
History of Golden Skull City

"Ah, again about the Golden Skull City. It's boring", said Andrew." The Golden Skull city is a big Era. They are the founders of the Golden Skull City. Their things are full of gold and unvalueable. There is a mysterious treasure which is hiding in the Lost City of Golden Skull. But there is a myth that is about the four legends death. Because of the legends dead, the city and the golden skull has been lost for now. The legends must return back to recover the City of Golden Skull", said Andrew with his teacher by moaning in his mouth. Andrew's teacher is now saying about the history 10th time. The school bell rings. Andrew took his bag and run towards the main gate of his school. Suddenly, he knocked a student. The student he knocked name was Alex and he was Andrew's classmate. Alex was interrupted by Andrew. Then, a friend of Alex came and asked Andrew "why do you knock Alex" and his name was Fred. " Sorry Alex, He accidently knocked you. Please forgive us", said Keyd. Keyd is Andrew's classmate too. The four of them are one class. Alex and Fred forgive Andrew and Keyd. They become friends.

Next Day Morning,

They skipped some of their classes and caught red hand by their discipline teacher Mr. Bernie. So, they got detention for their action. Mr. Bernie brought to his room and told about the lost city of Golden Skull. Those four of them were bored to hear that history again and again. After that, Mr. Bernie brought them to an old classroom which was so dirty and dusty. Mr. Bernie told them to clean up the classroom neatly and tidally. They were so bored to their cleaning progress. Meanwhile, something was glowing bright inside the desk and Fred started to notice that. He called all of his friends and saw it. It was a map. But it was different. Andrew combined it with an original map and the map which was glowing bright. The map's coordinate was in negative. Suddenly, Alex told that the map is about the hidden place of the Golden Skull City. Suddenly, they all started to shrink inside the map.
