
The Lothario System

Having suffered in his life before becoming rich."Chang Feng" died on his way after creating a software that can gain access to any type of information in the world. The thing he regretted most was not having any woman by his side. He always dreamt about having an harem but died when he was a step away from his desire. He was then transmigrated into a world of cultivation by the goddess of love and desire with a system which is going to help him on his wonderful journey. Follow "Chang Feng" as he will conquer the heart of the girls for himself ~. {There will be a lot of sex scene}

Love_Star_xxr · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Dinner with my new family

From now on I am going to be referring to Chang gang family as :

Chang Zhiao/Father

Chang Yang/Mother

Chang Shin /Big brother

Chang Chun/First sister

Chang Fen/Second sister

Chang Feng/ Second brother (Me)

Chang Mei'/Little sister


While we were eating, my second sister Fen interrupted

"little brother I don't want you training with that girl again" before I could reply I suddenly heard a voice which can be heard by only me at the same time a screen popped up displaying my stats...


{Name :Chang Feng

*Age :13 *Race:Human

*Level:1 *Tittle:None

HP:100/100. *ST:20/100

STR:15. *VIT:20

AGI:20. *SP:0


*Conquered partners:None}.

I already know it is the system again, after my stats was a written words swinging in the air..

[Be quick you have to know how to play your game, your mission is to conquer woman's and you're going to conquer and makes harems so you have a long way to go and you remember in doing that you need to learn how to defend yourself without your family backing you up, no worries you will be surprise to see the gift waiting for you in the store,the gift that the goddess has bestowed upon you be grateful out of thousands you where the chosen one]

As I was listening to this carefully and also reading the mysterious writings in the air, a question suddenly came to my mind

"Hey system can I take a look at the store?"

[Yes but first you have to do some certain naughty things to be able to gain access to the store]

I replied the system through thinking

"Can you direct me on what to do?"

[Yeah all you have to do is look for a girl and touch or hold her breast for one complete minutes and the store will automatically be unlocked]

"ooh but how can I do that when I haven't been with a girl my whole life and who am I to do that with ?"

[Remember the girl you trained with earlier?]

"Yeah what about her"

[I think she has a crush on you maybe you can get to do that with her but I won't direct you on exactly what to do this is your first time you have to do it on your own]

"Shit I thought you are going to be the one to tell me what to say cause seriously I don't have anything to say to a girl no sweet words nothing"

[Sorry about that I can't help you in that aspect as this is your first time I can't help you at first try but don't loose hope remember you're a breath taking handsome and also from a powerful family surely she will have a crush on you]

"Are you guessing"

[No am not, go through the owner of this bodies memory and you will find out yourself through the way she is always staring at you while sparring]

as the system said this i began going through the memory of the real owner of this body and I found out that what the system is saying is actually true considering the way she looks at him which is now me...

"She is just a seventeen year old girl that is clearly child abuse"

[Are you for real?? you're actually a thirteen year old boy who is going to touch or maybe hold a seventeen year old teenager if you're caught clearly the girl will be punish of abusing you remember you're just thirteen]...


[Yeah and when are you planning on accomplishing your mission exactly?]

"I think after the dinner I will look for a way to put my plan in motion"

Before I could continue my conversation with the system Fen voice disconnect me from further communication with the system...

"Chang are you listening to me"

I suddenly jolted from my seat and said

"uhh what where you saying again sorry my mind was with my food you know I'm hungry"

in reality the conversation I had with the system is just some few seconds conversation.

I acted as if I'm really into my food but Fen caught me...

"You haven't even touched your food and you're telling me you weren't listening cause of you're engrossed in your meal anyways listen to me carefully now"

I sigh in relief cause she didn't prolong the conversation of me been in deep thought for too long cause I don't want any of my family members to interven especially my mom considering she once said to me earlier that I was acting wierd..

"uhh okay what where you talking about?"

I asked and my sister replied me with a smirk and continue

"I don't want you training with that girl again,I don't want you sparring or anywhere near her"

I smirk inwardly thinking about my plan

"No Big Sister Fen I can't do that perhaps it was as a result of me not taking my training serious that's the reason she could defeat me so I want to keep sparring with her till I defeat her"

My dad replied by smiling

"Yeah you have to take your training serious if not how can a girl defeat you in a duel" said my dad,

I answered my dad

"She is no ordinary girl father she is a very powerful girl"

All the female in my family including my mum answered in unition

"Yes the girl is quite powerful"

My mum further continue...

"I want the girl to be Chang personal bodyguard"

My dad nodded in agreement

"Yes I think she can protect Chang better considering he doesn't like been protected with matured bodyguard I guess I will have to send her to the same school as you she will protect you better there"

I was a little happy about that having someone to protect you considering she's a girl I can have my time with her I will make her mine, I was grinning and thinking on how to make that girl mine and always having someone whom I will be able to fuck to gain coins, but I'm not the type of guy to play with a girl's feeling, when I make her mine I promise to protect her till my last breath, I'm going to protect my harem till the day I leave this world.

We chatted a little while eating then we finished our meals and everyone went to do what's important for them. as for me, I'm planning on how to conquer the heart of this beautiful servant of ours. so I headed straight to the training ground where I saw her seriously training, she was alone and I was happy that no one was around.

She noticed someone staring at her and she stopped the training and looked straight into my eyes, we where staring at each other until she was shy enough to put down her face and asked

"My Lord have you fully recovered, what are you doing at the training ground?"

I smirk at her while observing her full body.