

After three days of balaks return to the city of mambala, which is the Long awaited time to embark on the mission of restoring the stolen treasure of mambala kingdom and to bring back princess isterbella Frankfurt from the city of SEACROSS where she was head captive for more than six months so all the 46 province of mambala kingdom have already gathered everything possible to make sure that the 46000 soldiers of mambala kingdom embarking on the mission to restore back the glory of mambala kingdom is satisfied , so on this day multitude of unexpected volunteer youths of mambala kingdom flooded the city gate of mambala,ever ready to join on that particular mission but balak and the rest of mambala military ask the volunteer youths to stay back for there safety but many of them persuaded that they love their king so dearly and this alone is the reason why the military and balak will allow them to join but balak repeated himself and told them to stay back for their safety, all the volunteers youths fate so disappointed but few still feel like allowing them, immediately balak and the 46,000soldiers match out to the road leading to SEACROSS, as they were matching they were singing a song saying

( Song )

,,,, land ! of mambala is a city highly bless

by God ooo but the enemies came and defiled it,land of mambala is a city highly bless by God but the enemies came and defiled it

What can we do

We will go and restore it back, we will go and restore it back .

So they were singing and echoing this song until when they approaches the bother between them and SEACROSS they stop song immediately balak command them to destroy any thing that stands on way and try in every possible means to make sure that their princess is save alive,he gave them directions, and show them the map line leading to the city palace of SEACROSS kingdom,it was late in the evening so they decided to sneak inside in the middle of the night and take them unaware.

More interesting chapters is still coming please add to library

Fman_Ndubuisicreators' thoughts