
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Magic Beginning Arc.Chapter 9:First day at the academy academy.

Magic Beginning Arc: Chapter 9. First day at the Academy.

The following morning Valoran was getting ready for his first day at the academy.

He put on his new uniform which Valoran liked since he likes the colour black.

"Hmm not too bad" - Valoran said.

He then heads to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

"Here you go I made you delicious eggs" - Aelina said with a smile.

"Thanks, mom" - Valoran replied with a little smile.

"So... Are you excited?" - Aelina asked Valoran.

"I am." - Valoran replied with another tiny smile.

After Valoran finishes up his breakfast he heads for the front door.

"Alright I'll get going now" - Valoran said.

"Bye, sweetie. If I am not home from work when you arrive please make yourself some dinner" - Aelina replied.

Aelina works as a healer in her village since elves are known for their healing capabilities.

"Alright. See you later" - Valoran said.

He then leaves his home and starts walking to the academy which is located in the capital.

As he walked he noticed just how comfortable yet high quality this uniform was.

"This uniform is so comfortable yet made with such high-quality materials and precision." - Valoran thought to himself.

He eventually reaches the academy and walks past the front gate.

The Professors behind the front gate tell the new students to check which class they are assigned to.

" To all new students please check which class you are assigned to! " - Multiple Professors are instructing the new students.

Valoran heads toward the billboards and looks for his name.

He found his name on the very first billboard.

He was assigned to Class 1-A.

"1-A huh" - Valoran thought to himself.

He made his way inside the academy. As he did, he noticed that everybody wanted to keep a little distance from him and so everybody moved out of his way.

"Watch out" "He's dangerous" "No kidding he almost killed us" - The other new students are whispering to each other.

Valoran however was completely unphased and did not care what the others were saying about him.

He then reaches his classroom. He opens the door and sees the classroom.

The classroom was set out like this: there were exactly five rows; each row had enough seats for ten students.

All together his class consisted of twenty-eight students including Valoran.

He proceeds to take the front seat.

No other classmate of his wanted to sit in the same row as him and so they chose a row other than the first one to sit in.

That was until Atticus Maverick and Selina Atlantia showed up behind him.

"Hey Valoran" - Atticus said with a huge smile.

"Can we sit here?" - Selina asked also with a smile.

"Sure. Please do."-Valoran replied with a smile as he was glad to be in the same class with them.

Then the Professor entered the classroom.

And it was..... Elaine Asparata. The same fox demi-human Professor who observed Valoran's group during the written enrolment exam.

"Morning. I hope you are all well. I am Elaine Asparata. I will be your homeroom teacher until you graduate" - She said with a friendly smile and tone.

Everybody then became silent as she was about to begin the lesson.

"Alright then. Today we will learn about the Magic Kings War. 4000 years ago the Gods and Angels have been terrorising the mortal realm for centuries. However, the last Magic King gathered the armies of every mortal race... Then he challenged the Gods and started a war for freedom.

Although the magic power from the mortal race was impressive, and some powerful mages were able to wound and even kill some angels, the divine powers and protection were too much for the mortal's magic, and they were killed off one by one. Until only the Magic King remained.

His magic power was easily capable of killing angels and he killed a great number of them.

When the Gods themselves attacked the Magic King he realised that not even his magic power could hurt them. And so he was defeated and killed. But he promised the Gods that a new Magic King will rise again with much more power than himself and even the Gods."-She explained to the class.

She then proceeds to ask the class how the new Magic King will be discovered.

"Does anyone know how the new Magic King will be discovered?"

She then looks around the classroom and sees Valoran almost falling asleep.

"How about you, Valoran."

Valoran then answers her question.

"The new Magic King can only be discovered one way. The most powerful and gifted graduate from this academy will be seated on the previous Mage King's throne at the castle Black Burg. If the throne reacts you will be named the next Magic King. The throne however will only react if you exceed the previous Mage King's magical and physical power and have more knowledge about magic. " - He said with a little cocky tone of voice.

" You are correct. This is the only way that a new Magic King will be discovered"- Professor Asparata said with a smile.

Professor Asparata then explains how various magic spells work.

While listening Valoran got a little bored since he knew all of this already.

Professor Asparata then told the new students that they need to create teams of four.

Following those instructions:Valoran, Atticus and Selina formed up.

"We need one more person" - Atticus said.

However, as expected no one wanted to be in the same team as Valoran.

Valoran then looks around the classroom and sees one student who sat alone in the top row and did not make any eye contact with anyone. It turns out to be the red-headed girl who scored even higher than Selina and put up a good fight during the duel against one of the Professors.

"Her. She would be a great ally." - Valoran said.

He then walks up to her.

"Hey. How about you join our team." - Valoran said.

She then gives him a dirty look.

"Why should I join you?" - She asked.

"You see, I think you have great potential." - Valoran replied.

"I don't need you guys just leave me." - She replied.

Valoran was a little angered that she was being a little rude.

"I am not here to beg you. I am here to offer you a spot in our team. By all means, if you want to sit here all by yourself then go ahead" - Valoran said and walked back to Selina and Atticus.

The red-headed girl gave it a little thought and eventually caved and joined the three. She also introduced herself.

"I will join your team. My name is Biatrix Alston."

"Nice to see that you decided to join us. My name is Valoran Silver.

Atticus and Selina also introduced themselves.

"My name is Atticus Maverick"

"And I am Selina Atlantia"

Professor Asparata then explained why they had to split up into teams.

"The reason why I made you split up into teams is that during your studies at the academy you will be facing many team duels as well as team exams. It is also your study group when you have free study periods for your group to train and practise magic with each other and to create a strong bond. "-She said with a friendly smile.

After she explained that. The lesson ended and they went off to get some lunch at the cafeteria.

" Shall we get some lunch?"-Selina asked the others with a smile.

"Sure" - Biatrix said.

"I am starving, let's go" - Atticus said with a smile.

Valoran however wanted to see the library so that he could increase his magical knowledge even further.

"You guys go without me. I'll head to the library." - Valoran said.

The others looked surprised.

"You sure? " - Atticus asked.

"I am" - Valoran replied.

With that, the four of them split up. Atticus, Biatrix and Selina headed towards the cafeteria and Valoran headed for the library.

Valoran walked towards the library.

Eventually, he reaches the outside area which leads to the ginormous library building.

Valoran was then stopped by three senior students.

One of the senior students then speaks to Valoran.

"Hey, you. Are you the one who almost destroyed the academy during your exam?" - The senior asked Valoran in an angry voice.

Valoran however couldn't care less about the situation and just ignored the situation and walked past them all.

The senior students then surrounded Valoran.

Then another senior approached Valoran and tried to grab him by the shoulder to stop him from walking away.

"You are not going anywhere-.... What the?" - The senior was shocked at what just happened.

As the senior attempted to grab him, his hand phased through Valorans body like Valoran suddenly turned into a ghost.

Valoran then proceeds to walk and ignores them yet again.

The third senior student was so angry at Valoran for being so cocky that he launched <izaru> fire elemental magic at Valoran.

"You bastard. Take this!" - The third senior said with an angry voice.

The fire hit Valoran directly.

However, it did not affect him in the slightest.

However, Valoran was now angered at the three seniors.

"You are starting to make me angry" - Valoran said.

"Oh yeah? Like we give a damn" - The three seniors replied.

They started laughing at him.


Then all three of them are launched backwards with a huge amount of force and speed.

It was Valoran who turned his head around slightly so that he had one magic eye on them which he used to launch them backwards.

"Let that be a warning to you. I am not someone that gets angry easily. I do have limits however push me over those and I will not show you any mercy" - Valoran said with a slightly angered voice.

The three of them then got back up and got ready to fight him.

"OH YEAH! " "COME ON! " WE WILL PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE! "- The three of them yelled towards Valoran.

"That's enough" - A female voice said.

Five students with red bands around their arms then approached Valoran and the three seniors.

It turns out to be the five disciplinary committee members that Valoran previously met during his enrolment exam.

The leader of the disciplinary committee Alora Elsher (the rare type of elvish girl with white hair and red eyes) then starts to speak.

"You three. Why did you attack him? As seniors, you should be ashamed"

The three then started to explain themselves.

"He is too dangerous" - One of the senior students said.

"That is not what I see. I just saw you three attacking a junior without any provocation" - Alora said with a strict and angry tone of voice.

The three seniors left and are being reported to the Headmaster later on to receive punishment.

"Are you okay? I hope they didn't hurt you" - Alora asked Valoran.

Valoran replies to her with.

"They couldn't hurt if they tried" - With a cocky tone of voice.

With that Valoran left and eventually reached the library.

"Seems like Philip and Michelle are not on duty today(Library staff he met during his enrolment exam)"

Valoran then starts reading one book after another at a rapid pace since his intelligence and his speed allowed him to quickly store and process information and the more information he gathers about: Magical knowledge which included ancient powerful spells as well as other types of knowledge about Gods and history the more powerful and intelligent he becomes.

After 45 minutes Valoran managed to read 12,975 books out of the incredible 531,215 books that the huge academy library has collected over the centuries.

When his lunch break was over he returned to his class and met up with: Selina, Atticus and Biatrix.

"Hey" - Valoran said to his three teammates.

"Hi" "Hello" "Hey" - All three of them replied.

Then Professor Asparata walks inside the classroom to start the next lesson.

She further explained how magic works but again this did not interest Valoran since he knew all of that by now.

Eventually, the class came to an end.

"Ok class that's it for your first day. I hope I see you all tomorrow" - Professor Asparata said.

With that: Valoran, Atticus, Selina and Biatrix all walked out the front gate together.

"See you guys tomorrow" - Atticus said.

"See you" - Biatrix said.

"Bye guys" - Selina said.

"Goodbye" - Valoran said.

With that Valoran casts irum (teleportation magic.)

As he returned home his mother awaited him.

"Your home..... So.. How was it?" - Aelina asked with a smile.

"It was great" - Valoran replied.

Aelina is so excited for her son and is proud of him.

"I am so proud of you." - Aelina said and hugged Valoran.

"Thank you" - Valoran said.

"I can't wait to see what awaits in the future" - Aelina said with a huge smile.

"Neither can I" - Said Valoran.