
Wilted Plant

Suyin's breath came in ragged gasps as she navigated the treacherous terrain, her footfalls quick and purposeful despite the slippery mud threatening to send her tumbling with every step. Puddles formed in her wake, the rain-soaked earth unable to absorb the deluge fast enough to prevent the accumulation of standing water.

With each stride, Suyin felt the weight of the rain pressing down upon her, her clothes clinging to her skin as she fought to maintain her balance. The umbrella she clutched in her left hand provided scant shelter from the relentless downpour, its feeble protection offering little respite from the elements.

Her right shoulder bore the brunt of the rain's assault, exposed to the full force of the storm as she raced onwards, her determination undiminished despite the discomfort. In her other hand, she clutched the precious cargo of medical herbs, the weight of their importance driving her onwards with renewed urgency.

Though her clothes dampened and her muscles ached with exertion, Suyin pressed on, her eyes fixed on the distant silhouette of the house looming ahead.


As Suyin stirred the pot of steaming water infused with the healing properties of the medical herbs, the fragrant aroma wafted through the air, a soothing balm amidst the lingering tension that permeated the room.

With practiced precision, she combined the various ingredients, her movements deft and sure as she worked to prepare the medicinal brew.

Turning around, she cast a glance towards the siblings, her heart swelling with a mixture of compassion and determination. Zhelan sat beside his injured sister, his expression a mix of concern and unwavering support as he tended to her needs with gentle care.

"Zheng An," Zhelan's voice softened, his tone imbued with a quiet reassurance as he addressed his sister.

Zheng An's response was immediate, her attention shifting to her younger brother with a look of gratitude etched upon her features.

"Didi," Zheng An's voice carried a hint of warmth as she acknowledged Zhelan's presence, her gaze softening with affection as she spoke.

"Sorry I got injured. I stumbled upon the wrong people..." Her words trailed off, a sense of regret coloring her tone as she recounted the events that led to her current predicament.

In the midst of their conversation, Zheng An's gaze alighted upon Suyin, who stood nearby with the bowl of medicinal tea cradled in her hands.

Gratitude shimmered in Zheng An's eyes as she accepted the offered remedy, her appreciation evident in the heartfelt gratitude she expressed.

"Thank you, Miss Suyin," Zheng An's words were sincere, a testament to the trust and respect she held for the young woman who had become an unexpected ally in their time of need.

Suyin offered a small, understanding smile in return, her own gratitude mirrored in the warmth of her expression.

For Suyin, the acceptance and trust of the siblings was a gift beyond measure, a reminder of the profound impact she could have when she chose to lend her skills and knowledge to those in need.


[Qin Fuhua]

As the rain clouds finally dispersed and the sun emerged victorious from behind its veil, a palpable sense of anticipation descended upon the Palace of Qin.

Servants and maids scurried about in a frenzied flurry of activity, their movements imbued with a sense of urgency as rumors of the Prince of Qin's imminent return spread like wildfire through the halls.

"The Prince of Qin has finally arrived back home!" The proclamation echoed through the corridors, reverberating off the walls with an air of significance that commanded attention.

The Palace of Qin stood as a testament to power and opulence, its grandeur unmatched by any other in the realm.

With its towering pillars of solid stone, adorned with intricate designs in gold, red, and blue, and its hallways lined with statues, pottery, and exquisite paintings, it exuded an aura of majesty that left visitors awestruck in its wake.

As Qin Fuhua made his triumphant return to the palace grounds, his entourage in tow, the servants hastened to prepare for his arrival, eager to fulfill their duties with unwavering diligence.

Areum and Wu Fei, though initially puzzled by the notion of "organizing" the Prince's courtyard, wasted no time in lending their aid, their loyalty to their master unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

Walking down the long pathway flanked by meticulously arranged adornments, they marveled at the splendor that surrounded them, their footsteps echoing against the polished stone beneath their feet.

Maids worked diligently to adorn the hallway with fresh flowers, their movements precise and graceful as they paid homage to their liege with every petal placed.

"The Prince has arrived to greet the Emperor and Empress!" The eunuch's proclamation rang out with pride, its significance punctuated by the hushed reverence that fell over the assembled crowd.

Yet, despite the grandeur of the occasion, there was a notable absence of response from the thrones of the Emperor and Empress, their silence a portentous omen that hung heavy in the air.

Qin Fuhua's demeanor betrayed no hint of surprise as he observed the familiar scene unfolding before him. Though he had long since grown accustomed to the predictability of his parents' absence, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at their continued indifference to his presence.

As he stood before the vacant thrones of the Emperor and Empress, a mixture of emotions churned within him—nostalgia for the days when he had once called the palace home, and a sense of resignation to the reality of his parents' self-serving nature.

Their lust for power and their unyielding ambition blinded them to the true needs and desires of the people they ruled over, their actions driven by a relentless pursuit of superficial satisfaction and unwavering greed.

With a practiced grace, Qin Fuhua offered a perfunctory bow in deference to the empty thrones, a gesture of respect that belied the growing distance between himself and his estranged parents.

Yet, even as he paid homage to tradition, his thoughts were already elsewhere, his mind preoccupied with the pressing matters that awaited his attention beyond the gilded confines of the throne room.

With a final glance back at the ornate chamber, Qin Fuhua turned on his heel and made his exit, his steps purposeful as he retraced his path back to the Orange Blossom Courtyard.



In the courtyard of Qin Fuhua, the Prince's area was named the Orange blossom courtyard, appointed by his grandmother, who adored Qin Fuhua like her own child.

Qin Fuhua was born in mid-spring when the orange blossom trees began to flourish in the Palace at that time of the year.

As the raindrops relinquished their hold on the earth, a quiet stillness enveloped the courtyard, punctuated only by the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional trill of a bird.

Above, the sky wore a veil of lingering gray clouds, hinting at the recent downpour.

In one corner of the courtyard, orange trees stood sentinel beside a small, placid pond, their delicate blossoms releasing a subtle, sweet fragrance into the air.

The pond, a shimmering mirror of tranquility, reflected the sky above and the lush greenery that surrounded it. At its center, a pavilion stood gracefully, its elegant lines a testament to the artistry of its construction.

Amidst the stillness, life thrived.

Lily pads danced upon the surface of the pond, their emerald leaves gently swaying in harmony with the breeze. With each gentle caress of the wind, they floated gracefully, their movements reminiscent of a delicate ballet.

Occasionally, they would bump into one another, creating ripples that echoed outward, only to dissipate into the calm waters once more.

In this corner of the world, where the fragrance of orange blossoms mingled with the earthy scent of rain-soaked soil, time seemed to stand still.

Qin Fuhua strode with purpose through the courtyard, his footsteps echoing softly against the pathway of weathered stones worn smooth by the passage of time.

The Prince of Qin didn't reveal any emotions after his greeting with his parents. He had gotten used to their attitude, ever since he was dethroned as the Crown Prince.

Although, it didn't matter to him at all.

His mind had wandered off for a moment, only to wake up to reality when he halted in front of a small, lifeless tree next to the corridor of his bedroom chamber.

The tree stood diminutive and forlorn, its once-lush foliage reduced to dried, golden-yellow remnants clinging desperately to brittle branches.

The roots, once vibrant and alive, now lay ensnared in a web of parched soil, their thirst unquenched by the meager offerings of water.

Weeds encroached upon the base of the tree, their invasive tendrils snaking their way around the withered trunk, a stark contrast to the vibrant blooms that thrived elsewhere in the courtyard.

Qin Fuhua stared at the dead plant, as Weizhe calmly walked by his side to put an umbrella beneath him, in case it rained again.

"There's no possibility in that type of flower ever developing here. I have investigated at the Long Palace and it seems like there was no such thing as a magnolia tree cultivating." Weizhe responded to the Prince, gazing at the dead plant. "We have endeavored to produce all various types, to what we can find, even from foreign trade but none had ever prospered."

What was the answer to his Master's saying? (Referred to chapter 12.)


[Qin Fuhua's past]

Qin Fuhua had been declared the Crown Prince ever since he was born. During this time, the current emperor Zhixin (who is his father) had just become the emperor just a couple of months ago.

The late King treasured his grandson (Qin Fuhua) before his death from an illness, giving Qin Fuhua the jade of the Dragon, blessed by himself and the Gods before he had passed, vowing that he would protect the Prince at all cost.

During this time, Qin Fuhua was pampered and loved by his parents. Both of his parents had valued and cared for him, giving the world to him. Then, a sudden change of wind had transpired ever since the announcement of the death of the young Prince.

Qin Fuhua was only seven at that age. It was his little brother, one of the concubine's children, who passed after the carriage slipped at the edge of the cliff. And then, everything fell from there.

The Emperor began to have a new favorite: one of the concubines in his harem. The concubine was a beauty and the Emperor could not help but fall for her beauty and her elegance.

Following the death of one of his younger sons and a new favorite instead of Qin Fuhua's mother, the King acknowledged that Qin Fuhua was too gentle and forgiving, reprimanding himself at a certain point for his incapability to raise him to be the King in the future.

The King declared the child of the concubine to take Qin Fuhua's place as the Crown Prince. The Emperor arranged to title Qin Fuhua, "the Prince of Qin." This was to protect Qin Fuhua from such humiliation and this title permitted him to remain in the Palace and have his courtyard.

The people in the Palace quickly isolated Qin Fuhua, not wanting to interact with him, and called him "bad luck" by his other siblings. His father never cared for him ever since he laid eyes on his new concubine and new son and Qin Fuhua became the dark shadow in the corner of the room. His heart and personality quickly became as cold as ice. The young, soft Qin Fuhua evolved as a person of a shadow.

Qin Fuhua, at the age of eight, was determined that he wanted to leave the Palace to embark out into the world to discover new things and adventures. This was where Qin Fuhua stumbled upon his Master, who guided him through most of his martial arts, wisdom, and the power to "mask" his face to have two identities.

His Master was unknown to many, but he briefly mentioned that he knew the late King, and was a very close friend of his. Despite the late King's passing, he grieved the loss of his best friend, and noticing that Qin Fuhua had the Jade of the Dragon, conveyed that the late King had treasured Qin Fuhua.

The Jade of the Dragon was bestowed by the late King to protect Qin Fuhua from any misfortune.

The Master could see the future, at the cost of shaving off his life force.

He had done it once and only once before--- with the late King.

Of course, the only reason why he had done it was because of Qin Fuhua, his precious grandson. The Master knew and saw Qin Fuhua's forthcoming when the late King requested, soon before his passing, which was why the Jade of the Dragon was presented to protect him.

During this time, the Master swore to teach the young Qin Fuhua his martial arts, but at the cost of staying with him in the Jixin Mountains.

Jixin mountain was a treacherous location, and only one person had ever survived there (which was the Master). It consisted of a place that consistently snowed and those that couldn't make it often succumbed to death from freezing or plunging off the mountains.

Only those with a pure heart, mind and a strong will mentality would survive there, and with the help of the Master, Qin Fuhua was able to make it to the top of Jixin mountains, where the Master remained, away from the civilians and war.

Qin Fuhua was raised up here, promising his mother back at the Palace that he was doing fine by letter, informing her that he had a mentor who would take care of him.

Qin Fuhua learned how to cook, and clean, and became a normal person thanks to his Master.

His Master granted him a gift of parting when Qin Fuhua turned fifteen, a coming of age and completion of his training. It was the gift of the mask that Qin Fuhua uses to this day.

"It will help you one day. Learning how to utilize this without manipulating its power can bless you with many things. I've instructed you more than enough." Qin Fuhua's Master declared, "But there is one thing that you must know before you go."

"Flowers of magnolia will guide you for a better future."

Qin Fuhua had to come back home to be with his mother. This was where he first met Weizhe (who was training to be the bodyguard of Qin Fuhua). After the death of his mother a couple of years after, he decided to live out of the Palace, in disgust of the greed, politics, and manipulation that roamed there.



As Qin Fuhua stood in front of the palace gardens, his gaze turned skyward, his thoughts consumed by the words of his Master.

The flowers of magnolia, mysterious and hard to find, could not blossom within the Palace walls or anywhere else.

And yet, it was upon these ethereal petals that his Master had pinned the hopes of a better future—a future guided by the promise of renewal and transformation.

As he pondered the significance of his Master's final words, a name floated to the forefront of his mind.

"Miss Suyin. Are you the answer?" He thought to himself.

A name steeped in mystery and intrigue, its meaning obscured by the shadows of uncertainty.

Could she be the key to unlocking the secrets of his destiny?

Hello my dear readers!

Sorry for the delay! I've been thinking hard about what to write for this chapter and I think it's important that we add a little bit of backstory on Qin Fuhua, our dear male lead.

There's always more to the story, but we will continue to go on our adventures with Han Suyin and Qin Fuhua hopefully soon! Thank you for always reading and supporting this novel! <3 I hope you all are well! :)


Aeriesucreators' thoughts