3 Evolution

After the light left my eyes I felt something flow through my body. Peace? No it was something much more profound. I felt heat, pain, pleasure, and cold all at once. Chaos is the only real way to describe this sinsation. A random yet purposeful force running rampant through me.

'What is this? I'm so confused. How can you feel all this at the same time? Why does it feel like my body is breaking apart!?'

No matter how freaked out my mind was couldn't even compare to the sheer terror the other party was experiencing.

The boy he'd just stabbed and knocked out was twitching at first. A little weird, but acceptable. I didn't stop there though. He started spasming and the sound of bones popping made him jump back away from his victim. The body started to grow and darken until the skin was that of a void in the air. The sounds made there were those of trees breaking and twisting without a single one in sight for half a mile. Ripping of fabric to make way for new rapid growth.

Alarmed to no known degree he'd ever been to, the man just stood there in shock as the creature in front of him appeared to wake as it ripped the knife from it's hand and grunted at the small discomfort that posed. The monster stood up to reveal it's height and dark wings began to spring from the back where the shoulder blades used to be. It resembled a gargoyle, but stood over 7 feet tall with muscles rippling throughout and a twice as thick to the has-been attacker.

The creature looked around for the first time at itself not knowing what to explain the situation with. It stared at what should have been it's arm, but couldn't seem to recognize it's own body. Tapping it with it's other hand and immediately distressed at the appearance of an identical strange limb.

"What the hell is this?! Why am I seeing something else's arms!? Where are my clothes!? Why does everything look infrared!?", Just a hail of undiscernable questions from a rumbling deep voice.

Suprisingly he doesn't realize how deep his voice became. It's funny how a shocked intellegence works. However, he does notice one thing after a squeek comes from the alley near him.

"WHAT THE FU-!! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!!?", the now distraught idiot squeals in disbelief at the inexplicable sight before him. Guess being criminally bright doesn't make you able to handle the appearance of a indominable threat.

I snap out of my stupor of curiousity and confussion to focus on the swearing little white monkey in dark clothes. Standing far away from me and backing up slowly as he trembles and shakes. I take a step forward slowly and feel air touch me in a place I didn't previously have a body. Looking back and under a raise arm I see huge black leathery wings.

'Heh. Well I guess getting suprised at this point would just be dumb now wouldn't it.'

Looking back at my foe I see he's backing up faster and is now leaving a trail of piss down his legs and on the cement. After taking another step forward he starts going faster and eventually starts to turn to run away.

"HOLY SHIT! SOMEBODY HELP! IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!", he cries to the night and to no one. This is a daytime working district. Nobody is around at this time of day and police can't be bothered to tour the low ends of the city where there shouldn't be any activity(that they want to deal with anyways).

I decide to test something out and leap to try and catch him in one go. Sadly miscalcuations of strength are a mark of rampent growth in young boys. This however was beyond disasterous. Instead of leaping behind him I end up passing him half way through the jump, landing just shy of the sidewalk on the other side of the street at the end of the ally. I felt the ends of my wings graze the buildings while "flying" through the air and semi-small lines are gouged into the brick and mortar. A yellowish white dust is on the tips of the wings and in the air while larger, what can only be discribed as rocks, are left strewn throughout the alley and into half the street.

Not feeling any pain, I can only grasp that i'm both extrodinarily strong and tough. The building is quite old and worn, but involuntarily making holes in the wall shouldn't feel like running my finger over the grooves in cardboard boxes.

Turning to see my target and finding him panicing with his hand shrouding his head from falling debris just makes me chuckle at the situation, but it's immediately replaced by rage for the things he's put me through. Getting a better feel for the power in my body I lunge at the murdering bastard and find this trajectory to be more fitting for the approach from earlier.

Landing 3 feet in front of him I reach out and grasp his shoulder to stop his forward movement in his paniced state.

"What's happening?! What're you gonna do to me?!" he tries to demand through the tremor in is voice.

"The way I see it... Anything. I. Want!!"

Grabbing him on the arms at his chest, he loses the wind in his lungs at the impact when I carry him in a leap onto the roof of the old building on the left while retracting my wings as best I can to try and prevent damage to the walls. Landing a little hard only due to my newly established 500 lb body, a tremor can be heard in the area and through the building.

"Hope the maintanence man wasn't still in...."

Joking aside I face the human doll in my hands, whose struggling to breath. "Ah! I've thought of it! Ready to see the last great view of your life?" Not waiting for a real response to the question I begin to squeeze one side of his ribs in my right hand and wind him up like a baseball.

Here's another example of strength miscalculations, and if you can't deal with or have over developed imaginations in the gore department you may want to just skip over the next bit. Instead of tossing him like a ball into the darkness towards a small wooded area near by, It seems the human body can handle that kind of g-force. I end up indeed throwing part of him into the near by (1 1/2 miles) wooded area, but only his chest seemed to make the flight... Blood and guts went everywhere in the direction of the throw and his limbs, shoulders, head and pelvis kinda just seperated from that portion and flopped a few dozen feet away in a gross heap on the cement roof.

Covered in gore I start to rethink the extent my anger and almost feel bad for the guy. Almost... "Guess he didn't get to see much... Eww."

Knowing that staying here would be a bad thing if someone actually did come around to see this mess. I decide to test out my new body for a new sinsation. Clearing my mind and mentally retracing my path to get here and where home should be and face in a good direction and gather strength in my legs while trying to improve the motion of moving my wings. Kind of weird to move something you never had before, but doesn't prove as difficult to at least extend and retract after a few seconds of consentration on my back muscles. Seems my brain has rewired itself.

Recalling my minor video game experience I leap with my wings retracted as high and far as I can and extend them and try to hold them out against the wind pressure to begin to glide. The excitement and feeling of the air on my body feels amazing. Like riding a motorcycle for the first time down an empty highway.

My eyes then find the scene of the beginning of this situation putting an end to the short-lived trance-like bliss and root my mind swiftly back in reality. Seeing as nobody is around anymore I assume noone has seen her yet, so I lean forward towards the area and descend on the blood pooled sidewalk and the woman left there. A stain starts to form in my heart as anger and despair tear into my pysche. I'm alone now. No family, nowhere I can call home anymore. Just an empty shadow left in the hole of society.

No longer caring about the outside world, I pick up my mom and carry her into the air out of the city to give her a symblence of a last rite....
