
The Mafia Don's Captive Bride

BLURB “Let me go! You can't do this to me!” I say in despair, pulling harshly on the chains binding my arms together as Alessandro brings the scary whip closer to me. “Who's going to stop me?” Alessandro asks in a rock hard tone as he lightly flicks his wrist, the tip of the whip hitting my ribs and leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “Fuck you, you shit-eating maniac. I hope you stumble down the stairs and break your neck!” I scream profanities at him as my body writhes in unimaginable pain. “Please. Please, I'm begging you. You have to stop.” I beg him as I break down crying, unable to withstand the pain any longer. “You know what I want, piccola morte. Admit you killed my wife and all this would be over.” Little death. Alessandro says in a tone that makes me grind my teeth in anger. “I have nothing to do with the death of your wife!” I say as sad tears slip from my eyes and down my cheeks when I spot the determined look in his eyes. “Then we will keep doing this till you admit the truth.” Alessandro says as he pushes away from me, the hard look on his face solidifying my feelings of fear. I was doomed. _____________________________ Blamed for the death of his wife, Aurelia’s life is made hell by Alessandro, the Don of the Italian Mafia. What happens when all that Alessandro has worked for is on the line and he finds himself in need of a wife? Will the truth come to light or will Aurelia continue to live in the shadows of Alessandro's dead wife? Will Aurelia be able to bring Alessandro out of the dark and into the light or will she also drown?

irisayuk123 · สมัยใหม่
62 Chs

CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Under his Rules.


My eyes flutter open and I'm disoriented for a minute. I close my eyes tight while trying to get my bearings when the images of my wedding gift assaults me.

My hand flies to my mouth as I try to keep the contents of my empty stomach down. I have indeed underestimated the ruthlessness and evil nature of my husband. I am married to the devil himself.

What kind of person kills someone just because he assaulted someone you hate even though the person is your wife?

My eyes fly around the room and I'm awed and silenced by the sheer beauty and opulence.

The room has a floor to ceiling window which looked over a large serene lake and a beautiful garden. I could see myself spending days here without getting bored or worried.

Before I can fully fall into the benefits of being married to the devil that is Alessandro, I remember the life that was taken from me.

Even though I was dirt broke and I was in a lot of debts, at least it was still my life. And I had my friends and family around me, but now Olivia has cut me off and my father might get hurt in the process of trying to save me.

I walk dejectedly towards the bathroom. When I move to take off my clothes, I find that I'm wearing completely different clothes from the last thing I remember wearing. Who had changed me?

I don't dwell on that fact though. I hurriedly clean myself so as to avoid running into Alrssandro or any strange person in the room.

I don't bother putting anything on apart from a little singlet and some panties I find in the bottom drawer of the walk in closet.

I refuse to dress in any of the clothes Alessandro purchased for me. I couldn't give in to his domineering ways. I have to find a way to preserve my sanity and dignity and I don't care if that means going against him.

A gentle knock sounds on the door, pulling me out of my internal monologue.

I cover myself properly with the duvet, ensuring that no atom of skin on my legs are showing.

"Come in." I call out softly from my spot on the king size bed.

The door opens and a maid walks in. "Mr Santino has requested your presence in the dining room."

My stomach rumbles as if on cue, but I refuse to fold just yet. "Tell him I have no desire to eat with him." I say in a flippant tone as I lay back down on the bed.

The maid looks conflicted for about a minute before turning her back on me.

"He's not going to take this very well." The maid says in a hesitant tone filled with worry.

"I don't care." I respond as my eyes fall shut.

I hear the door close gently behind the maid, the sounds of her footsteps cutting short.

Another knock sounds on the door before the maid steps into the room once more with a strained look on her face.

"Mr Santino has been waiting for you to wake up since morning and has said he will not eat without you." The maid says.

"I highly doubt that. Alessandro hates me, he shouldn't care if I starve or die." I respond while rolling my eyes in exasperation.

The maid is quiet for some time. "I know it's not my place to say anything, but I advice for your own safety, that you obey, Mr Santino."

"I appreciate your concern, but I will not be eating with him. Tell him I will have my lunch later on. I'm not hungry." I respond in a strong tone, breathing easier when the maid leaves the room.

I'm lulled into a false sense of security and peace until Alessandro barges into the room with two guards behind him.

"Get up." Alessandro orders in a hard tone.

"I don't understand why you are so riled up. I will eat later in the day." I say in a shaky tone as I sit up straighter in the bed.

"You fainted after the ceremony yesterday and you've been asleep since morning, so you will eat now." Alessandro says with a deep frown on his face.

"I don't understand why you care. Shouldn't you be plotting all the million ways to kill me?" I ask with a raised brow.

"I couldn't care less if you die or live, what I care about is you following my rules." Alessandro spits out at me.

"I'm not one of your men that you can boss around, Alessandro." I respond in an equally hard tone.

"You are my wife and you are under my rule." Alessandro responds with a violent undertone in his words.

"I was led to believe that this marriage is not real at least not in the traditional sense. It's better you lock me up as your captive than keep me as your wife and treat me like a slave." I spit out at him.

Alessandro is on me before I can utter another word. His hands tangle in my curls as he grips it tightly. His face is mere inches away from mine.

"You seem to have forgotten your place, piccola morte. I could kill you with a snap of my fingers." Alessandro warns dangerously.

"Then do it. I'm sick of being treated like a pariah. I'm sick of living in fear and terror!" I say through gritted teeth shocking myself.

"No, it wont be that easy. Remember what I told you earlier? For every wrong move you make, an innocent party will pay the price." Alessandro warns.

I swallow thickly as the words remain stuck in my throat. I wish I had the words to argue with him, but I couldn't risk the life of another innocent bystander.

Alessandro eyes wander to my pursed lips and I find myself holding my breath. His eyes trail down to my nipples which are straining against the sheer material of the singlet.

He leans slightly forward and then pulls back abruptly, just when I'm sure that he will kiss me. I'm breathing hard from our almost kiss, and I find myself slightly disoriented.

"If you do not come willingly, I will have my men drag you down and then tie you to the chair and force feed you the entire meal." Alessandro repeats in a flat tone that does nothing to quell the rising panic inside of me.

"I'm— I'm not wearing anything. Give me some time to change up." I say while swallowing thickly in fear.

"I don't care. Get up." Alessamdro responds.

"Surely you don't expect me to parade naked infront of your men—" I'm not done with my sentence before Alessandro drags me off the bed, causing me to crash into him.

"What the hell?" I ask in an outraged tone as Alessandro pulls me along with him and into the walk in closet.

Before I can fully get me bearings, Alessandro pulls out a knee length floral dress and throws it at me. "Put it on." He orders harshly.

I don't waste any time in doing as he says as I know very well that he is damn serious.

"Slow down!" I plead when Alessandro grips my arms and drags me behind him. When I start to lag behind, he huffs and annoyance and then proceeds to throw me over his shoulders.

Never in a million years did I ever think that I would be lying on the shoulder of one of the most ruthless men of this part of our world.

"Get me the rope." Alessandro orders his men as he places me back on the floor.

"Wait— you can't tie me up, I did as you said and followed your instructions!" I say in an indignant tone.

"That's not the way I remember it. I gave you the chance to come willingly and you turned it down." Alessandro responds with a sneer on his lips.

I turn to flee when Alessandro's men hand him the rope, but I'm easily caught and dropped on the chair.

By the time, Alessandro has successfully tied my arms behind my back, I'm fuming and raging mad.

Alessandro settles on the seat adjacent to mine as he pulls my plate in front of him.

"If you come anywhere near me, I will bite your hand off." I say with a growl.

"And I will cut off your father's hand." Alessandro responds in the same seething tone.

I'm stunned into silence as Alessandro brings the spoon closer to my mouth. I accept the food in the most gracious way possible, extremely certain that my dignity is in shatters.

"I'm done. I have no desire to eat the rest." I say as I turn my head to the side.

"You will finish the food." Alessandro orders in a stern tone.

"I have done what you asked for, so why are you so bothered if I finish eating or not? Trust me, I'm not that important to you. Even if I die, you will have a lot of other women lining up to take my place." I say in a taunting tone.

"You are right, I could kill you now." Alessandro agrees with a sneer on his lips.

"How magnificent will that be?" A mocking voice calls out, drawing our attention to a figure standing by the door.

The person is currently holding two boxes which seemed filled with clothes and probably other personal items.

"Why are you here?" I ask in a bitter tone as I turn my full attention to the person.

"Moving in, of course." She responds with a smirk on her lips as she folds her arm across her chest.

My life is definitely about to become a nightmare.

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