

The CEO of no.1 software company in South Korea, Kim ji ya is a beautiful woman who is only focused on her career. The fact that nobody has ever seen her smile or being happy once. she is emotionless. One day a new employee Lee Jun Ho came to join her company and he was the complete opposite of her .He is popular, handsome and a cheerful guy. what will happen if they met ? can she be happy again?

Evilmind7 · สมจริง
12 Chs


Jiya: what promise?

Junho: (o-o) !! When did you come ?

Jiya : just now


Domin: what do you want?( Politely)

Jiya: junho

Jinyeong: what?!

Jiya : for work

Junho: ah ! What's the matter? The lunch time isn't over yet

Jiya: yeah that's why I came to instead of you coming to me, I just need your help well that's what a assistant should do right ? Help the boss right .

Junho feeling happy to finally getting acknowledged by her. He was just happy that at least jiya noticed him

Junho(in excitement): yes of course so how should I help you

Jiya : here take this file and help with the arrangement of the new project

Junho: which project?

Jiya: the one which I... Just come to the office after your lunch

Jiya leaves to her office with that file in her hands

Seok hun: oh my heart

Jinyeong: i thought it was gonna burst

Domin: for real God .

Suddenly they noticed junho who was smiling ear to ear.

Domin: yah! Junhoya!

Junho: yes (😊)

Seok hun: what happened to you

Junho: she just came out just for me, has she been out of office for someone? She even gave me work as a personal assistant oh my god I am just so happy.

Jinyeong: we were scared and you are happy

Seok hun: well this just proves that he is madly in love with her

Domin: that's true

Jinyeong: well we have confirmed that he is really in love with her more than us.

Seokhun: so from today onwards we are

helping ,ok!



Domin: well everyone complete your lunch

Seokhun: but junhoya I am curious about something. Does she never eat lunch even in her highschool

Jinyeong: I am also curious about that.

Junho: she did eat ,in a way. But doesn't talk to anyone. now she doesn't even eat lunch.

domin: did you also sit at the same table as her

junho: yes I did

(he starts to think of the past )


( back to the past where we left)

junho: ah really you are just gonna ignore me

jiya does not respond

junho feeling embarrassed said nothing after that and just left from there. jiya still doesn't care about him.

the class restarts again. the teacher came with an announcement of sports day happening soon in school. hearing this junho was happy as he thought now I could show my skills to the school and maybe impress jiya.

the school has dispersed. jiya was the last one toleave the class normally as she does not like the noise. but this time junho was in the class too. jiya suddenly wakes up from her chair with her bag and started to pick up the gifts they left . well after that when jiya tried to leave, junho suddenly called her. well jiya was a little surprised that someone was even in class.

junho: about earlier I am sorry for shouting at you

junho thought jiya wouldn't respond to him again and was even surprised that she even stopped there to listen to him. jiya turned towards him.

jiya: lee jun ho right..?

junho was glad to hear his name from her voice.

junho: yes

jiya tried to search for something in her bag. she pulled out her books and placed them on his table.

jiya: teacher told to give it to you. dont lose it I dont share my belongings. you are the first one I am sharing in my life and dont make me regret it.

junho: ahh i will not. i will return your books safely as possible

jiya starts to leave

junho: so did you forgive me

jiya stopped and thought about what he was talking about. ah suddenly remembered what he said, she doesn't even remember it. but still she turned toward him and she started to search in her bag again and pulled out a chocolate( of her own) and place it on the table and left without saying nothing. junho was f**king happy to have her forgiveness . He took the books and chocolate and placed it in his bag and ran out of the class. jiya was walking towards the bus stop suddenly junho came by her side and started to walk with her . jiya does't said anything . junho was also silent and have a smile in his face. they are near the bus stop and junho saw the bus coming so he turned to jiya and said bus is reaching soon.we are here on time. jiya doesn't respond and continued to walk . jiya does n't take the bus . because of that junho too . he was a bit confused. suddenly jiya stopped and turned towards him

jiya: are you following me?