
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · สมัยใหม่
86 Chs

Irritated Mood

Thomas had not been himself ever since he saw Dave and Ashley kissing.

He was practically remembering whom Ashley was and he couldn't help but becoming more jealous of Dave again. As Ashley has grown into a beautiful young lady, sexy and her bossom seem to magnet him the most.

Thomas now want Ashley and couldn't slept again in his room, even as the night fell. He still kept on walking up and down in his chamber, thinking of how he will snatch Ashley away from Dave..

"I can't believe she's even the one.. Wow! Small girl of yesterday, she now looks grown up, with those big boobs in front of her, shit!" Thomas murmured, standing awake in his bedroom.

"How I wish I had meet her first, why will father even ask Dave to be the one to marry her, when he knows am not yet married too?, What sort of cheating is this?" Thomas cursed out, as paraded up and down in his room.

Luke knocked on Thomas's bedroom door and came in not waiting for Thomas replied, and Luke asked,

"What's the matter bro, you seemed to look all worried and you haven't slept yet?" Luke walked to took a seat on the nearest couch.

"I should be the one asking you that silly questions Luke!. Why are you still awake and why are you here in my room?" Thomas asked Luke, almost getting impatient.

"Calm down bro, chill!.. We are both on the same boat" Luke responded with a smirked.

"You and who?.." Thomas rebuked as he finally paused and stopped walking up and down and took a seat too, across to Luke and asked, "Why are you here Luka?"

Thomas sat in front of Luka and Luke replied,

"Honestly bro, I can't seem to wrap that lady off my mind either. Is she really Mr Kones daughter?." Luke asked out, as he smiled.

"Yes, you heard her didn't you. She's his daughter, and it has been long we attended or invited them over here too. And mostly her father didn't use to bring them anymore, since when they both got into high school" Thomas explained what he thought was the actual reason why he haven't come across to Ashley now she has grown up .

"Hmph..." Luke sighed..

"You should forget about her Luke. You can't have her and you should be more concerned as to how you will get the company back from Dave and leave her to me" Thomas said not staring to Luke, but Luke stared at him in surprise..

"You can't be serious bro. I really like her too but I can't seem to stand a chance to win her over Dave, but that doesn't mean I can't try my luck, besides Dave is gay. So he wouldn't accept the marriage" Luke said.

"Don't you dare too!. Just forget about her and focus on the company as am just helping you get back the company from Dave, I shouldn't even bother since I already have my own business but I can't just seem to watch an outcast like Dave inherit all Dad's assets, no way! So just you leave Ashley to me, I like her and I will get her," Thomas said as he smiled to himself proudly, like he was sure he will win Ashley over.

"Okay if you insist" Luke finally agreed to let go of Ashley and he stood up and left his brothers chamber.

The following morning, Ashley came out and meet Helen sweeping. She slept early the previous night, so she didn't saw Dave at all, and she wondered if he returned back home or not.

Ashley went to brushed up her teeth and she serve her breakfast as Helen was busy still cleaning and arranging the house.

Dave has only one female maid and that was because Ashley was to spend a month living with him, As he didn't wanted her to fell alone, so he employed a trusted female servant to assist him, while the guards were all men, and were to watch over his apartment, that was situated at the back of the Jeff's mansion.

Ashley was almost thru eating her breakfast when Helen came in, and she couldn't help but ask of Dave, even though she didn't wanted to ask of him, She was somehow beginning to miss him.

"Helen, What of Dave., I mean your boss?. Did you saw him last night or this morning" Ashley asked staring to Helen as she are her breakfast.

"Oh! Sorry ma, I forgot to tell you last night as you slept on time, Boss called and said he wouldn't be returning home last night and you should take good care of yourself" Helen told her..

"Really, is that how am to spend the one month with him? I mean living in his house alone, hmm, it okay. You can continue with what you were doing" Ashley replied, as she felt a sting of pain in her heart missing Dave, as she was happy when she saw him return back the previous day and now he has already left her to his so-called work.

Ashley became angry but she managed to finished up her meal as she didn't liked to remain her food. Ater her breakfast, she decided to went outside of the apartment to sat in frontage of the balcony and to watch the surrounding.

Just as Ashley came out from Dave's apartment, she sat at the front and saw Thomas approaching her and coming up to Dave's apartment.

Ashley cursed inwardly as to why Thomas was coming up to Dave's apartment now she just came out to look around..

"Hi pretty!" Thomas greeted her first as he approached seeing that she pretended not to have seen him.

"Hi, good morning" Ashley responded as she looked away. She was putting on a short sleeveless gown that exposed her bare shoulders and the gown was indeed beautiful, so she looked away from Thomas, as he past the guard standing in front her and he came up to meet her at the balcony.

Ashley shifted back and took a seat on the plastic chair outside while Thomas said,

"You are looking beautiful this morning Miss Kones."

"Thanks" Ashley responded not smiling at him.

"Dave is not around if that's why you are here?" Ashley questioned him, as she went straight to her point, incase if he had came to seeing Dave.

"Obviously not, I didn't stroll down here because of Dave" Thomas replied, smiling sweetly at her, but she frowned and looked away.

"Really, so why are you here?" Ashley asked him, sounding a bit irritable.

Thomas smiled first before taking a seat in the next chair. Ashley just watched him sat and she looked away from him as he spoked to her.

"Honestly a beautiful lady like you shouldn't get yourself attached to a gay like Dave" Thomas dropped the bombshell, wanting to paint Dave bad in front of Ashley, but Ashley maintained her cool as she listened to him.

Thomas had thought if he mentioned about Dave being gay to Ashley, it would gave him a chance to win her over and maybe make her grow hatred towards Dave and not wanting to marry Dave again, but she quickly responded,

"I have no business with that, if Dave is gay or not, it not of my concerns.."

Ashley looked away from Thomas, not staring at his face as she said those words, and Thomas gulped and stared at her beautiful face.

"So you mean to tell him that you don't feel irritated having a gay man kissing you on your beautiful lips?." Thomas asked and as he said those words, Ashley face cringed and she became irritable to think Dave was truly a gay, and a gay man had kissed her.

Ashley instantly felt like she was sick and about to vomited, making her look sick instantly as she remembered how Dave had intensely kissed her.

"Enough please! " Ashley yelled at Thomas, as she immediately stood up from the seat, and pushed the door open to went back inside.