
The Magnetic Prince: Aldous in Marvel's Realm

Title: "Magnetic Desires: The Magnetic Prince's Journey"In a world where mutants and superheroes coexist, Aldous, the reincarnated son of Magneto, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and power in the Marvel Universe. Gifted with magnetic control and a lustful nature, he navigates complex relationships, temptations, and the allure of dark ambitions. And only the original character belong to the author and all the other characters belong to marvel and their owners

Daoist9CVymD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Bonds of Steel and Secrets Unveiled

The night air was cool as Aldous stepped through the front door of the lavish mansion he called home. The events of the evening at the nightclub still lingered in his mind, but now his focus shifted to the familiar warmth of his family's presence. Maria, his stepmother, greeted him with a smile as he entered, her eyes filled with a mixture of affection and concern.

"Aldous, darling, you're back," Maria said, rising from her seat in the elegant living room. "How was your evening?"

Aldous returned her smile, though a flicker of mischief danced in his eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual excitement of the city. But nothing compares to coming home."

Maria's gaze softened as she looked at him. Despite the complexities of their relationship, there was genuine love and understanding between them. She had taken him in as her own, along with Wanda and Pietro, after Magneto's absence left a void in their lives.

As Aldous settled into the plush sofa beside Maria, their conversation turned to lighter topics—school, friends, and the latest gossip from the mutant community. But beneath the surface, Aldous harbored secrets and ambitions that he kept hidden even from his closest family.

"Maria, have you heard about the Stark Industries Expo happening next week?" Aldous asked, his tone casual but his mind already plotting. "They're unveiling some groundbreaking technology, and I thought it might be worth checking out."

Maria nodded, her interest piqued. "Yes, I've heard about it. Tony Stark always knows how to make a splash with his inventions. Are you thinking of attending?"

Aldous nodded, his thoughts drifting to the enigmatic billionaire known as Iron Man. "I have a feeling it could be an opportunity to expand our connections and maybe even strike up some lucrative partnerships."

The conversation shifted to plans for the upcoming Expo, with Aldous and Maria discussing logistics and potential benefits for their family. But beneath Aldous's facade of business acumen and ambition, a deeper intrigue simmered—a curiosity about the man behind the Iron Man suit and the secrets of Stark Industries.

The days leading up to the Expo were filled with anticipation and preparation. Aldous juggled schoolwork, social engagements, and clandestine research into Stark Industries' latest developments. Maria watched him with a mix of pride and concern, sensing the weight of responsibility he carried on his shoulders.

On the day of the Expo, Aldous and Maria arrived at the sprawling venue, surrounded by a buzz of excitement and anticipation. The air was charged with anticipation as they navigated through crowds of attendees and exhibitors, Aldous's eyes scanning the displays for any hint of technological marvels that could benefit their family's interests.

But it was the moment Iron Man took the stage that captured Aldous's attention. The sleek suit of armor, the confidence in Iron Man's demeanor, and the awe of the audience painted a picture of power and influence that Aldous couldn't ignore.

As the Expo unfolded, Aldous found himself drawn into conversations with influential figures, exchanging pleasantries and subtle hints at future collaborations. Meanwhile, Maria mingled with other socialites, her grace and charm opening doors and forging connections.

But it was during a private meeting with a representative from Stark Industries that Aldous's curiosity reached its peak. Hidden away from prying eyes, the representative unveiled plans for revolutionary technology—a glimpse into the future that ignited Aldous's ambition and hunger for power.

As the day drew to a close and the Expo came to an end, Aldous and Maria returned home, their minds buzzing with possibilities and secrets shared. Little did they know, their encounter with Iron Man and Stark Industries would set in motion events that would shape their family's destiny and test the bonds of steel that held them together.