on Mercury. Suddenly he smelt some smoke and of went his computer...

He was taken aback. How could this happen!!

It was impossible. He had a super machine with exceptional amount of exception handling. He stood up to see something amazing!!! There was a tiny hole in his room with a dark blue colour light coming in through the hole, piercing the computer and going out of the Laboratory!!! And amazingly no sun light entered through that hole!!!

The next moment, with his dark black eyes he looked straight at Dr. Carlos who smiled with a nasty look! He had made it!!! The laser which could destroy sunlight and all of it's radiations!!!

He walked straight towards him as fast as his short legs could carry him. It was an important achievement!!!