
Grey: Master Of The Celestials

"The universe's vastness remains a mystery, and the existence of multiverses only adds to the enigma. The origin of the universe itself is a tale untold. However, amidst the unknown, there exist beings as ancient as the universe itself - the Celestials. These powerful entities are revered as the strongest in the universe, with some considering them beasts, alien species, primordials, or even primordial gods. The truth remains shrouded in mystery. In the mortal world, a young Grey will embark on a journey, traversing the globe and experiencing the unknown. With his extraordinary talents, he will make a name for himself, striking awe and terror into the hearts of even the gods. Join Grey on his epic adventure as he achieves the impossible and rewrites the fate of the universe."

ever_grey · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Mana Core And Mana Heart

Creating a mana core and a mana heart required a great deal of proficiency in mana.

To create a mana core, Grey needed immense knowledge of mana and the laws governing its use. The mana core required a solid and stable structure, capable of withstanding immense pressure and storing vast amounts of energy. Grey planned to store both his mana core and mana heart within his Inner World, a secure realm where nothing could harm them. The Inner World was an ideal location due to its high mana density and concentration, providing an abundant supply of energy for his new constructs.

The process of creating the mana core involved condensing his mana into a singular, crystalline form. He had to ensure that the core was perfectly balanced, without any impurities, as even the slightest flaw could lead to instability. Grey visualized the core forming, layer by layer, each stratum more refined and resilient than the last. The creation of the mana core also required an understanding of the natural laws, as he needed to stabilize the core's structure within the metaphysical space of his Inner World. This understanding allowed him to create a core that not only stored mana but also amplified it, enhancing the potency of his spells.

As for the mana heart, Grey needed to fully link it with his brain and connect it to every part of his body. The mana heart was designed to pump mana throughout his system, similar to how his biological heart pumped blood. Creating this mana heart required a fundamental base for the entire system to function seamlessly. Grey began by visualizing the heart's structure, designing it to mimic the efficiency of a biological heart while being optimized for mana circulation.

He had to establish intricate pathways that connected the mana heart to his mana veins, ensuring that the flow of energy was consistent and powerful. This involved creating a network of mana channels that could handle the high pressure and volume of mana. Grey also needed to synchronize the mana heart with his brain, allowing him to control and regulate the flow of mana with his thoughts. This connection ensured that his body and mind worked in perfect harmony, maximizing his magical abilities.

The process was delicate and required absolute focus. Grey concentrated on forming the initial blueprint of the mana heart, meticulously designing every aspect to ensure optimal performance. He infused the structure with his mana, solidifying it within his Inner World. The connection to his brain was established through a series of complex spells and mental exercises, creating a seamless integration between his physical and magical systems.

With each step, Grey could feel the immense power and potential of his new constructs. The creation of the mana core and mana heart marked a significant milestone in his journey, propelling him to new heights of magical proficiency and physical prowess.


Grey was unaware of the profound impact his actions were having on the area around him. The first phase, which involved absorbing nature's mana, had minimal external effects. However, the second phase was different, and a huge vortex formed where Grey was sitting.

Inside his Inner World, focused on his work, Grey was oblivious to the massive changes he was causing outside. Everything in his room floated in the air—the chair, the table, and even the bed on which Grey himself was seated.

The room was protected and isolated with magical spells and magic circles, creating a barrier to prevent the disturbance from affecting the area outside. However, this isolation would only hold for so long.


Inside his Inner World, Grey had completed the formation of the mana core and mana heart. What remained was stabilizing the connection.

"This is more difficult than I thought," Grey muttered.

In a sitting position, he raised both of his hands upward. A huge amount of mana condensed in his hands and spread out, forming a circle around him. The mana became a sphere, enveloping Grey, and then was absorbed into his body.

The core and mana heart were fully integrated into his mana galaxy, causing the entire Inner World to tremble. Outside, Grey's eyes bled, and he coughed up blood.


Outside Aira's mansion, above the entire city, dark grey clouds gathered ominously, surrounding the area. Thunder rumbled, echoing through the streets as chaos began to spread.

A violent storm erupted, winds howling and tearing through the city with ferocious intensity. Trees were uprooted, and debris flew through the air. The sky darkened further as lightning flashed, striking buildings and setting rooftops ablaze.

People ran in panic, seeking shelter from the sudden onslaught. Streets flooded as torrential rain poured down, turning pathways into rivers. The magical barriers around the mansion struggled to contain the swirling energies, cracking under the immense pressure.

Inside the mansion, the magical wards strained and flickered, threatening to collapse. Objects within began to spin and crash into each other, drawn by the vortex of power emanating from Grey's room. The entire structure shook, creaking ominously as if it might crumble at any moment.

Amidst the chaos, Aira stood outside, eyes wide with shock as she witnessed the apocalyptic scene. She felt the ground tremble beneath her feet, sensing the immense power radiating from within the mansion.

"Grey," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of destruction.

The city itself seemed to groan in protest, the fabric of reality straining under the influence of Grey's intense magical transformation. The natural disaster unleashed by his actions was unlike anything the realm had ever experienced, threatening to consume everything in its path.

Somewhere close to the city where chaos was spreading, a fallen angel with four majestic black wings flew through the sky at great velocity. The figure suddenly stopped, hovering in mid-air, and turned to look towards a specific direction.

There, he saw massive storm clouds surrounding a city.

"That's the city where the princess lives," the man muttered, concern etched on his face.

"I should hurry; otherwise, she might get hurt. And maybe, just maybe, I will find the person I'm looking for," he said, determination filling his voice.

With a sonic boom, he shot towards the city, the air rippling around him from his immense speed.


Inside a white majestic castle in Acheron, a man with handsome, chiseled features sat on the throne. His presence was imposing, his aura exuding an air of authority and power. His long, black hair cascaded over his broad shoulders, and his black eyes, when open, glowed with an otherworldly light. For now, though, they were closed, as if he were merely resting.

"That kid is quite interesting," the fallen angel mused aloud, his voice resonant and deep.

Although he could not fully discern or appraise the child, he had a strong feeling that the disturbances in the city where his daughter resided were connected to him. Even his formidable abilities were ineffective against the mana barrier the kid had created around himself. He could only sense the boy's presence faintly.

"She looks fine, for now. Let's see what this intruder will do," he said, his cold voice spreading a chill through the vast throne room.

"If he harms my daughter, it will be his end," the man declared, his tone final and unyielding.

The room fell into an eerie silence, the very air seeming to freeze. Not a single creature dared to make a sound, as if the world itself held its breath in anticipation.


Inside the room, Grey opened his eyes, and they glowed with a bright light. His grey eyes were strikingly beautiful and enchanting, capturing the essence of the cosmos. His entire body emanated a powerful, magical pressure, showcasing his immense mana and its potency.

As he examined himself, Grey noticed he was releasing a significant amount of mana and pressure. He closed his eyes briefly, and everything changed. The pressure dissipated, and he appeared entirely normal, like an average person with no magical abilities.

The clouds above the city dispersed, and everything returned to normal. However, the people of the city were still in shock from the brief but intense disruption. The disaster lasted only a minute, but the destruction it caused would take about a week to repair.

"What was that phenomenon?" asked a person in the street.

"I don't know, but it's good that it stopped," replied another.

"We need to consult with the authorities to get a proper response to this," said a third.

"Yeah, let's take care of our work," another added.

The crowd continued to discuss the strange occurrence that had affected their city.


Inside the mansion, a door burst open, and a young girl with black hair stormed in. As soon as she entered, she saw Grey standing on the bed, making strange movements.

"What the hell are you doing, kid?" she shouted.

Grey, who was checking his muscles, heard the loud voice and turned to look at her. There he saw Aira, who was looking at him with a smile.

"Well," Grey scratched his head, embarrassed.

Aira couldn't help but laugh.

From behind, it looked quite odd as Grey moved his hands.

Grey, realizing this, felt even more embarrassed, knowing she might have misunderstood if he hadn't turned to see her.

"Sorry, I was just testing my strength," he said, trying to explain.

Aira waved her hand dismissively. "No worries, just gave me a bit of a scare," she said with a chuckle. "You sure know how to cause a commotion."

Grey smiled sheepishly. "I guess I do."

"Come on," Aira said, extending her hand. "Let's go downstairs. I think we both need a break."

Grey nodded, hopping off the bed and following her. As they walked through the mansion, the residual tension from the earlier chaos slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of normalcy and calm.