
In Love

Chapter 21

"I love you, Mui."

Muriel felt that she wanted to kiss Luca. She then held Luca's face and closed her eyes. Luca also thought that she would like a kiss in the lips but suddenly Emy knock the door.

"Brother Luca! It's breakfast time!"

Muriel and Luca immediately push each other away.

"Yes Emy! I'll be there. I'll just take a bath."

"Okay brother! I'll call Father and Sister Muriel in their room too. So, you better hurry up."

Luca immediately look at Muriel. Muriel then immediately stood up and went on Luca's balcony to jump.

"What are you doing Mui? It's dangerous!"

"No! I'll be fine!"

Muriel immediately jump from Luca's balcony to her room's balcony.

"See! I told you, Luca."

Luca smiled and look at her lovingly.

"See you later, Mui."

"Y...Yeah! See you later, Luca"

Muriel immediately wave her hand and got inside her room. She then took a bath inside her room.

"I love you, Mui" "I love you, Mui" "I love you, Mui"