


I gasped as I made my way out to the Gate of the Underworld. Nervousness was the first thing that dominated my whole body while running fast.

I have a wound on the thigh caused by Persephone's almost hit on me while I was trying to escape from the Underworld. At those times, I could not use my powers because the Underworld forbids the usage of magic to keep it from being invaded by other Gods.

To do so, I did a technique to get in... I offered coats to Persephone. But, I know by the time Zeus found out about it, I would receive a triple punishment for betraying the King of the Underworld, Hades.

I held in my right hand the Water of Reviving that I stole right under the Ocean of Death while I conspired with Orpheus to put the three-headed dog Cerberus to sleep using the magic of Charon to do so.

I did all of this to help Orpheus revive Eurydice, and I admit I regret ever doing so. I am known as brave because I am the Goddess of Wild Animals, but I still have a soft heart to gods that I pity because I have experienced how to lose a loved one.

"Chase her! Chase that traitor!" Persephone shouted angrily as the various souls in the Underworld slowly came out and started chasing after me.

I ran even faster, but I always fell because of my wound that keeps on making me wince every time I take a step.

"Shit!" I cursed when a soul released by Persephone held my leg. At this time, Hades is not yet in the Underworld, which is in my favour because I would not be able to escape alive if he were in his kingdom.

I immediately hid the Water of Reviving inside the coat and began to pull a golden arrow behind me. I touched, and a streak of light appeared right in front of the dark shadow, and it vanished into thin air. I began to panic when I suddenly heard Hades' voice from afar.

"Persephone, what happened here?" he asked as I accelerated my pace. I immediately closed my eyes in pain when suddenly, someone pulled me from behind.

"Be quiet, or I will push you. It's me, Hermes," he whispered from behind while covering my mouth with a handkerchief. In what he was doing, it was as if he was kidnapping me. I didn't know he is a Guide here in the Underworld, and I wish I could have asked him for help right away.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're going to Hades?" he asked me, suspicious with why I am here. I am always original, I will never have an affair with other God, and besides, Hades is known for being loyal to Persephone.

"Just be quiet to the other Gods. I stole the Water of Reviving and Persephone was now hunting me," I said, and he was shocked with what I said as if he didn't believe it when I suddenly took it out of my coat. "See?" I added while his eyes were filled with amazement with the thing in front of him.

He was about to touch it when I pushed him away. "Don't touch it, you know... When you touch it, it will make a loud sound," I teased him as I hid it back in my coat.

"Why did you steal it? Zeus and Hades will punish you!" he said while emphasising in his voice that he was giving me a warning. I know I will be punished for what I did, but... I know that I made the right choice helping Orpheus and Eurydice to be happy again.

"I just want to help Orpheus," I said as I bent down. I could not hide the embarrassment I felt, mostly because je is another Guide in the Underworld. Hades will surely punish him too.

"Can you just help me one last time? I promise I will forever be grateful," I said while looking at my wound that won't stop bleeding.

"No ... It will be bad for you. Just return it while Hades hasn't found out," he said while holding out his palm but I immediately rejected him and started to sit down.

"Hermes, I just want to help for the last time. Rather than wasting all our efforts to get it, I know that Zeus will not punish me too much because I am his child," I said while trying to smile at him. He immediately sighed and held out his hand to me.

"Fine, but before that, I will heal your wounds," he said to my surprise. Since when did he learn to heal? "I know that you're curious, but it's not some power. I only got it in the Sphere of Mortals when I once brought a message about Zeus' mortal affair," he said, and we can't help but laugh.

There is nothing we can do about our father because even Hera scolds us because of him.

"Okay, done. Now you can run as fast as you can but, tell me what is the favour you want me to do?" he asked while looking at the messages inside his bag. I stared at him because he managed to search for letters while I was in danger.

"Bring this to Orpheus and tell him, fuck you!" I told him, and he swallowed. Maybe he would not accept it because he's scared fear but good thing he slowly took the coat and started flying like Peter Pan.

He even saluted as he left. I was sure Hades would not be able to catch up with him. I slowly came out of the Gate when someone grabbed my shoulder.

"My lovely nephew," Hades said as his appearance was engulfed in flames that almost scorched me when he touched me. It looks like I will receive the punishment I am preparing for.