
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 28: Daimos reveals himself.

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 28. Daimos Reveals himself.


Valoran meets the King of Gods.

Valoran and God King Daimos face each other off.

"I believed attacking the academy while you were absent would confirm once and for all that you had powers equal to the divine but someone else seems to fit that now. Demonlise I believe it was." Daimos speaks to Valoran.

"What's your purpose in revealing yourself to me?" Valoran questions.

"Oh…nothing much really, I just wanted to introduce myself personally, that's all." Daimos speaks and in that moment two of his angels descend to the ground standing behind him.

"Both of you give this Demonlise a visit." Daimos instructs.

Both angels take flight making their way to Demonlise's residence.

Valoran activates nirvana's eye and gazes upon the angels who are far away.

In a blink of a moment both angels turn into nothingness due to Valoran's nirvana eye.

Daimos chuckles in amusement.

"I knew it…you are indeed the one I am looking for, Valoran Silver." Daimos speaks in amusement.

Next Valoran faces Daimos with Nirvana's eye still active.

They have no effect on him however.

"You can turn off those eyes of yours, they have no effect on me." Daimos speaks.

Valoran's eyes return back to his regular crimson colour.

"You will not harm anyone, especially the ones close to me." Valoran warns.

"I'm only here to exchange some words with you…future Magic King." Daimos replies.

"Why do you believe that I am destined to become the next Magic King?" Valoran questions.

"It's because the previous Magic King shared the same philosophy as you, protecting the weak, never harming the innocent, to use your powers for good, and showing compassion even to the lowest maggot." Daimos replies

Daimos goes on further saying: "And now that I have witnessed you annihilating two of my angels with a simple gaze reveals to me that you also exceed him in power."

"Killing angels was also a feat achieved by the previous King of Magic." Valoran counters.

"Well you see…angels vary in power just like Gods do, the more powerful the God the more powerful the angels that serve that God, my angels have the same powers and resistances as regular gods. The angels the previous king of magic was able to defeat were only that of a low God." Daimos reveals.

"Why not just destroy me now then?" Valoran questions.

"That would be way too early, I want you to reach the rank of Magic King to give the people here hope." Daimos explains.

"Hope?" Valoran says confused.

"Indeed. 4000 years ago I killed the previous King of Magic with my own hands, the person that gave people hope against me. With that I wanted the inhabitants of this world to never think of hope again, I wanted people to understand that no one can save them and that my rule over them would be absolute just like with all the other dimensional spheres I conquered over time. But the previous Magic King stole that from me by prophesying a successor that could destroy us Gods, and the people remained hopeful all this time. Soon, the next Magic King will fall. You will fall." Daimos declares.

"We will see about that." Valoran counters.

Daimos smirks.

"I will see to it that you will reach the status of Magic King soon enough. I hope you will be ready. Oh and by the way say hello to Artemsia from me." Daimos states and vanishes.

Valoran stands thinking.

"He knew about Artemsia all this time."

Valoran makes it home.

"Welcome home." Aelina greets him.

"Hello Mother." He replies.

He then makes his way to Artemsia.

"Artemsia may I speak with you?"

"Of course." Artemsia replies and follows him out the door outside curious about what he has to say.

"I encountered Daimos today. " He reveals to her.

Artemsia is taken back by this and has no immediate response.

"Today, he revealed himself and his plans to me." Valoran adds on.

"What exactly are those plans?" Artemsia questions.

"He wants to destroy the hopes people carry due to the next Magic King destined to defeat the Gods, ending their tyranny once and for all. He wants to achieve this by defeating me once I am the next Magic King…he said he would assist me with that." Valoran reveals.

"But why you? Sure you showed incredible power but the attack on the academy was repelled by Demonlise, this was to ensure your hidden abilities from the Gods Valoran." Artemsia expresses with confusion.

"He sent two of his angels after Demonlise, I had to destroy them. Demonlise is not ready to face angels of this calibre yet." Valoran response.

"And in doing so you confirmed his suspicion of you being the one he has been searching for." Artemsia realises.

"Indeed. The end is near Artemsia, soon I will have to face Daimos either I defeat him or fall." Valoran says.

"Oh and Artemsia there is one more thing I want to mention."

"What is it?" Artemsia questions.

"Daimos knows about you, he knows you're alive and he knows you are on my side." Valoran reveals to her.

Artemsia is once again completely shocked by this.

"W-Well I was foolish to think I could hide from him after all this time. He is the King of Gods for reason and knows everything." Artemisia accepts.

"I was just as foolish. However, now you don't have to hide your powers anymore, the same goes for me."

"So…what are we going to do now?" Artemsia questions.

"We will wait and see what Daimos is planning." Valoran says.

Artemsia supports that decision.

"I trust you Valoran, with all my heart I believe in you." Artemsia expresses.

Valoran is somewhat touched by this.

"I will make sure never to betray that trust." Valoran replies.

Valoran and Artemsia head inside the house and call it a day.

The next morning at the academy.

Valoran returns to his academy, the 2 weeks are over.

Inside the class hall Valoran meets the others.

"Welcome back Valoran." Merial greets.

"We missed you." Selina adds on.

"Glad your back." Biatrix also adds on.

"I'm so happy you are here." Atticus says with excitement.

"I'm sure we have a lot to talk about Valoran." Demonlise states.

Valoran nods in agreement.

"The attack on the academy was a trap to lure you here." Merial explains.

"I know, to think they believed that I would be this easily fooled is an insult." Valoran says with sarcasm.

"Good thing Demonlise was here." Biatrix hits Demonlise on the shoulder.

"Indeed you are correct, Biatrix, well done Demonlise." Valoran praises him.

"Why did you order Demonlise to erase everyone's memories of this event but ours?" Selina questions.

"You all know my secrets, plus those students and teachers should forget something this horrific. It's for the best." Valoran responses.

Professor Asprata walks in the class hall.

"Valoran welcome back. Did you miss my lessons?" She asks sarcastically.

"Of course, glad to be back." Valoran replies.

At lunch Valoran and the others head for a private location to discuss recent events.

"I have some things I need to share." Valoran explains.

"What is it?" Atticus questions.

The others all look curious at Valoran.

"Yesterday, I encountered the King of Gods, Daimos himself." Valoran reveals.

The others can't believe what they are hearing.

"Why would he?" Selina questions.

"He wanted to see if I was the one he was looking for, since the attack on the academy failed to attract me, he wanted to do it himself." Valoran enlightens the others.

"So…does he know what you are capable of?" Demonlise questions.

Valoran nods. "Indeed he does."

"How? I was the one who saved the academy." Demonlise questions in confusion.

"I saved you from his angels." Valoran counters.

"I would have been able to destroy those angles." Demonlise states.

"Not these ones, they are the ones that serve him and are the most powerful of all angels, they have powers exceeding that of Gods." Valoran explains.

Demonlise is speechless. "Don't you have faith in me?" Am I weak? Is this what you are trying to tell me?"

"It's not that you have incredible potential, far more potential than a God you have the potential to even exceed High Gods, but until you become stronger you wouldn't have been able to defeat one of those angels let alone two of them." Valoran explains.

"He also knows about me…that I am alive." Artemsia explains.

Valoran also explains to them that Daimos wants Valoran to become the next King of Magic, only for him to be killed by him which leaves the people of this world hopeless.

"So what now?" Demonlise questions.

"Now, we wait for his move and I and Artemsia no longer have to hide our powers. Whatever happens we will be ready to fight." Valoran explains.

"We will stand and fight alongside you." Demonlise expresses.

After the day ends Valoran and Artemsia are arriving home when they are met with a surprise…