
The Angel

,,Hey, hurry up or we're gonna be late!" said a girl running and dragging another girl with her.

,,Can you calm down? We still have plenty of time." Said the other girl annoyed.

,,No we have to get there fast before everyone gets all the front seats!."

In a small town called Pearl there is a festival every year. It's known for it's fun unique attractions, themes and foods. At the end of the festival there is a traditional dance of a lady in a mask. Everyone calles her The Angel. Her beatiful dance is stunning to everyones eyes. Her moves are beautiful and smooth like a wind. Whenever she makes eye contact with anyone it's like a butterfly effect and they can't help fall for her charms. No one knows who she really is. After the dance she always disappears and comes back the next year with her mysteriousness and charms.

When the girls finally got to their seats the lights went off and everyone started cheering when they saw a beatiful lady walking slowly in a purple silky dress and a mask making them see only her unresistible brown almost orange eyes. Those light brown eyes have something special about them that leaves a person stunned and unable to look away.

Her first move was fast and smooth. She took another step very slowly and moving her whole body. The movements of her slim arms, that were connected to the parts of her dress, were making the dance even more beautiful. Everyone was shocked of her performance. Even though some of them have seen her dancing before, they were still surprised. Each year is better and better.

When the dance ended it was silent. They were stunned until one person finally claps and everyone started cheering like crazy. Some of them even cried. The Angel bowed panting from the dance. When she went backstage the staff complimented her for the succes and admiring her beauty.

In her dressing room she changes into a light pink dress. She wiped off her make-up and did a ponytail. Without her mask she actually looked really young.  One would say that she's only a little girl, totaly different from her mature aura on the stage.

The staff from the festival respected her privacy and so they always get her a room with a secret door to the back. Of course, it wasn't like that the first time she performed. People surrounded the dressing rooms just to see her true face but the bodyguards prevented them so she got out before anyone noticed her. They were so merciless that they even threw people out one by one. And so no one ever dared to get close to her room again. Sometimes there were fans sneaking around and trying to take photos of her true face but failed.

When she was about leave through the secret. door in her room a knock was heard on the front door.

"It's us." a men's voice was heard assuring her it's not a crazy fan, like last time, but her friends.

She opened the door and a boy with a girl came in. They were about the same age as her.

The boy has blond hair that is nicely pushed to the back so his bright blue eyes were uncovered and so was his handsome face. He wore a pair of light blue jeans with a white t-shirt. The girl next to him has also blond hair but her eyes are darker almost like a night sky. Her hair was long to her elbows. She wasn't as tall as him even smaller than the dancer in fact. She wore a black skirt and a dark blue sweatshirt revealing a bit of her chest but her beautiful necklace with a half heart couldn't be unnoticeable.

She gave the dancer a bouquet of flowers and said;

"Congratulations sweetie! You were beautiful."

"Yeah, you put an amazing performance out there!" The boy said after her.

"Thank you." She said with a sweet smile making both of them slightly blush but they smiled back at her.

Her voice was delicate and gentle like a feather.

"I thought we were going to meet later." said the dancer looking at both of them with a questioning look.

"We would have got here sooner to surprise you if Christine wouldn't try every attraction on the way" said the boy looking the girls direction.

,,Eric! I didn't try everything. I was just curious since we didn't get to play much at the festival before and this is the only time I can try it!" Christine yelled at Eric.

They were supposed to meet at their secret place near the lake. Whenever they can't see each other in the day they always meet up at night at the small old house that was abandoned for decades and no one wanted to get close to the house. That's why it's the best secret place for their hangouts.

The dancer giggled and looked at them.

,,Now now don't fight again." She confronted them.

Eric looked at her and changed the subject.

"We watched the whole performance. I didn't know you were so talented!"

Christine also looked at her.

,,He's right you're a great dancer Vivian!"
