
Prologue: As all Necromancer starts

My name's Thane, a simple helper around the town. My family is of common background and we usually get by with my father working as a blacksmith at a forgery. Then why am I working around the town? Well, it's simple. Just like any other adult, I want to be able to move with my own feet and live independently. However, I am no scholar, nor a warrior and I really have no particular reason to leave my family either. Even so, I believe there would be a time it would be inevitable. That's why I'll keep preparing for when that day arrives!

"Alright, thank you for the work kid. Here's ten bronze coins."

"Thank you very much!"

As you can see. My work isn't really that profitable, they're scrapes of what others earn in comparison. Lifting boxes around the town is barely anybody can do, so most of the people who hire me either are too tired or have the coins to spare.

After wiping off my sweat, I start to head to find another work. Lifting boxes isn't only my work either, I sometimes get asked to lift purchases to their households. Basically I am what they call uh...what was it again? Oh, right. Courier.

"Going hard at it with work again, Thane?"

"Ah, Lady Rhea. Good morning. Are you here to go shopping?"

The lady that greeted me just now is Lady Rhea. She's a regular of my service. Her husband is usually around the continent, selling his merchandise. A good guy, I must say. He was rather welcoming. Because of his absence however, Lady Rhea often goes to shop on her own.

"That is not the case today, Thane. I just simply wanted to take a stroll around the town, perhaps reminiscence on our childhood."

Believe it or not, we are of the same age. Most of my friends married a year ago and because of that, they moved away from the town. We rarely see each other anymore. Lady Rhea here was one of my friends since childhood.

"It really feels like yesterday, Lady Rhea."

"Cut it out with the 'Lady' will you? Status or not we are still friends, even when I got married."

"Haha, I can't really do that. There are just some things society has to follow. That's enough nostalgia for me though! I have to get going."

Bidding our good byes, I went back to my daily routine. Suddenly I feel a lot older as I got reminded that I am the only one of our group that hasn't married yet.

"Work's been kind of rough lately you see, there's been a lot of orders for weapons lately. So we haven't been able to have anyone fetch our materials, could you go get our supplies on the miner's guild? I'll give you the receipt so we'll trust you into it, Thane."

"Alright! Leave it to me, master!"

I declared before taking the receipt of their hands. That guy just now is the owner of the forge. The boss of my father essentially. As for the origin of the nickname, well it's how my father introduced him when we first met, since then it has been stuck to me.

First things first however, to the Miner's Guild. The Miner's guild as the name implies, is a place where miners commission their service. It is also where they drop off their haul. Father said it was made to protect miners from getting exploited, and it made sense for me.

"Good morning! I would like to take the order from the Ironhearth Forge."

"Oh, been a while seeing you here personally. Guess the forge is busy today too huh."

This guy is also a friend of mine. Frank. He is the one who usually I encounter whenever I have a job with the guild, so I figure he must be the receptionist.

"Yeah! Something about needing more weapons?"

"About that, details are not really sure but it seems like a group of knights from the Kingdom came to the town just last night. They sure ordered a bunch of supplies this morning."

While chattering with Frank for a bit, the supply crates arrived. Surprisingly, it is indeed much abundant that what I usually get. Supposing that it would take three round trips for me to deliver all of it.

"Alright, supplies are here. Be careful not to trip and hit your toe, these materials hurt a lot if it lands on your foot."

"Oh c'mon, please stop. If not it would really happen."

"Haha, just a bit of joke. Don't blame me if it does happen though."

Leaving while grunting, I hear Frank's laugh as I head back to the forge. The crate is small but it does weigh a lot. I had to carefully move through the streets to avoid hitting any people.


Although of course that did not happen. Curse Frank and his big mouth!

I hear a clunk as I turn around the corner. The crate having hit a solid object made a sound. I turn my head only to be greeted by a heavily armored knight. It's suit of iron was menacing and what is more is that its eyes seems to be staring hardly on me.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance. Please keep going."

I answered in reflex as I bow my head and proceed to walk.


I hear a faint sound come from the armor. I look back to check, but it seemed like the knight froze on its position. Maybe it was just my imagination?

As I was about to resume my work, I came across an alley. Somehow an alley I haven't seen before. There is no way I would have not noticed an alley around here.

Curious, I turn my heads to see if anyone is seeing this alley, but strangely, it's like everyone knew such place before. I placed down the crate that I was carrying and looked into the alley. It was neither too dim nor too bright. As I enter deep, I come across a dirty robed person, sitting weakly onto the floor.

"A person...? A human?"

There was something else it muttered under their breath, but nevertheless the more I stay the more it feels eerie in this place.

"Do you desire power...?"

"No, I don't."

"How about fortune?"

"I do, but thanks for the offer."

"I shall give you eternal life."

"What's the point of living?"

"...huh. You're quite interesting. Then what do you wish? Love? Spare me the flowers and butterflies."

"Do you need help? I can go fetch you something to eat."

"W-what? You're strange, it's kind of creepy."

I could say the same to you. But forget it, this person is clearly in need of some food. They must've been quite exhausted and slept here in this alley.

"I'll go get you some food."

"Wait! You can't just--"

After roaming the nearby food stall, I bought the person some meat skewers and bread alongside a fresh cup of water.

"Here you go. It may have been quite cheap but this set is what I call the Thane meal! It's complete with bread to fill your stomach, meat skewers to fill your palate and water to chug it all down."

Most meals cost a ton, and that is because you are using their dishes and place. However, if one can just simply buy what they need on a stall, then they'll feel the same satisfaction from half the price. Of course I learned that while saving up!

"Oh! You're right, the meat skewers compliment well with bread. The slightly burnt meat is being overloaded with the plain taste of bread and makes a good balance in my mouth."

"Alright, I'm usually around the town so if you need my help to get a job just call me."

"No! Wait a minute here!", the person shouted for my attention.

"As thanks, take this book."

The person took a book out of its robes and handed it to me. It was strangely well conditioned and feels rather new. The cover is engraved with a decorative symbol.

Where did this person hid a book like this? What's more is that it is even well kept. I can't take something like this in exchange! This could very well change their situation right now.

"I can't take this! If you sell this you could be living on an inn now! How about I sell this in your stead? I'll give you the profits, of course."

"No need, I don't need the fortune anyways. Go on, make it a keepsake of what not. Atleast there would be someone to remember me, something like that."

"Do you have an illness? Let's go to the doctor."

"Leave it. I don't need your help anymore. You've been quite the amusement so far. But it's time to bid our farewell."

Huh? Suddenly, I feel lighter...?

I looked down only to see that my feet is not on the ground. I am floating! I usually see something of this caliber when mages come by-- is this magic?!

"Ah right, there's no point showing that to anyone. Take care of the Necronomicon."

Necronomicon?! The famed cursed book of a necromancer!

"W-wait! What do you mean?! I can't own something like this!"

"Ahahaha, many wished for fortune, fame, power and even everlasting life, but you're the only one who wished to give assistance. Let's see you help people with the power of the foulest arts of magic."

And just like that, I was thrown out of the alley. I looked around to see if any people noticed, but they were going about as usual. The time I look back at the alley, it was gone. Now it was replaced with a wall, familiar to what I remember. Terrified, I tried to leave the book on the ground, but it only went back into my hands like a mushroom appearing out of nowhere.

To some it would seem like I was just resting on that side of the wall, but I experienced something peculiar that only I would know. Now I am cursed, the book of necromancy that eats the sanity of its wielders now rest upon my hands.
