
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · สมัยใหม่
86 Chs

The Blind Date

As they approached the third floor. The hotelier knocked on the door and another attendant working on the third floor smiled to them as he opened the door from within. The female attendant that had previously brought Jane upstairs showed the new attendant the card and the attendant stared at Jane from head to toe making Jane wonder why they were staring at her, but she was quiet as she waited for them to take her to the supposed hook-up seat she was supposed to sit and wait for the blind date.

It was already 8:30 pm and yet she hasn't even taken a seat yet, talk more of seeing the boss that she had come to meet.

"Hello, why the so much delay here, where's my seat?," Jane finally questioned them as she was loosing her patience and the new hotelier that opened the entrance door quickly bowed his head to her. "Follow me pls" he said to Jane and she sighed and followed him in.

She walked pass some couples that were seated romantically facing eachother in the hall on the third floor as she walked passed them feeling the love in the air, until the hotelier stopped and opened a net like curtain at the side and she saw the man in hat seated on the table of two seat waiting for her to come join him, as only the table of two was excluded there in a romantic manner, like a private room.

Jane swallowed as she looked back at the hotelier that had brought her, not wanting to go in and join the man, she asked the staff. "Are you sure this is where am suppose to meet the person?."

"Yes ma'am, that's the person you are supposed to meet with" The hotel staff replied as he didn't dare to look at the boss whom sat on the seat.

Norman finally raised his head up and stared at the open curtain, he saw the lady stood with a frowning face and he smiled at her, even though his hat has covered almost half his face.

"Come in, why stand there waiting?," He said in a commanding tone to Jane and stiffened.

"Okay thanks you can go," She dismissed the hotel staff whom had brought her and walked into the private room that was separated away from other couples that were on a romantic date in the hall.

She swallowed and walked towards him, "Hi," Jane said to him as she stood in front of him, scared to take a seat.

"Hi, you shouldn't keep on standing, sit," Norman replied as he stared at his wristwatch time which was 8:35pm.

"You took so long, What's the delay?," He asked her like she was his worker and Jane swallowed again hearing him, she blinked her long eyelashes and stared at the table and empty seat.

"Sit!" Norman commanded her, and her hand shook as she held the opposite seat and brought it out to take her seat.

"Nice to have you here with me," Norman finally said to ease the tension between them and he rang the bell on the table for the attendants to come in and serve them.

"What will you like to take?," he asked her raising his head up a little, while his hat was covering almost half of his face.

Jane couldn't even look up at his face as she felt prickled all over her skin and she cursed inwardly for agreeing to meet with him.

"Hum, am fine and not tasty to have anything," She replied him.

"Oh, I see," Norman said as the attendant finally came in and went closer to them to take their orders.

"Serve us chicken peppersoup and some wine," He said not baiting an eye on her. The attendant quickly nodded and left to serve their orders.

"Are you scared of something?," Norman asked pretending not to know he was a bit intimidating and scary.

"Hum, no am fine," Jane quickly replied him.

"Is okay I can understand, you not the first to act up this way?," Norman replied as he kept staring at her intently.

"Oh-kay, So why did you request to see me?," Jane questioned him as she almost stammered and he smiled.

"Request you say.. Well am not requesting to see you, or what does it look like to you. Anyways I seem to admire you a lot, that's why I thought of asking you out for a date," He said as he shifted his hand for the attendant to place his meal in front of him on the table and Jane raised her face to stare at him and she couldn't see his face clearly as the Jean hat he wore was covering his eyes and half of his face, she wondered why he dressed like that.

"Staring at my face?," He questioned her and she immediately looked away blushing to have been caught. The attendant serve her meal in front of her even though she had just told him now that she doesn't want to eat anything, she kept mute and shifted her purse for the attendant to place her own meal.

She picked up her spoon and started eating the pieces chicken pepper-soup carefully.

"So what's your name again?," Norman asked, thinking of how he would start a friendly conversation with her.

"Hmm, I thought you already know much about me before requesting to see me," Jane replied as she carefully ate her chicken pepper-soup to avoid getting choked on the sauce

"Oh! that's so smart of you but I don't really know much about you," He said as he opened up his wine and poured it out into the wine glass cup and held it to his lip.

"Tell me more about yourself Miss Jane," He said as he took a sip from the glass cup staring at her.

"Well there's nothing much about me, I just graduated from the Princeton University in the United States," She replied him.

"Oh, that's nice, so how about your family and your parents, relationship status and the rest?.."

"Well am single, not currently in any relationship, I have only one elder sister and my father," Jane replied faintly.

"Oh, same as me to though.. just that am the only child, just me and my father, no mother" he said.

"Oh, so sorry about that," Jane responded as she looked up at him, he shook his head and said, "Is okay, I don't worry about mothers, as I didn't grow up with mine, she left me and my father when I was a year old," he said, and Jane stiffened.

"Am so sorry about that," she apologized to him on his mother's behalf, "Was she late or what happened to her?," Jane slowly asked as she has always been the caring and wanting to know, type of girl.

"Hmph, No," Norman stiffened as his aura changed, "She left me and my father for another man because of money," He said and Jane swallowed hard almost got choked on the peppersoup, she quickly poured out her wine and sip, "Am so sorry.. (coughs), to hear about that" she apologized to him again coughing.

"It okay, it all past like I said, I just hope you ain't the same kind of woman," Norman replied with a smirked and Jane didn't say anything in response. She silently ate her meal, until she was thru with her pepper-soup, she drank her wine and used the serviette to dap the corners of her mouth and she stood up wanting to leave.

"Thank you for your invitation, I have to be on my way now as it's getting late," Jane said to him, as she stared at her wristwatch.

"Oh, why not let me drop you off?," Norman suggested as he drank from his wine cup again. He stared at the time which was already 9:25pm

"No, thanks, I came with my car, I can drop home myself," she said to him.

"Okay, if you insist, hope to see you again Miss Jane," Norman said to her and she shook her head in response, and stepped out of her seat.

As she was about to turn and leave the private room she stopped and asked him, "Oh am sorry, I forgot to ask you, what's your name?," She stared back at the man in hat, drinking his wine directly from the wine bottle as he already kept down the glass cup.

He removed the wine bottle from his mouth and stared at her, and smiled and Jane wondered where she had seen those smiles before. "Just call me Norman," He said to her and continued drinking his wine.

Jane nodded and turned and left the private room. She opened the curtains and stepped out into the romantic hall, and some of the romantic couples she had earlier seen were already gone. She quickens her steps as she hurried out of the hotel.

She took the fight of stairs and went out to the garage where she had previously parked her car and just then she saw Lexi.

"Haa!, Lexi what are you doing here?!" Jane screamed surprised to see him standing near her car.

"I should be the one asking you Jane, what took you so long and do you actually want to keep late night, knowing that your father will be worried about your safety?," Lexi questioned as he stared at her bit she kept mute

He tapped on her car and stood upright and shifting to the side, for her to pass and open her car door and get into the car, he said,

"Come-on get in, let's go," And he walked back to his own car while Jane got into her car.

Norman stared at them from the third floor where he stood at the balcony watching them.

Lexi turned and went back into his own car, while he drove behind Jane, as they both drove back home to the Dot mansion in their separate cars.