
The Luna Talia

My name is Talia Gray, I'm no ordinary child many things have occurred in my life ,firstly I'm a werewolf my father is an alpha Of the tear moon pack I have two big brother one will be replacing my father as the alpha soon his name is Ben my other brother Skyler I don't know what he's doing .Ben found his mate at the age of 18 he is now 20 But I'm still 17 and my birthday is very soon . Growing up I was taught that having a mate is the best thing ever and feeling but really is it ? ever since I met him I am in a constant debate with myself about everything that was said about the whole mate thing.

Nashamyah_Briggs · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

It's A Date

Xavier P.O.V

Everyone enters the living room and sits down, Talia and I stand up in front of everyone. Talia mind links me and says baby it's time to break the news I say yes I know, Talia clears her throat and says: Thank you everyone for showing up and coming out on my special day I appreciate every one of you. she begins to tear up so I come up behind her and touch her belly and we say together: we're pregnant !!

I look up and see her uncle and auntie smiling so hard, her brothers give me a death glare, and Skyler the first to speak up says: Man I like you, throughout this time of us being here I see that you cool people and seeing how we're family at this point I am happy that it's you. Ben butts in and says but if you hurt our little sister we will not hesitate to kill you.

I nod to them and say yes I understand, I look at Skyler and say same goes for you with my little sister she is all I have left, he nods and brings Nina closer to him and says of course.

I look towards Talia's parents seeing how they were quiet the whole time, her mom walks up to us and says I know many say lots of things about you but I see the way you look at my daughter the same way my mate looks at me and I am so happy that she has that congratulation baby she kisses Talia on her forehead and says your gonna be such a badass mama.

Her father walks up to his mate because she begins to cry out of so much joy he says congratulations, I am happy it's you and that I have another son to add to our family, I smile and say thank you Alpha he says you can call me dad and his mate says you can call me mom as well.

I mind link Talia and say wow that went well, she looks up to me and says welcome to the family baby boy, I smile looking down at her, and say date time baby girl get dressed so that we can go.

We thank the family for coming and surprising Talia and tell them that we are about to go on a date and they say cool, they begin to talk to everyone else in the room as we begin to go up the stairs and make our way to my room.

Once we get upstairs Talia jumps into my arms and says thank you, I smile and say anything for you Luna and she blushes and I tell her to hurry in the shower so that we can go. go into the other room next door so that we won't waste time waiting for the other to get out; I get out some clothes and lay them on my bed and get undressed and get into the shower.

Talia P.O.V

I lay out an African print dress it's so fucking bad it's off the shoulders and fitted around the waist then there is a split going up the leg I am going to kill this dress I hurry and lay my under clothes and get into the shower.

After I finish showering I hurry out, dry off, oil up, and finally get dressed. I sit on my bed and put on my white strap heels and then fix my hair and put on some lip gloss and some oil on my face for that extra shine since my skin has a nice caramel color. As I finish I put some strawberry roll on smell good and walk out of my room I walk down the stairs and see that everyone was getting up to go to their rooms and are all now staring at me; I give them a wide smile and say How do I look lol? I spot Xavier in the back of them all and he looks at me in awe and is the first to talk and says wow and says again wow Nina steps in and says my sister is a freaking baddie and everyone laughs and says yes you look beautiful, thank you I tell them all.

Xavier walks up to me and says you look gorgeous and grabs my arm and says my little African queen lol I bust out laughing and say boy you're so funny he laughs back and we walk out of the house and go to his car, he opens the door for me and says anything for my little African queen. I smile and get into the car and say where are we going my love? he replies you will see when we get there, just chill and monitor the music and I say ok cool.

I put on the song MY, MY, MY by Johnny Gill and began to sing he glances at me and says wow you can sing baby girl I smile at him and sing :

Tonight will be a special night

No matter where we go

And I'm so proud to be with you

I just wanna let you know

You got my saying

My, My, My

My, My, My

As the music continues to play I just sit there and think how fast time has been flying, Just last night I found out that I am pregnant and about to have a baby already. I look at Xavier and say thank you for everything I look down at my flat stomach and say I mean everything, he takes his hand and says anything for you, Luna.

He begins to swerve into a drive into a parking lot and I see a huge building that looks more like a mall he parks the car and gets out and opens the car door for me, I step out and we begin to walk towards the building and we turn to the right and see a fancy Japanese restaurant we walk in and they greet us with a head bow and w return it. Xavier steps up and says to the cashier and says Xavier and they say follow me and we follow we go up the stairs and go into a private room with a candlelight set table and we sit down.

We sit down and order some drinks first then look at the menu and order some sushi and noodle and rice dish. I look up at Xavier and say I am so thankful for you, you don't even understand how much your impacting my life; I feel like you are healing me so much and I feel so powerful because of the way you look at me it's like you're looking at your whole world with one glance. My eyes begin to water and I say I am falling in love with you he says I am too I look up and say you are he smiles and says I am baby girl and kisses me and wipes my tears away and say baby we are gonna be great.

I say baby we are great, the waiter arrives with our food on a tray and we throw it down without saying another word.

After we are done eating we eat vanilla orange cake and make our way back home so that I can give him the real dessert.