
Chapter 4: The chains that binds life (II)

"First unit! Engage!", the Captain shouts before they march towards the rowdy horde of demons. One imp pounces, taking the initiative, but the knight simply grabbed its body and threw it at the ground before finishing the demon with a quick jab of their spear.

Their formation remained tight as the battle goes on, but the demons kept coming. Their numbers are not to underestimate. As soon as they kill of what seems to be the last of its horde, a swarm would appear out of nowhere. The knights had to somehow come back to recover their injuries and another would replace them on the battlefield.

"What are those town guards doing? They seem to be late like yesterday, didn't we just had a discussion last night?"

"I will alert the guards!"

One knight went back to the town, but due to the weight of their armor, they could only move at a decent speed for a walk. Tough being a knight.

"Here's your potion. Ah, please wait, this guy needs treatment."

Just like yesterday, the attacks of the demons are relentless, but fortunately none of have lost their lives. I hand out the potions and in some cases, help apply some on places they can't reach.

"Thane, I'm back."

A voice called out to me. I looked behind me and see the same tall figure that overshadows the sun. His helm looks straight at me.


"Good work."

Looking at their condition, it was just a few scratches on his armor. It was the ones from yesterday. It seems that he didn't sustain any injuries this time.

"No injuries huh, nice going.", I added before closing up the bag. It seems like most knights on the first unit went back to rest, as we are the only ones in this area of grassy plains.

"Somehow, their attacks have gotten weaker."

I leaned over to the side to check how it is doing. I see the guy that greeted me earlier, fighting off the imps that come after him one after another.

It seems like today's battle ended swiftly. Perhaps they poured too many fighters out on the first battle.

"Say, you'll go with us, right?"

The Captain asks, leaning onto his halberd as he plants it deep into the soil.

"Yeah, I was invited by you after all."

"Good.", the Captain briefly answered.

"It feels all too easy...", I vaguely hear the Captain's words. Confused, I can't help myself but ask.

"What? Did you just say something, Captain?"

"Nothing. Speaking of which, I haven't properly introduced myself did I?"

"Oh yeah, name's Thane."

"I know. Chart told me about it. My name is Robin. Robin Wyrmweiss."

"Uh huh, nice to meet you Captain Wyrmweiss."

Chart could be the name of the guy who approached me before. Still, Robin huh, what a nice name.

"It's a good name. It rolls off the tongue nicely.", I added.


A knight came shouting from afar, taking our attention. The knight limply walks towards us, his heavy breathing echoing inside his helm.

"The--The demons are seen to be-- haah,they are approaching the town in the northeastern side!"

"We need to move! Knights! Prepare the steeds!"

The Captain answered, firmly taking grasp of his halberd.

"The guards may have already been fighting them off. Thane! Come with me!"

Robin whistled and a stallion came rushing, ready to deploy. Without faltering, Robin rode the horse in one swift attempt before lifting me up and having me sit behind him.

"Let's go Cavall!"

Robin ordered with bravado and the horse started to run. It was fast, I can feel the wind brushing past despite the huge figure covering me from it. Being at the back of the horse however, made it difficult for me to stay atop. My reflexes urged me to embrace my arms around his body, but I feel a slight flinch as soon as I touch.


"Sorry! It's just too strong!"

"...fine, hold on tight! But not so sudden!"

It did not took another moment for us to reach the other side of the town. Just as Robin suspected, the guards are already fighting off the imps, though compared to the knights, this battle was more brutal. Without the thick armor of the Eagle Knights, the claws of the imps easily bypasses the light armor of the guards, resulting in deeper cuts.

"I-I have to heal them!"

"Wait! That's the middle of the--"

I said as I step down from the horse and immediately rush to the fallen guard. Her wounds were much severe, the cut is deep into the flesh. Her armor dyed in blood, and their breathing is ragged. I hurriedly opened up the bag containing the vials of potions and applied the potion to their wound. The cut closed itself, but the woman is still limping from the pain.

"Graces...that was too close--"

Opening up another vial, this time I have her drink the potion as to fix up any internal injury. This would take time compared to applying it directly, but it is still assured that internal wounds will fix up.

"Gahh! Thank you for that but-- behind you!"

As I turn around I see an imp approaching steadfast.

"Weaken.", I said under my breath. With no hesitation, I pulled the chains down, bringing the spirit of the imp to the ground, away from its body. The body of the imp slowed down, almost at the point of falling over any moment, but its consciousness remains so long as the body is connected to the spirit. The chains binds the spirit, yet the connection is strong enough for the body to drag it. My chains are still weak.

A large halberd then splits the demon in half, releasing the bond between spirit and vessel. The spirit, alongside the chains went back to my side and once again, absorbed the imp within me.

"What luck, the imp had to get exhausted midway through."

"Thank you, Captain Wyrmweiss. I'll bring her back to safety."

"I'll make sure no demon touches you. Go."

Nodding, I see off the Captain while holding the guard on my shoulders. Despite the wounds healing, the guard limps as she walks.

"So those are the knights...quite an amazing friend you have there.", the guard said.

"Will you be fine here?", I asked.

We've walked for quite a distance from the battle. I can't go far either, I still need to tend to the others I've left in the middle of it.

"Yeah, thanks. I just need a good meal to recover."

"Heh, glad you get to eat for another time eh?"

I jokingly said and chuckled before I head back. I feel my senses returning, the foul smell of blood runs through my nose, making me dizzy. Once again, I wore my makeshift mask and went back to the middle of it.

Robin seems to be having a hard time. Handling four imps at each side, with more going after him. I need to weaken all of them!

Like a flicker, my mind knew what I need to do. Strangely enough, my body then soon followed pursuit. Just like before, I just need to gather the heat at the tip of my fingers and as it builds up, slowly then divide it. Imagine, the manifestation of a dozen of chains slowly building. I feel my fingers burning hot and flames that are blue in color bursts forth, but my hand remained healthy. The weight of the chains dawned upon my palm and slowly, I grasp it. Chains crawled up to the ground where the imps are, tying down their souls as the chains rolls around their neck and arms, binding it into submission. One, two, three-- in a matter of seconds, all seven of the imps surrounding Robin were binded, and their body weakened as their spirit gets pulled away.

Robin flinched at the sudden change of behaviour from his enemies. I feel a sharp pain in my head, making me flinch and my arm that holds the chain shakes, struggling from the weight. However, it did not take long for Robin to take advantage of the situation.

Having released from the weight, I weakly hurried to the next guard. I did not care for the arriving spirits, what's important was to get the guards treatment. My body then soon felt light and I was able to dash to the next guard.

"Ah!", I was taken back by hitting myself with the Necronomicon once again. It was glowing like the other day, even brighter than it was before. However, that was not what concerned me at all.

Since when is this book floating around?

Has it been floating around for a while? Was it the first I used weaken? T-then, did Robin and the other guards already noticed? No, they would certainly question it if they did...but I can't exactly expect that this book is invisible.

Forget about that for now! I need to help the guards.
