
The Mafia Don's Captive Bride

BLURB “Let me go! You can't do this to me!” I say in despair, pulling harshly on the chains binding my arms together as Alessandro brings the scary whip closer to me. “Who's going to stop me?” Alessandro asks in a rock hard tone as he lightly flicks his wrist, the tip of the whip hitting my ribs and leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “Fuck you, you shit-eating maniac. I hope you stumble down the stairs and break your neck!” I scream profanities at him as my body writhes in unimaginable pain. “Please. Please, I'm begging you. You have to stop.” I beg him as I break down crying, unable to withstand the pain any longer. “You know what I want, piccola morte. Admit you killed my wife and all this would be over.” Little death. Alessandro says in a tone that makes me grind my teeth in anger. “I have nothing to do with the death of your wife!” I say as sad tears slip from my eyes and down my cheeks when I spot the determined look in his eyes. “Then we will keep doing this till you admit the truth.” Alessandro says as he pushes away from me, the hard look on his face solidifying my feelings of fear. I was doomed. _____________________________ Blamed for the death of his wife, Aurelia’s life is made hell by Alessandro, the Don of the Italian Mafia. What happens when all that Alessandro has worked for is on the line and he finds himself in need of a wife? Will the truth come to light or will Aurelia continue to live in the shadows of Alessandro's dead wife? Will Aurelia be able to bring Alessandro out of the dark and into the light or will she also drown?

irisayuk123 · สมัยใหม่
62 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN: Burial Arrangements.


My head bows involuntarily out of despair and I try to still myself against the immense pain that I know is going to assail me any moment from now. 

I squeeze my eyes shut when I hear Alessandro's heavy footsteps, however what I don't expect to hear is the large double doors closing behind him. 

I lift my head in confusion, only to find that I'm alone in the large room. Tears escape my eyes and I start to sob in earnest. 

Not too long after, an unknown man comes into the room and unties me. He leads me out of the room and I can't help but hug myself. 

"Where are you taking me to?" I ask in a quiet tone, not in the least bit surprised when the man doesn't say anything in response. 

The man leads me down the darkened hallway and into a room. The room looked simple enough with a bare bed leaning against the wall.

"Get in." The man says in a gruff voice as he orders me to step into the small space that constitutes the bathroom. 

I look at the man in confusion when he steps in behind me, closing the door behind us. 

"Boss's orders." The man says in the same gruff tone as he turns his back on me. 

I don't bother protesting because I know there's little my tantrums can do to change the situation. If the devil wants me to be guarded when I'm taking a goddamned shower, then I'm going to be guarded. 

I am more than pissed and angry at my situation but I'm in no mood to go head to head with a man that just almost killed me. 

I take off my clothes sluggishly while sniffing myself. How many days have I even been here? One? Two? I can't even tell. 

I make use of the sink where I find a new toothbrush. I hurriedly take care of my business, not cleaning myself as I thoroughly would due to the unwanted company. 

I find what looks like a plain drab looking dress hanging in the corner of the bathroom and I don't hesitate to put it on. I finger comb my hair, allowing the dark curls to fall freely down my shoulder. 

"I'm done." I say in a quiet tone to the guard who hadn't moved an inch since we stepped into the small space. 

The guard's eyes flare up and he grunts in response when he takes a good look at me. I fight the urge to bury my face in my hands because I know exactly what he's seeing when he looks at me. 

My eyes are so wide they look like they are going to fall out of my face any moment from now. My wild curls framing my face made me look like a wild cat that was rescued from the forest. 

"Follow me." The guard says as he whips his gaze away from me and stalks out of the room. 

I follow him back out, my steps faltering when I realize that we are going towards a totally new path. 

I don't voice my concerns because I know full well that he won't be answering my questions. We go down a few raggedy steps and then we come to a stop in front of an iron door that looks like it had been abandoned for ages. 

"Get in." The guard says as he pushes open the door. 

"I'm sorry what?" I ask in alarm and confusion. Surely he doesn't expect me to stay in a totally dark room that looked like it could pass as a habitat for wild animals. 

"Get in!" The guard says again in a much harsher tone. 

"I can't stay in there! Please don't make me go in. It's too dark and who knows what might be lurking in there?!" I plead with the guard. 

"Boss said I should get you in the room. He didn't warn me against hurting you." The guard says with a lewd smile on his lips, uttering more than two words for the first time since we became acquainted. 

"Can you at least give me a torch?!" I beg in a desperate tone, knowing that there is no way out of this.

I barely have the time to form another plea before I'm pushed harshly into the room. I fall unceremoniously onto the floor and I scream as the door closes with a bang effectively locking me inside. 

"Please let me out! I'm begging you, Please!" I bang on the door, scared out of my mind. 

I eventually go quiet, sobbing loudly as I take in the entire room. What did I ever do to deserve this? 



"If I didn't know you well enough, I would say the guard's life is in danger for harming the girl." Aldo says as he collapses on the chair across from me. 

"Alessandro knows what is at stake here. He does not care for the girl." Nicolo, my cousin and underboss says in an assured tone. 

I don't miss the glare that Aldo throws his way but I chose to ignore it. 

"Were you able to get her to confess?" Nicolo asks in an inquisitive tone. 

I shake my head in response, as Aurelia's words play on repeat in my head. I take a swing of scotch directly from the bottle, welcoming the burning sensation in my chest. 

"That bad?" Aldo asks in a flat but concerned tone. 

"That shouldn't be our problem. You should be more worried about your father in law. He wants to hold a burial ceremony for his daughter." Nicolo says, cutting my conversation short with Aldo. 

As much as I love Nicolo, the dimwit can't read a room to save his life. 

"Get the car ready, I think it's time I pay him a visit." I say through gritted teeth. 

"I don't think you should pay him a visit. I don't think it's right to pick a fight with one of your allies at such a crucial time." Nicolo says in a contemplative tone referring to the cloud of doom hovering over our relationship with the Irish Mob. 

"You don't have to declare war against him, Alessandro. Just have a talk with him." Aldo says in a cynical tone. 

"Come with me, Aldo." I say in a quiet tone as I stalk out of my office. I don't miss Nicolo's expression but as always, I decide to ignore it. Sometimes it's best to let the sleeping dog lie. 

The car ride down to the Carlo's mansion is quiet as my thoughts are filled with how best to handle this situation. 

"Don! Non ti aspettavo." Don! I wasn't expecting you. Gio Carlo, the father of my wife, says as he rushes down the steps to meet us. 

"la mia presenza non è gradita?" Is my presence not welcomed. I ask in a mocking tone. 

"Ovviamente non! Voglio dire... certo che lo è!" Of course not! I mean— I mean, of course it is! Gio Carlo scrambles to say as I smirk in response. 

"Let's— let's go to my office." Gio says hastily as he leads the way. 

Aldo shrugs when I look at him, following after Gio. I settle down into one of the settees in Gio's office, not waiting to be offered one. 

"Cos'è questo che sento, Gio?" What is this that I'm hearing, Gio? I ask, going straight to the business of the day. 

"Don! I don't — Non so a cosa ti riferisci." I don't know what you are referring to. Gio says in a nervous tone as his eyes fly between Aldo and me. 

"What is it I hear about you organising a burial for my wife?" I ask through gritted teeth as I take a threatening step towards him. 

"Sono passati mesi, Don! Penso che sia ora di lasciarla andare." It's been months, Don! I think it's time to let her go. Gio says as he averts his eyes away from mine. 

"Cosa è cambiato? The last time I was here, you thought I had a hand in her disappearance." What has changed? I say with a tilt of my head, enjoying his squirming more than I should. 

"I just think that we should move on. I know this has been harder on you than all of us which is why it's time we let her go so we can heal." Gio says, breathing heavily. 

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that I said you are also a suspect?" I ask in a genuinely curious tone. 

"Ovviamente no! So che l'hai detto solo perché tieni a mia figlia!" Of course not! I know you only said that because you care for my daughter. Gio says in response as he settles down across from me. 

"I don't care what you think this is, Gio, but you are going to stop all your scheming and remove yourself totally out of this situation." I say in a heavy tone as I lean forward, my elbows on my knees. 

"You can't demand that of me, Don! Giulia was my daughter!" Gio says in an unchecked tone. 

"How are your shipments doing in Italy?" I ask with a sneer on my lips that sends a clear message to Gio. 

"Are you threatening me?!" Gio asks in an enraged tone. 

"No, Gio. This is a promise. If you do not step aside, I will crumble you from inside out." I say through gritted teeth as I rise to my feet, towering over Gio's figure. 

Before I can say anything more, Aldo rushes to my side with his phone in front of me. 

"The Irish have attacked another of our warehouses." Aldo says in an anger infused tone that riles me up. 

"This meeting is over, Gio. I don't expect to repeat myself once more. I wouldn't be so forgiving next time." I say in a calm tone that hides the inner turmoil going on in my head. 

I step out of the room as I take a good look at the picture in the phone which Aldo had handed over to me. 

I slam it against the wall, not caring one bit when I hear the loud shattering sound. 

"È ora di mostrare a quei rozzo pagani di cosa siamo fatti." It's time we show those uncouth heathens the stuff we are made of. I say as I storm off towards the car, a plan already forming in my head. 

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