
The Mark Book 1

What happens when the player becomes the played? Damian is a well-known player until he meets Haley Cunningham. Haley captures his eye; however, unlike the rest of his conquests, she doesn’t seem to be the least bit interested. It throws him off. However, it also makes it more exciting. Haley becomes his mark. He’s willing to do anything and everything to spend one night with her, even if that means putting aside his playboy ways. After a recent acquisition, Stone Enterprises is set for the expansion of the century. The only thing delaying the expansion is Damian Stone, the younger brother of owner Zane Stone. Zane spends most of his time in Europe to begin work on the new company. The only problem is that Damian’s playboy ways are standing in the way of taking over Zane’s role. Stone Enterprises is a prestigious tech firm with a strong reputation. This means that Damian must choose between a quick lay and a first-time relationship to keep its reputation. Will he succeed? Or will the company risk being placed in the hands of its enemies? Damian is hell-bent on keeping up his bachelor lifestyle until Zane presents him with the offer of a lifetime. Zane will gift his younger brother the company if he can succeed in dating one girl. Sounds easy? Perhaps not. Zane knows his brother too well and decides to make a few rules that Damian must agree to in order for him to take ownership. Damian must stay in a relationship with the girl for at least seven months. Damian can not see any other girl. That even includes the “quick lay” that Damian has grown accustomed to. Not only that, but Zane also gets to pick the girl as well. Will Damian succeed? Or is he doomed to fail?

JD Faber · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

41. Marital Bliss

After our conversation, I felt more comfortable sleeping away from Damian. I couldn't say I was mad at him, as this was my own fault. I was the one to bring up the conversation. But in truth, it was a conversation that needed to be had. We had just been intimate with one another and taken our relationship to another level. I mainly just wanted to make my intentions clear. If anything, I had thought that he would've asked me to move in with him permanently. I just didn't want our relationship to be defined by my assault. I wanted us to get to each pillar for our own reasons. Not because we felt a duty to do so.