
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Greeting the guests

Hazel got out of the bathroom and was not surprised when she saw Naana and another servant in the room ."Miss Hazel I think it would be better if you get ready now " Naana said. Hazel nodded and the servant came forward with her corset "Madem told us to tighten the corset today because she would be looking for possible suitors for you "Naana informed tightening the corset . Hazel held the table and bit her lower lip to prevent her from screaming. The corset was tightened to the extent that she could barely stand ."I'm sure I'll even pass out before the guests even arrive"Hazel complained trying to stand straight."Let's hope no such thing happens otherwise madam would be very angry"Naana chided. Left with no other choice Hazel tried her best to breath . The other servant who had come with Naana went out and came in after sometime with a black evening gown. The black gown was armless that would be revealing her beautiful white hands and shoulders The dress was very beautiful with specks of diamonds beautifully arranged in it . Looking at the quality of the dress Hazel knew it was made way before her mom even thought about the soiree. Putting on the dress she saw how the dress emphasized her bosom showing a peak of her bosom."Naana I think you got the wrong dress, it's so revealing"Hazel stated with her cheeks turning pink. She couldn't imagine people seeing her in this dress . Naana frowned sizing the dress and after inspecting answered"No Miss Hazel , this is the dress that madam gave us ".'Why would mother give me something so revealing ' Hazel thought staring at her reflection in the mirror . Noticing how uncomfortable Hazel was looking Naana suggested "Let me get you something to put on " . Hazel continued to stare at her reflection and after sometime Naana entered with a small coat which was also designed similar to the dress . "I think this would do"she said and Hazel nodded. Naana helped her into it and there was no flaw in it. The diamonds designed in the dress gave off an air of elegance and also suited the occasion which was held in the evening. Hazel sat down as Naana made her hair into a neat bun and applied some red paint on her lips. When she finished she felt satisfied with how she looked and so complimented "You look stunning Miss Hazel " . Even the other servant in the room couldn't agree less. It was of no doubt that Hazel was a beauty , even the newly employed servants always gossisp about how beautiful the vampiress is was .Her pale skin , straight black hair and long lashes alone made all the male servants blush whenever they see her . A knock sounded on the door and Hazel already suspected who it was. Naana opened the door and in came her mother. She was dressed in a red expensive dress which gave off the smell of wealth . Vanessa didn't have the warming smile that she always gives to Hazel on her lips because she was still upset with her. "Most of the dukes on this land would be coming today, I want you to put up your best behavior since the Lord too would be coming as well"Vanessa stated and Hazel nodded."You're looking very beautiful" she finally complimented with a light smile on her lips. Hazel smiled back and they both walked out of the room to greet the guests. Hazel took in a deep breath because not only was she going to reveal her feelings for Martin in front of her parents today but also the Lord as well ?' Hazel thought thinking her plan through again. She knew that this was her only chance if she wants to end up with Martin . Heaving a huge sigh She descended the stairs with her mother with her heart thumping in her chest .

Every woman on this land is being taught how to behave coyly , even if a woman loves a man she has to wait for the man to make the first move as it is considered indecent if the woman makes the first move. But today she was going to break all those rules , sighing She walked to the door and plastered on her face her best smile as they welcomed the guest . The butler of the Mansion stood at the main door to take off the coats of the guests , hung and keep them somewhere safe so that the he would give it back to them when they are going . Hazel's smile turned genuine when she saw her friends ,Mavis and Selena walk in . Excusing herself from the guest she was talking to with her mom ,she walked to them ."Wow your dress suits you perfectly well bringing out all the curves"Selena complimented and Hazel blushed ."I heard the Lord of the land would be coming to the soiree today "Mavis asked because that was the very reason why she had dolled herself so much . "Hmm ,my mom said something like that"Hazel answered not bothered about whether the Lord would come or not . "Is that Ronald I'm seeing there?"Mavis questioned when she spotted Ronald dressed in a black dress with the top two buttons of his shirt undone.

"Hazel dear come here"her mom called and she excused herself from her friends before walking to where her parents were. "Meet Jeremy the one your aunt was talking about the last time the son of Mr Javier"Vanessa introduced and Hazel gave a questioning look but covered it up with a smile which didn't reach her eyes . She didn't remember who Jeremy was because whatever her aunty was saying she didn't listen but still greeted "Hazel wiltchiz glad to meet you". Hazel greeted and bowed . "Jeremy Javier" he also introduced, took her hand and kissed her knuckles which made her blush . This wasn't the first time she was being kissed on the knuckles but it still got her flustered. Jeremy was a guy with an average height and average looks . His ginger hair was combed to the side revealing a man with a warm expression, he was okay to look at but not as handsome as Martin she compared unknowingly. She wanted to excuse herself and look for Martin but she knew that would be considered rude.