3 Chapter 3 ~Fattening Reacquaintance~

Iris stared at herself as she walked, peering into the different windows of the houses she walked past, she rubbed her cheek slightly trying to get rid of any grime she could, picking out a few strands of the battleroom straw out of her jet black hair, Iris furrowed her brow at a large tinted glass window, part of one of the richer houses. as she noticed a few rogue strands of hair dancing in the evening breeze.

Iris knocked on the door to the red-wreath Inn, her hair tied back in a messy bun she paused scratching behind her ear as she waited, a set of heavy footsteps sounding from the inside.

a slat inlaid in the door slid aside, the smell of baked pies and other spiced meat assailed her senses as a voice bellowed, "what's your business?, we're closed" Iris took a moment to answer standing on her tiptoes to see who's eyes peered out of the opening. "it's just me tom, sorry I forgot to find out the password, been a bit busy at home today, anyway its just me, Iris that is."

"no password, no entry" Tom sounded surly. much like usual, shutting the slat with a whack. "what! Tom, let me in!" Iris shouted in surprise, smacking her hand on the door in frustration, the slat slid open once more, "what's your business." Tom said again in the same tone as before.

Iris had half a mind to poke him in the eyes, "Tom, come on you already know who I am, Open the damn door!"

"what's the password" tom answered, it felt like she could hear him smirk as he said that.

the sound of humming could be heard further inside the Inn, a woman's voice

"oh, I know the password," Iris said grinning, pushing herself up on her tiptoes again she grabbed the slat with her fingers and shouted "Melody! It's Iris! come here Toms being an ass!"

Tom shut the slat on her fingers.

Iris sucked on her pink pinched fingers, wincing as she smiled, hearing the sound of someone being smacked on the other side of the door, a few clicks from the locks and the door was open,

the smell was amazing, making her stomach grumble slightly, Melody smiling at her as she pulled back on her sandal.

"aw, sorry about that darling Tom's a bit grumpy from losing a bet today, been taking it out on others, the idiot" Melody said cheerily, ignoring Tom as he glowered at Iris, a red sandal print on his cheek.

she pulled Iris into a hug, Iris popping her tongue out as she returned it grinning, "anyway, Iris darling how've you been, how's Avi? you really should visit more you know I know your busy with that plan of yours but I'm always here if you need a good meal, I mean really look at you. your positively skeletal!"

Melody squeezed her arms as she released to prove her point, "come come, I've got some Shepard's pie cooking"
