
The masked billionaire

His wife left him with his unborn child and marries a renowned conglomerate. His wish is to reunite with her and get a chance to see his child. However, it turns out to be a mere fantasy. After years of toiling and hard works, he gave up on life and intended to commit suicide. However, someone brought an offer that changed his life! Just in one bloody night. An offer that puts his life on line! An offer that makes the whole country search after him. That night, if he had the chance to reverse his wish, he would have...

cartdova · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 1

The last memory he had of her was the rainy night she walked out on him with their son.

It was a dark and cruel night when he had to watch the reason why he kept striving to live.

Time had stopped and cold stick to his skin, quacking and speechless. It felt like nature was against him that day.

He couldn't do anything but watch her walk away.

His heart raced at every step she took farther away from him. Her arms held the baby in a basket, he was just an infant.

It had been 8 years apart, yet that memory keeps lurking in his head. The fact that his child would have no idea of who he was.

He was sitting motionlessly and his eyes were vacant. His entire body were covered in bruises.

His eyes gazed at the interview section broadcasted before him. Tears had brewed in his eyes. Here he was in a restaurant with a group of peers.

The lights were faint and only them occupied this restaurant. Spacious and having some local setting in it.

Outside the restaurant, they had placed a closed tag to indicate that the restaurant was out of business.

They sat at a round table with a large map in their middle. Their probing eyes peering into the drawing.

The rest men wore dark hoodie and pant. He was the youngest among them. These men looked so serious that they erase every form of distraction.

Their leader Rodger bisected every entrance on the map with a red ink. This young depressed man sat adjacent them.

Rodger had made sure to establish the goals of the different members for joining. Their pedigree. "Poverty"

Ethan was the odd one among them, terrified and startled about their plans. The only thing that kept him away was the TV.

They were six men who were fed up about life and it's hardship, the only way to survive was through robbing.

He had accidentally found himself among them tonight because he wanted to commit suicide but Tyler, saved him and told him there was a way out of this misery.

His outfit was different from them, he was wearing torn blue shirt, a black pant. Cold and innocent, his hair ruffled and his body covered in mud.

Tyler had served him food and showed him to the bathroom around this place to change.

Their whispers and suggestions made him cringe as he wasn't going to be interested in their idea.

They intended to employ arms in their dealings. It had been a week since they had been planning for such an event.

These men had intension of robbing an empire of it's wealth because a huge event was coming up tonight.

Whatever they said wasn't to his interest as his thoughts were cast to the show on display in the TV.

He could see her smiling and waving her hands like a queen. Her lips utter some words about buisness.

Her toned skin glowed with pride. She was beautiful. He had abandoned his crew just to watch her.

This woman sat elegantly as she was questioned on life of married women. She wore a white blouse that fit her perfectly, though not too tight, a blue skirt.

Her blonde hair dangles around her shoulders and her echoing chuckles made his heart bleed.

She deserves more and she actualized her dream as the wife of a renowned conglomerate.

This young man sniffs and let out a wry smile. At least, she was happy. However, the person his heart longed for was his son.

He was holding a book and pen which he used to sketch this woman. That was his talent, a perfect artist.

"So Ethan, you would be a representative" the leader of this gang declared drawing Ethan's attention on them.

Rodger narrated what Ethan role entails.

He was baffled for a moment as it never crossed his mind that he would be a part of their heist.

"But I'm new to the team" he panicked with a frown as he shifted his gaze at Tyler who was rubbing the back of his neck.

Tyler kept gesturing to him to adhere to the words of Rodger if he wants to survive.

He sat upright, looking nervous as these grumpy men diverts their stare on him. They looked like hungry wolves ready to devour him.

"That's why you would be the watchdog!" The leader barks getting infuriated that Ethan had been opposing every suggestions proposed by the team.

Rodger had stood up and paced closer to Ethan who ducked his head and tighten his grip on his pen.

"Hey relax Rodger, he hadn't indulge in such before" Tyler defended trying to keep Rodger down.

Rodger hollered and stepped back a bit as he tried to keep calm. Ethan had been getting on his nerves, since the few hours he was with them.

Hastily, Tyler brought a big bag from under the table and opened it in front of Ethan who freaked out.

It was a bag filled with weapons and devices to aid their operation. Ethan gasped as the paper in his hand fell off.

Rodger was irritated by Ethan's reaction but Tyler signals to him to overlook his behavior.

"Damn it!" Rodger muses and tossed a gun at Ethan who flinches. 

The rest men stood up and began to pick their weapons from the bag. They took the ones that suit their taste.

There was anger, detest and a rush of excitement on their face. These men didn't mind Ethan because they knew their leader would handle him.

"Shoot anything that's a distraction" Rodger furthered as he narrowed his gaze at the woman in the TV.

Ethan dumped the gun on the table, inhale softly and stood up. He couldn't find himself involved in such a heist.

"Exclude me out of this..."

He hadn't finish his statement when the rest men including Rodger pointed their guns at him.

As though they were waiting for his rejection or a way to wipe him out of the team.

If he wasn't part of the plan, then it was best he died because he could snitch on them. Cold run down his spine as his legs shook. Thankfully, Tyler came to save him from these raging men.

The men lowered their guns and returned back to what they were doing. Including Rodger.

Tyler had to pull the perturbed man aside to talk some senses into him. The other men were chatting and bringing out mask from the bag.

"Shh, Ethan, don't you want to gain custody for your child? If we succeed, we would become billionaires and prove to everyone who looked down on you"

"But we can't hurt anyone"

"Yes, we won't, it's just to terrify them" Tyler whispers as he faked a smile at Rodger who was gawking at them.

He took the gun from the table Ethan dumped it on. Quickly, he placed it on Ethan's right hand and stared into his eyes.

"For family Ethan, let's do this" he concluded while stomping closer to the other men who were dressing up for the big event.

Ethan scoffed unbelievably as he contemplates over the big scene that would befall him. 

Tyler might be right, he needed to take his son back and if possible, his beloved wife. It was just for a moment.

He had to bury his heart and agree to their wishes. A night wouldn't hurt. Perhaps, he would see her again.

The woman who stole his heart and shattered it. She took his world away that night.

There were a lot of questions he desired to ask her. Somehow, she became his nightmare.



Thrilling music filled the air as the voices of guest could not be phantom. It felt like a carnival held in an empire.

The event spoke of wealth, pride, narcissism and passion.

An event marked to celebrate all the conglomerate and auction some artifact.

In the midst of this celebration a boy could be seen standing at the garden.

It was a huge garden and a place he could find comfort.

His eyes gaze at the lavender flowers, the roses and Lilies that were groomed together. They were a family despite their species.

The swirling wind brush pass his face, it made his heart fluster. He inhaled softly and let out a sad smile.

He was wearing a dark suit that fits his slender body, a peach bowtie that sat around his collar.

His hair groom perfectly to suit his handsome face. He bore worries on that tender face. He looked like one who was trying to escape from reality.

His eyes gaze at the sky, it was a starry night and the loved the scenery above him. A thought cross his mind.

It turned him pale and shun every noise around him. He suddenly shuddered as he felt a warm palm on his left shoulder. 

Someone's lips leaning on his right ear. A whisper that made him fidgety. A presence that made him quiver.

"Stay a good boy as you always are" a husky voice whispered and grin lightly. 

It was a man standing behind him. A man who was his nightmare.

He dare not look back as he was stiff to where he stood. The privacy he desired was shattered. 

"Yes father" he replied and this man tightened his grip on the boy's shoulder. He moved to the juvenile's front and gave a wry smile.

The boy's head was lowered. Terrified to meet the frightening gaze of his father.

"Now give me that perfect smile boy"

He faked one. Swallowing hard not to tear up or show his fear, this boy looked up with an expression of contempt.