
The Making Of A Man

In a world where evil thrives and crimes are largely perpetrated and accepted, Pisces sees himself caught up between a choice that is conflicted with his principle and ideology, but because of his strong belief in God, principles, and philosophy about life, he tries to be good and live an honourable life, but he soon realised that the world does not reward good neither does it reward righteousness. This is the conundrum of Pisces, an ambitious and proficient man whose dreams keep slipping away the closer he thinks he's getting. And when nothing seems to be working out for him, his whole world falls apart as he loses hope and starts questioning his moral values, purpose, and existence. He then thought to himself, would he eventually choose the evil he has long been running away from, or keep chasing the good that has always been running away from him? He knew once he chose evil, there was no going back. Because he's going to be unimaginably evil as he would have been unbelievably good.

Adalusan · สมจริง
8 Chs

Chapter 5

Pisces was happy to see the couple smitten with affection, he sat and smiled heartily, raised his cup, and rendered a long-winded didactic apologue.

"I learned something illuminating and inspiring recently about some monogamous animals that mate for life. These wonderful creations are the embodiment of true and perfect love. But I'm only going to speak about three of them. The first one is the popular Lovebirds as they are generally dubbed. The Lovebirds are one of the smallest members of the Parrot family. And the love in their name isn't by fortuity, but because of their loving and affectionate nature and ability to remain faithful and dependable to one another.

Everyone pays attention to Pisces, Lore locks fingers with her man and listens attentively.

Pisces continues, these beautiful and polychromatic birds bond for a lifetime and

spend their days adhesively together. When chosen as a pet, it is even advisable to keep them in duos and tandems as loneliness and depression may kill them if they are kept without a partner.

The second bird that mates for life is the Barn Owl.

They are intrinsically monogamous and forbid the idea of associating and socializing with other nesting birds.

The homology of their nature makes them very beautiful and interesting birds whose union thrives on the concept of parity and equality. The male hunt for food while the female secures the nest and nurture their

babies. And if the male is injured, the female will take over the responsibility of the male until he recuperates.

How beautiful and romantic. Tosin said.

Are you an ornithologist Sir?

Faramade asks in a polite and repose manner.

No, I'm not an ornithologist, nor a zoologist. As a matter of fact, I'm not an expert on anything, I just tend to read wide and study a lot. Pisces replied her.

Pisces continue. The third bird on the list is the North American Swans who are also a life companion bird that mates for life while raising their beautiful Cygnets together. The Trumpeter Swans exemplify love and romance and are reputable for often engaging in a public courting tradition where they crescent and interlace their necks together to form a heart shape. If any loses mates, he or she spends an extended period of time grieving before taking a new mate while some choose to live in solitary. Pisces raised his glass and ended his speech with a heartfelt wish and prayer. "To Lore and Kyrios, I wish you both everlasting love and a fecund marriage like the beautiful Lovebirds. And abounding harmony and unblemished fellowship like the equitable Barn Owls. May you two enjoy a fulfilling and productive life like the amorous and lovesome Trumpeter Swans, who renew their vows with perpetual solemnized embrace with unflagging resolve.

Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs. Kyrios, and happy birthday Lore. May your days be productive on Earth like the bristlemouth in the Pacific Ocean.

Everyone sighed deeply to properly assimilate what Pisces had just said which was summarily followed with concerted plaudits and invigorating cheers.

Lore and Kyrios both thanked Pisces and expressed their gratitude for his words of wisdom, well wishes and prayers.

Tosin and Faramade booked an Uber and left shortly after Pisces educating and insightful speech. The occasion continues with thrilling jollification and rousing mirthfulness.

Opuene and Lara was having a good time and doesn't want to leave just yet, but Prissy is ready to leave because of her kids. She's a divorced single mother of two boys and doesn't like to stay late outside because of them. Even though she hired a nanny who took care of the house and looked after the boys whenever she went out, she always endeavoured to make it home pronto before their bedtime. And since Prissy is mobile, Opuene and Lara don't want to risk not leaving with her because of the stress and unpredictable security challenges they may face when heading back home late at night.

They may make it home safely, but it may be at the expense of their smartphones, money, jewellery and Brazilian hair when dispossessed by the new owners in persons of distinguished robbers and unemotional street muggers.

Pisces convinces Bolu to stay for a while because he's enjoying her company and doesn't want her to leave just yet. Bolu is also enjoying herself, she can't remember the last time she's had the opportunity to spend time outdoor with people. It's always work, home, gym and church. If not for anything, she can now finally tell people I have a splendid and exhilarating weekend when she's asked. Especially her colleague at work who always asks her if she enjoyed her weekend, and want to know how she spent it. She's optimistic she won't have to tell her that she was at home watching movies, sleeping and didn't go out. She's also happy to be with Pisces, they have a good rapport like a prospective couple. The only thing they aren't doing is kissing themselves. Which I'm sure they would if given privacy with their affectionate touches, seductive constant glimpses and desirable gazes.

Kyrios, who is still perturbed by Pisces and Theodore's interrelated perspective and figurative reference about love and marriage, thought Pisces soul stirring monogamous story of life-mating birds was inspired by the

the illustrative firewood paintings. He remembered Pisces said that art sometimes has different meanings to different people that may be completely different from the apperceptive and sentient meaning intended by the artist, so he needed the opinion of others on the emblematic firewood painting.

Maybe Lore could talk about her fear because he had fears. He's promiscuous and unfaithful, and nothing like the birds Pisces characterized. But he needed the motive to justify his presumption action.

Could the symbolic firewood painting represent the monogamous idea of life mating animals? He asked Pisces.

The symbolic firewood painting could mean different thing to anyone, it's all about perception. Pisces replied him.

Theodore told Kyrios the emblematic firewood painting is his favorite, and what it symbolizes to him is fatality.

Pisces agree with Theodore, the theme is indeed tragic he said.

Lore believed it could also mean the intentional ruining of someone's life or the accidental contamination of the innocence of another person by an unfortunate individual.

That is right. I absolutely agree with this interpretation and point of view. Pisces said as everyone laughed and agreed with Lore.

White London interpreted the rain painting as the lusting and hyperventilating of a pathetic man after a self-absorbed girl with high hopes and big dreams.

So you would have left the guy for another man who has a car? Theodore asks White London.

Maybe, and maybe not. White London replied Theodore.

They could manage to be partly covered up with the umbrella, the guy chooses to remain in the rain so that the girl can be more comfortable and sheltered. That is a romantic gesture and a compassionate act. Lore said

Bolu looks at the veil painting and interprets it as two people who have chosen illusions and fallacies over reality.

Pisces reiterated his earlier interpretation of the veil painting as a pictorial representation of concordant and synchronic love. Those who are consciously and fundamentally bound by their heart and soul. Blind to hate and oblivious to criticism because they do not care about the opinions of others over their relationship and love life.

And that is the whole idea of true love, a mystery that cannot be understood. Theodore asserted

But they were blindfolded, how is that an idea of true love and a mystery that cannot be understood?

They were veiled and blindfolded. But it is just an act of self-expression that you call an illusion which may be. But the whole concept of love is constructed on abnormality and inexplicable phenomena, regardless if the Love is true or ingenuine. Pisces said

White London disputed and maintained that true love doesn't blindfold you. With true love, you can see clearly. She said.

Bolu agree, and supported White London's protestation. Obession and deceit blinds you, true love opens your eyes. You're seeing clearly, deeply and truly. Their imperfections are openly yours to caress and they still choose you. She said

Theodore replied Bolu and White London.

No, true love does the opposite, with true love, you can't see.

How do you know true love is true?

You do not define it, it is self-defined, true love can not be by rationality.

And that is why I always say, it is possible that one may never find true love, because they do not know what they are looking for, even when it's staring them in the eyes. Pisces quoted.

White London disagrees, she stands her ground. If true love blindfolds you, it's not true. Because genuine Love doesn't blindfold you. You see clearly.

Perceptions! Pisces said.

They were veiled and blindfolded, they may be able to see, partially or do not visibly see clearly at all. But does that mean they are blind and cannot see at all?

The implied meaning of the blindfold is a metaphor for imperfection.

The veil is not only a flaw, but also a visible expression and labyrinthine representation of their dynamic life, existence, and emotional reality. It is not only the chasing of an illusion and fallacy over reality. It is also the realistic state of conformity and congruity.

A moment of bliss and emotional puissance of high spiritism. Because an illusion to you is the reality to others, and the reality to you is an illusion to most people.

That is a perfect art with a complicated idea. If infatuated love is capable of blindfolding you, true love should be able to do the same, and if it does not, then it's not true love. True love isn't perfect, it has its blemishes and it's aware of it. The blindfold is their blemish. It doesn't mean they can't see, it means they have been influenced and prevented from seeing or choosing not to see for that moment. The moment of compromise, forgiveness, mistake, anger, disappointment, conflict and animosity.

Pisces looks at what White London is drinking and continues. Just like the red wine you are drinking which can be equated to love.

What does wine do, It intoxicates right?

And if it doesn't intoxicate, is it still a wine? And by that, I mean alchohol.

The capacity of it to intoxicate makes it an alcoholic beverage. What does the alcohol does to you? Influences you, your mood and action. That is a blemish, the period of being blindfolded by acting irrationally and aggressively under the influence of alcohol.

The intoxication is the tendency to be blindfolded, figuratively. And the inability of the wine to intoxicate you doesn't make it less of an alcohol. Pisces said

Even though Bolu and White London's perception of the veil as the chasing of illusions and fallacies over reality may be valid, Pisces agreed with Theodore's postulation on the idea of true love as a mystery that cannot be understood which has the ability to influence positively and negatively.

He asked White London and Bolu if true love is perfect or imperfect?

They both refused to give a definite answer. White London evaded the question with her sophistry and casuistry. Bolu laughed and couldn't give a straight answer while leering bewitchingly at Pisces.

Kyrios and Lore couldn't help but laugh, they know Pisces, is going to be a forlorn of hope for anyone to win him in an argument, and he enjoys controversy a lot.

Lore would often tell Kyrios that one needs to be careful with Pisces because he can logically and outrightly manipulate the truth that you would side with the Devil against God. But this expertise and masterliness are what Pisces sees as the encumbrance and disadvantages of his intelligence. The gift and curse and why he would often enunciate that logic is the flaw of philosophy.

Pisces knew White London and Bolu was smart enough to evade the question. He knew White London couldn't admit true love is perfect, because that would contradict with her assertion of consciousness about true love. Because with consciousness, you notice the flaw of being blindfolded and won't be able to find perfection.

He knew Bolu couldn't say imperfect because that would also translate to the unconsciousness of true love, in which perfection is found, mistakes are overlooked, and transgressions are forgiven which is the flawed act of blindfold she disagrees with.

Kyrios was happy the girls were talking, he's satisfied with Lore response to the rain painting. Both women and men can be a fool for love he thought. It is the responsibility of both man and woman to make selfless sacrifices in other to achieve a successful marriage or relationship. (He thought)

Theodore was pleased with Pisce's logical thought process and capability to think critically. He has already taken an interest in him. Does the world want good, if it does, why hasn't it rejected evil? He asked

The world wants good and everything about the world represents good, it is human who chooses to be evil. Bolu said

If everything about the world is good, how then do you explain natural disasters? White London ask

Isn't that as a result of man's disobedience to God almighty? Bolu replied her

So good and evil are indispensable and necessary? Asked Lore

I agree, good and evil serves the same purpose for man; survival and existentialism. But like true love, good is imperfect, and evil is perfect. And yes, they may be indispensable but aren't necessary, evil can be avoided. Pisces said

White London reflected deeply on Pisces submission and thought of how to use his logic against him. Can you simply explain what you meant by good is imperfect and evil is perfect? She asked Pisces.

The imperfection of good is like the consciousness of true and genuine love, it is realistic and pragmatic, you are in control and mindful. The perfection of evil is the unconsciousness of apocryphal and quixotic love. It is unrealistic and suppositional. You are not in possession, you are being possessed and mindless. Pisces said

What do you mean by the perfection of evil? How can evil be perfect? White London asks again

The perfection of evil is why we are inclined towards it when good isn't favourable to us.

The pursuit of a perfect life is why a man kills his fellow man to dispossess him of his money in order to enrich himself and live comfortably. But with the imperfection of good, in order for you to be rich and comfortable, you suffer and work hard to become successful and live comfortably, and chances are you may never even succeed, and continue to experience setbacks and emotional pain for the rest of your life.

Is God imperfect or perfect? White London asked. But Bolu didn't waste time responding saying "I will not talk about God, It's blasphemy to attempt to judge the essence of God." But Pisces replied to White London and told her that God is imperfect.

Pisces knew if he had said God was perfect, White London would have countered him by blaming God for all the problems in the world.

But God is imperfect, his imperfection is his mercy, forgiveness, love and enigma.

But that imperfection is divine, faultless and absolute because God is greater than us by the virtue of righteousness.

It is us who choose to be perfect, and find fault with the rule of God. And then our desire for freedom and ultimate will to be self-reliant led to the social and psychological domination of our consciousness that we can't seem to emancipate ourselves from.

How does that justify the evil in the world? Bolu ask Pisces.

The world doesn't want only good, evil is necessary. Why shouldn't you be evil even when the world hasn't been good to you?

The world doesn't want good, neither does it need evil to be gotten rid off. They need to be balanced and be of equal proportion. Kyrios said.

Consciousness! Humanity lost it with God. Every human is exposed to the thought of good and evil, but it is the rationality of our thoughts, religious belief and social doctrines that keeps us in check. If there was no government on Earth, there would have never been a will to be an actor to politics or be a victim to it. Man has too much will, freedom and awareness. And that is what will ruin a man. His intelligence, irrationality and indiscretion. The good he's not doing, not the evil he's doing. The good he's not embracing and not the evil he's condemning. It is not impossible that the naturalistic characteristics of humans can't exclusively conform to an ethical and immaculate standard.

I can be a criminal, evil and bad, but I choose to be good, upright and dignified.

I can be a friend of the Illuminati and old-money, and not be influenced by them.

I can serve the people, before I serve myself, protect their lives and put mine on the line. It is possible. Pisces proclaimed

So what differentiates right from wrong? Asked White London

Conscience, it is the intrinsic psychological ability to discern wrong from right. Lore said

And conscience can be rationalized through what? Theodore asked calmly

Ethics and morality, Bolu answered. Kyrios immediately let out that right and wrong means different thing to different people because they are subjective.

Lore told Kyrios that subjectivity is prejudicious. Pisces gusted out a large puff of reefer's vapours and said, "What differentiates right and wrong is justice and injustice, but even when justice is right, it may be wrong to others, and so can injustice be wrong, but right to others. Some subjective opinions may be validated through an objective perspective because of it's factuality and infallibility. Either through our superego, religious tenets, social dogmas, and logic. So I agree with Kyrios because the fact that something is wrong doesn't mean it cannot be right, and the fact that something is right doesn't mean it cannot be wrong."

Pisces asked Theodore if out of provocation, someone said something offensive to him, and he gave him an equivalence reply of what he said…for instance, "someone called me irresponsible and a badly raised child, but I wasn't actually irresponsible or raised badly, but because that is an offensive thing to say to someone, I then called him a bastard and an unfortunate orphan and son of a whore, and truly, this person is actually a bastard and an orphan, will I not be gravely condemned for saying the extreme? He may even never be reproached for what he said to me.

Was he not wrong to have insulted me for not been rightly raised by my parent?

And has he not indirectly insulted my parent in so doing? And even if truly I was irresponsible and badly raised by my parent, wasn't that a careless, thoughtless, nauseating, obnoxious, unpleasant, distasteful and reprehensible thing for him to say to me, same as what I said?

Why should mine be strongly condemned and his condemned less, when in truth, both are wrong and right at the same time.

The weight of right and wrong cannot be judge from the general perspective of the society that some wrong are acceptable, while some are condemnable, you are not in my position, you do not experience and understand how I feel, how painful and hurtful those words are to me, that is dismissive and condescending, it is evil and uncivilized. Nothing but an emotional manipulation and unconscientious gaslighting. Nobody can determine or define what is offensive or not, it is subjective, an impressionistic meaning deduced from an unbridled and virulent emotional state.

The truth is as offensive as falsehood, so right and wrong can't be separated, they are interwoven, you can only control things you say, not the reaction you get, you can only tell yourself how to react to things, not how the other person reacts to it.

To you, justice is seeing the killer of your father going to prison to serve a jail term, or life sentence. To me, justice is seeing him getting killed for killing my father.

Justice to people is seeing a rapist getting imprisoned, but to the victim, it might be for him to get castrated.

You can not judge right and wrong from the political and social decrees of an establishment that does not abide by its laws and whose intent and agenda is to control and dominate. Neither from the hypocritical religious facet of the society that is founded on the precepts of ethics and morality. Those are the mechanisms of oppression, suppression and injustice that empower socio-political preponderant.

I alone determine what is right and wrong, not you. And this is the problem of humans vs. the society they created. Everybody commits and errs every day, It doesn't matter the weight of their offence and misconduct, there is no lesser wrong, and there's no greater good.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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