

"No, we were not in any sort of relationship. Why could you think that?" He answered calmly yet Lily could tell that he was really nervous but he had done such a good job at covering it up.

"I just wanted to know." She shrugged and Axel relaxed a little.

The truth was that he really liked Lily but she had never looked at him in that way. She had always been chasing after a certain sir Tristan and she was usually all smiles as she told him about Tristan several times since she considered him her closest friend which Axel liked yet he felt guilty sometimes because he wanted to be more than just good friends with her.

He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her how much her pretty smile brightened up his life every single day. He yearned to hug her and kiss her too yet he knew too well that she was like a star, beautiful but out of his reach.

She was literally a princess or at least she had grown up like one with her father being one the highest ranking army generals in country X. She was her father's treasure and many young men his age drooled over her beauty and sadly, he was not much of an exception. She was not only pretty but she was also smart which added to her charm.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Lily's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Nothing much really." Axel replied, caught off guard.

"You should get some more rest, let me go and inform your parents that you are awake." Axel said even though he had already done that some time back. He just needed some space away from Lily who had just surprised him with such a question.

'Had he made it so obvious that he was interested in her.' Axel thought as he walked out of her room, inwardly scolding himself for not carefully concealing his emotions.

Lily stayed seated up in her bed yearning to get out and take a walk around in order to know more about the place that she was in.

She carefully got out of bed, put on her slippers and prepared to walk out of the door only to be caught red-handed by a nurse who had just entered the room, probably to check on her.

Lily immediately pretended like she was stretching so that she couldn't be asked any questions and her plan worked because the nurse just looked at her curiously.

"I am stretching." Lily answered the unspoken question from the nurse.

"Okay, let me get your body checked out to see whether you still have any serious injuries." The nurse suggested and Lily nodded as she silently wondered why it seemed like the universe did not want her to go anywhere but to just stay in her room.

'Was she in for a surprise?' she thought as she watched the nurse who was busy examining her legs and arms.

All that Lily could think of for the next half hour after the nurse had gone was how exactly she had ended up in an entirely different world but this time, she thought about it much more carefully while trying to remember the events that had led to her current situation.

She remembered walking on a bright and sunny morning exploring the different spring collections of elegant dress, poises and beautiful jewelry that were exposed for viewing from the windows of various shops across the street that was nearby her home.

England in the early 1860's always had ladies flocking shops to get themselves the latest fashion pieces and Lily could almost bet that she could have been fairly happy to become a designer because the number of customers promised quite a high income that could allow her to live comfortably in London if she happened to live by herself.

Anyway, Lily had gone shopping with one of her close friends, Matilda and they were doing some window shopping. Both Lily and Matilda were both from considerably rich families, so they had no problems with money and they could easily get themselves anything that they wanted yet Lily had chosen only two pieces since she was very picky when it came to her fashion style unlike her friend Matilda who was generally impressed by everything on display.

They had walked around for quite some time until Matilda complained that she was tired of walking and that she was completely perched. She also suggested that they should take some rest at a nearby restaurant, get something to help them freshen up and then continue with their journey and Lily agreed since she was also a little tired.

Together, they entered a restaurant that looked really neat and well kept. Lily's attention was immediately captured by a grand beautifully carved grandfather clock that stood at one corner in the room.

She liked its delicately patterned designs and the faint yet rhythmic sound its hands made as they moved.

Lily couldn't help but continuously glance at the clock as she took a glass of fresh juice.

It was evident that she found it really enchanting. Maybe she was wrong or she wasn't but the clock made her feel like there was something mystical about it and her sudden appearance in a new world proved her suspicions.

Lily's eyes widened a little as she grew closer and closer to an inevitable answer.

She had time-travelled to...

Well unfortunately she didn't know where but basing on her surroundings, it was safe to assume that she had travelled to a time that was far more advanced than the 1860's.

'l have definitely travelled to the future.' she thought as she remembered the strange yet nice buildings that she had seen outside her window.

Her eyes seemed to brightened up as she thought of the thrill of exploring something entirely different on her journey to find a way back home.

Lily was going to make sure she enjoyed her stay in the new world.

Next chapter