
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · สมัยใหม่
86 Chs


Norman stayed back in the his father's mansion, he asked Peter to organize a quick bash as he invited some girls from the Royal silver club to come entertain him, He missed Flora but he still had to enjoy himself as he was already bored.

"Norman, what's the meaning of this?" Mr Tony questioned as he entered the main living room downstairs.

"Father, you should come have some fun," Norman teased and he stood up wearing only boxers, Although it wasn't the first time he would host a party in his father's mansion inviting strippers, but he knows his father will be mad at him as he doesn't like seeing or watching those semi nude girls.

Norman walked up to the bar and serve a drink, his father was still annoyed and walked away from the living room, he went to his chamber to cool off.

"Norman will never change, off course he wouldn't," Mr Tony ranted as he shook his head going into his room. He hated seeing girls wearing just pants and bra, not to mention in his home. When he was younger at Norman's age, he didn't host semi nude ladies, it was even hard for him to turn up at Mr Jeff parties as he was like an introvert when it comes to women even though he was wide, he find a it hard to mingle with different women at a go or get an erection for any of them, and he wondered where Norman, got such character from.

Norman didn't mind his father either, he went upstairs to his room and laid on his bed to have a proper massage from the ladies, just then his phone rang.

"Hello," Norman spoked into the receiver

"Norman, Norman, Norman!.. How many times did I call you?" The caller questioned and Norman smirked.

"Who am I speaking with?" he asked as he removed his phone from his ear and stared at the contact info, no name, he frowned.

"What do you want?," Norman asked the caller again.

"I see, now you want to negotiate business, I am very much aware of your illegal doings, but I have been mute enough about you," The caller said.

"I see.." Norman ended the call, while he laid down back on his stomach to have a proper massage on his back from the girls with him, the phone continued ringing but he didn't pick it up or cared to know whom the caller was, How he hated people that dished out empty threats to him.

"Come on and do your works," He gestured to the ladies to start their oil massage on him.

After massaging him, he dismissed them, Norman relaxed back and finally picked up the call, "What do you want Oliver?," He questioned immediately knowing whom was calling him.

"Don't act like you don't know, we worked together yet you think you can put me off, claiming all the wealth only to yourself"

"Lol, you know what, can we discuss about this some other time, you know pretty much I don't give out my numbers to strangers, so am very much aware you are the one calling, I will fix an appointment to meet you, check with Peter or Simon at the office.

"Okay boss," Oliver ended the call, he was Norman's best friend and they both worked helping eachother, but since Norman became anonymous, Oliver hasn't been able to contact him to discuss anything with him, he was sure Simon will have been the one whom gave Oliver his contact.

His phone rang again and it was Mr Jeff calling as he had the man's number stored, "Hello!," Norman spoked first.

"Norman Bright, good to see you have taking a break from your attacks," Mr Jeff teased

"Hmph.." Norman sighed.

"Well, am calling to have a negotiation with you, I wouldn't have you destroy all my past labours," said Mr Jeff.

"Are you done Old man?," Norman questioned him and Mr Jeff stiffened.

"You see I haven't done anything yet doesn't mean that I need your chicken negotiation, I will get back to you, to see how we can negotiate the matter amicably, is that better?," Norman said as an evil smile crept up his face.

"Hmm.." Mr Jeff hummed, "I will like to get your location for the meet up," Mr Jeff stated and Norman bursted out laughing.

"How pathetic for you to think I will just send out my location to my enemy, very interesting. Anyways you will get a message from me soon and for your best interest I think is best you don't dial my number again as it irritate me to see you are the one calling, Do have a nice day," Norman ended the call not waiting for Mr Jeff response as he kept down his phone.

Mr Jeff stared at his phone in silence, he had called Norman on several occasions to try and resolve the past issue with him but the man was never interested in negotiations, worst was that he doesn't know about Mr Tony's location as that would have been easy for him to resolve the past mistake. Mr Jeff fell back on his couch in silence.

Norman laid down on his bed and slept off.

The following day, Norman resumed back to his company, he had a meeting with different managing directors, managing his different companies, after the meeting with them ended he went to the Silver's Entertainment house to watch the new Actress that had been employed of recently by his director.

Norman has always been anonymous so it was difficult for the workers in his company to know he was the real owner of the Silver's Entertainment house. Jane was the supporting actress in one of the new movie they were shooting. She sat down in the makeup lounge while waiting for the makeover of the leading Actress to be done.

The girls were having a hot gossip related to the CEO of White Copper entertainment as they had a crush on Thomas Harry since Thomas was single.

The makeup artist was the first to rant, "I can't date that CEO even though I will be paid in billions I hate men who are not contented with one woman," She said.

"Really, like how much do you earn here to say such, My girl that's just words the CEO of White Copper entertainment is very handsome and I have worked for them before," replied the leading Actress.

"Really?," The make-up artist questioned.

"Yes, but that's in the past," dismissed the leading actress Becky.

"I see, so why did you stop working for them and come here if the boss was good, or did he ask you too out ?," The make-up artist questioned again, but Becky didn't respond.

She remembered how the CEO had asked her out before she can be given a role and that was very humiliating if it wasn't that their pay was huge she would never had accepted to it. She had thought it will end there but Thomas still kept her behind using her to satisfy his urge, she frowned as she remembered how she caught him making love to another woman in his office, she almost got nauseous at the thought of it.

"When will it be my turn to apply my make-up?" Jane finally asked as the same Make-up artist was the same person to apply her own makeup, and the time for the shoot will soon be on, she frowned as she stared at her watch.

This wasn't her first time acting but the delay and ceremony in the Silver entertainment house was too much, she frowned as she stood up, wanting to leave the makeup room.

"Why not wait a little we will soon be done with Becky's makeover," The make-up artist finally responded her.

"It's fine by me, when you are done, you can send your assistant to call me, I will be outside waiting," Jane replied as she walked out from the makeup room into the hallway leading to other departments room, having different entertainers in the block.

Jane walked relatively slow as she came out to the receptionist area. She wanted to go out to have a view of other working actress that were already rehearsing their act, Just then she felt someone intense gaze on her as she turned to stare back at the direction of the person, she saw a man seated on the long sofa placed for new visitor staring at her.