
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Magic Beginning Arc.Chapter 5: Enrolement Exam part 3

Magic Beginning Arc: Chapter 5. Enrolment Exam Part 3.

... BOOOOM!!!

Valoran's immense magic power, even suppressed to the closest to 0 still caused the crystal to explode.

As the Professors and the other Applicants seek shelter and create magic barriers to shield themselves from the blast, as they hear the explosion....Valoran remains calm.

Valoran then reveals that he has actually contained the actual blast inside his hand by shrinking down the crystal using the spell Dino (size manipulation magic) and contained the explosion inside his left fist.

Then with the other hand, he created a powerful magical barrier around the academy to contain the blasts of shock waves and soundwaves to not cause panic inside the capitol.

All the Applicants and Professors look toward Valoran.

The applicants are furious but it's to mask just how afraid they are.

"You Monster! " "You could have blown up the entire academy ""You too dangerous" - The other Applicants are yelling at Valoran.

Valoran however remains completely unphased and shows no emotion or any reaction to these verbal abusive comments.

"That's enough" - The headmaster yells towards the applicants.

It is also revealed that the magic crystal has been completely destroyed. The immense heat caused the crystal to melt which meant that no further magic tests could be conducted.

"The magic practical and measuring exam will be conducted some other day. We have to locate another magical crystal that can measure your magic. We also need to repair the damage caused to the Arena" - The Headmaster explained.

The remaining groups (4-10) are disappointed and angry toward Valoran for ruining the arena and destroying the crystal.

Valoran then casts a spell Taslan (creation magic) to repair the arena. He also used that spell to create a new magic crystal from thin air.

"I believe this should be enough?" - Valoran said with a straight face.

Shocked at the fact that Valoran was able to create a powerful magical crystal from thin air the Headmaster replied with....

"Y-Y-Yes. Thank you for your help ``.-The Headmaster replied vastly shocked.

The other Applicants move out of Valoran way creating a path as they want to avoid any contact with him.

As he walked to his seat. The Applicants are whispering about him.

"Tsk he could have blown up the entire academy".....

"Just because he fixed the crystal and arena he thinks it's all good? "

"Hmm how funny. They think that the explosion would have only destroyed the academy. When in actuality if I hadn't contained the explosion inside my fist...

It would have destroyed the entire planet with no effort" - Valoran thought to himself.

Valoran takes a seat and watches the remaining groups (4-10) get their magic power scores.

After a while, all the Applicants received their scores.

The assistant director (Amon Apolloyon) then stands in the middle of the Arena and explains how the duels work to the 1000 Applicants.

"Listen up!. Now we are in the final stage for your enrollment exam. This is where all of you will be fighting one of the professors.

..... We selected 20 random Professors to participate. 10 duels are fought at the same time inside one of these 10 squares marked on the ground.

The duel ends when the Professors say so. You do not require to win since every Professor at this academy are some of the finest and most powerful magic users.

You only need to impress the Professors and show them your potential. Of course, if you do manage to beat one of the professors it will significantly increase your chances of getting enrolled into the academy. "- Amon Apolloyon explained.

" Any questions?! "- Amon Apolloyon asked.

No questions were asked.

"Group 1 you up first! " - The assistant director said.

Applicants from Group 1 make their way down to the arena once again this time to fight one of the Professors.

10 duels fought at the same time.

There are 20 Professors. After each duel is fought the Professor's switch with each other to take a break.

"Let the duels begin!" - The Headmaster yelled.

As the duels continued Valoran attention was directed at the boy he helped out. The boy who scored well on the magical power measurement exam.

"Let's see what he's got" - Valoran thought to himself.

The Professor that the boy is duelling was an intimidating male demi-human with a strict aura around him.

"Alright boy!... Show me your best magic" - The Professor said to the boy.

The boy is extremely shy and lacks any confidence.

"Y-Y-Yes sir." - The boy said with no confidence.

The boy casts the spell izaru (fire elemental magic) towards the Professor.

The Professor deflects the fire with ease, unimpressed at that power.

"Is that all you got to offer? Pathetic" - The Professor yelled at the boy.

The boy lost even more confidence in his ability and just wishes for it to be over. He then casts blaze (lighting elemental magic).

Once again the Professor is not pleased with that power in fact it was even weaker than the fire spell.

"ARE YOU MOCKING ME?..... OR IS THIS ALL YOU GOT?" - The Professor yelled towards the boy.

"No sir" - The boy replied, almost crying.

The Professor now goes on the offensive.

"Now it's my turn to attack." - The Professor said.

Izaru (fire elemental magic) The Professor cast the fire elemental spell toward the boy. It was much more potent compared to the boy's fire magic.

The boy proceeds to create a magical barrier.

The barrier was able to withstand the first blow.

The Professor immediately did a follow-up attack.

Izaru (Fire elemental magic.)

This time the boy's magical barrier has been destroyed and the boy was thrown back to the ground.

"Ready to give up" - The Professor asks the boy.

"That boy has a lot of potential. The problem is that he lacks any confidence. This in turn weakens the boy's magic" - Valoran thought to himself.

The boy got back up and was thrown back over and over again by the Professor.

The Professor was impressed by how much courage the boy demonstrates by not giving up.

"The duel is over. You impressed me. You showed great Courage and determination today" - The Professor says to the boy.

The boy is very happy to hear that and smiles at the Professor

"Thank you very much Professor" - The boy said to the Professor with a huge smile.

Valoran smiles a little as he is happy to see the boy's result and boost in confidence by the Professor.

Valoran then faces the girl who he also helped out earlier.

"Hmm. I am curious what she is capable of?" - Valoran thought to himself.

A female human Professor is her opponent.

"Are you ready to begin?" - The Professor asked her.

The girl takes a deep breath.

"I am ready" - The girl responds confidently.

"Begin!" - Said the female Professor.

As soon as she said it she cast illiam (water elemental magic) towards the Professor.

A giant wave of water is directly heading toward the Professor.

She counters with izari (mid-tier fire elemental magic).

The girl cast the spell blaze (lighting magic) to shoot lightning toward the Professor.

The Professor creates a magic barrier to protect herself from the lightning attack.

As the lightning hits the barrier she is impressed at how powerful her magic is. She struggles a little to keep up her barrier.

Valoran is also impressed with her performance.

"She is very good at using multiple spells quickly. Impressive." - Valoran thought to himself.

The Professor is also impressed at the talent the girl demonstrates.

"Your magic is powerful and your offensive attacks are precise and powerful" - The Professor compliments the girl.

"How are your defensive capabilities?" - The Professor asks.

She then casts the spell izaru fire (elemental magic).

The girl then easily creates a magic barrier to shield herself from the flames.

"Well done. Your barrier is durable and you did it in a very short time. " - The Professor said.

"Thank you. However, you haven't seen anything yet." - The girl said to the Professor.

The girl then proceeds to show her a different type of magic.

Suddenly the sky turns dark. Everyone is in shock.

Valoran looks up at the sky.

"Cosmic magic is very impressive" - Valoran thought to himself.

The Professor is stunned at the power the girl wields.

However, the girl begins to lose control very quickly.

"Uhhhh" - The girl struggling to control the cosmic spell.

The Professor instructs her to stop.

The girl stops her magic and starts to breathe heavily.

Valoran looks toward her.

"It seems that she is unable to control more complex magic. She has the magical power. However the greater your magic power the harder it is to control the spell itself. Especially with a very high-level spell-like cosmic magic." - Valoran thought to himself.

The Professor is very impressed with the girl's performance.

" You did very well"-The Professor said.

"Thank you very much Professor" - The girl replied with a proud smile.

As the rest of Group 1 applicants are finishing up their duels, Group 2 gets ready.

"Alright Group 1 applicants please take a seat within the arena. Group 2 applicants please get down here" - The Assistant director said.

Group 2 gets up from their seats and proceeds to duel.

Valoran is not as interested as he was with the first Group.

However, he asks himself.....

...." I haven't seen Binarc anywhere. Strange."

The Group 2 applicants continue the duels against the Professor.

One applicant then got ready for her duel which caught Valorans attention...

It was the same red-headed girl who scored even higher than the girl he saved along with the boy.

" Ohh it's her again. I believe she scored 789,450 points in her magical measuring test" - Valoran said to himself.

A male elvish instructor then walks into one of the squares with her.

"Are you ready?" - The Professor asked her.

The red-headed girl filled with confidence replies...

"Yes sir! "

"Begin" - The Professor said.

Right off the bat the red-headed girl casts the spell alsor (earth elemental magic) and creates giant boulders which she aims directly toward the Professor.

The Professor reacts by casting the spell extert (explosion magic) to turn the giant boulders into dust.

Unphased, the red-headed girl then casts izaru (fire elemental magic).

The Professor is impressed at how quickly she can adapt and think.

The Professor cast a magic barrier to shield himself from the flames.

The first then casts the spell illiam (water elemental magic) to extinguish the flames.

Then turns towards lightning elemental magic blaze (lighting magic)

Once again the professor blocks this spell by casting a magical barrier.

The Professor is amazed at how powerful her magic attacks are.

Now it was the Professor's turn to go on the offensive.

He casts lorian (wind elemental magic) which the girl blocks by creating a magic barrier.

He then casts the spell izaru (fire elemental magic) at the same time as wind and fire magic combined makes for a stronger flame.

The red-headed girl blocks that too.

"This girl is great defensive as well as offensive" - Valoran thought to himself.

The Professor then says.....

"I have seen enough. You are a very powerful magic user young lady".

Feeling proud of herself the red-headed girl says...

"I am honoured to hear those words"

With that, the rest of group 2 have also finished up their duels.

Now it is Group 3 turn...

Valoran's turn...