
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Chapter 25

The next morning we were guided to a large building, presumably the Ninja Academy of Kirigakure. Inside the Jonin-sensei wished us good luck and left us to our own devices. The teams quickly split up and we all walked in our own teams.

Tsunade gave me one final nod before she and her team vanished into the crowd. "You don't need to worry about her, their team is the second strongest of us from Konoha," assured Sakumo me with a cuff on the shoulder.

"I know, but she might not be strong for the other none Konoha teams," I said with a weak smile.

"Don't worry, Tsunade-hime can fight Chunin, she will be fine. Now come, we have to reach the examination room before they close the doors," assured Sakumo. I followed both up a flight of stairs.

"Have you noticed the Genjutsu?" Asked Ariha both of us silently. Sakumo nodded, I shook my head. "Ah right, you and your strange body. I wish I wouldn't be affected by Genjutsu," moaned Ariha in fake envy. My team learned quickly that Genjutsu don't work on me, Kagami-sensei thinks it has something to do with my rapidly recharging Chakra and that this oddity breaks any forming Genjutsu before it can even latch on my Chakra pathways.

My quick Chakra regeneration is something I have inherited from grandma Mito and the Senju. Not quite a Bloodline but close, at least they think that. In reality, it was just the cheat ability I gained from having a Gamer's Body and Gamer's Mind. The family is hailing me as a prodigy and the elders are in hopes of me awakening Mokuton as well.

We reached the door where we were tasked to find ourselves in before the exam starts and walked inside. The room was already quite filled with other Genin, most of them from Kirigakure. That is normal for the hosting village.

We walked over to a free place and studied the other teams. Most are weak, some even below the weakest Chunin. But there were some, a spare few teams, that were already Chunin in terms of attributes or skills. And then there were the diamonds, the few teams that were above Chunin while still being Genin.

"Kenshiro-kun, Ariha-chan, the team to our nine, it's from Kiri, do you see how they behave to each other?" Asked Sakumo both of us. I looked over to the team and gave them an Observation.

The two males weren't much, they hardly were mid-Chunin level, but the girl. Oh boy, she will be trouble.

Name; Rune Kaguya

Title; Genin of Kiri

Bloodline; Body of Kaguya

Age. 13 Years

Live Points; 100%

Chakra Points; 100%

Stamina Points; 100%

Level; 49

Chakra Control; 004%

Nature Chakra Control; 000%

Fire; 000%

Water; 001%

Earth; 000%

Wind; 000%

Medical; 000%

Lightning; 000%

Strength; 550

Endurance; 560

Reflex; 420

Intelligence; 255

Luck; 20

Charisma; 65

She was at least twice as strong as her teammates. Her bloodline as a Kaguya alone will be trouble, but that wasn't the real reason why she is troublesome. No, it was one of her titles, one that wasn't directly listed.

It was a title with a level,

Jinchuriki of the Three-Tails: LV 3 (45%) Active/Passive;

The human sacrifice, also known as Jinchuriki. They are people who live with a Bijuu sealed inside them. Their status as weapons of mass destruction give them a bad reputation and they are feared by both enemies and allies alike. They are rarely able to control the violent Chakra of their Bijuu and fall into a raging rampage if too much of it is used. You might want to give them a hug, everybody needs hugs.

Jinchuriki's are resilient as fuck and heal rapidly under the influence of their Bijuu. She was also the jailer of the Bijuu with the strongest defence. Her Chakra control is abysmal, but she was making it up with her enormous Chakra pool. For a girl her age so much Chakra is abnormal. Through my sensor skill I could feel her Chakra. It was larger than mine and under way less control. Intermixed was the real taint that comes from housing a Bijuu.

The anime didn't lie, it is a foul Chakra. It gives the expression of death and rot. Right now it is contained and overshadowed by her Chakra. Only good sensors will be able to notice it, but those who can will all agree that Bijuu Chakra does feel wrong.

Still, she was a Jinchuriki and the foul Chakra isn't hers but that of her Bijuu. "Wait a moment," I said to my teammates and walked over to the girl. She spotted me quickly but behaved calm and normal. She didn't act as if she has had seen me.

She has fair long silvery hair, her skin was pale, almost white. Two pretty light green eyes were studying me while I approached her. She wore a white battle kimono with a purple lotus imprinted on her front. Two red dots above her eyebrows showed her clan affiliation. She acted calm and only slightly interested in me. It must look pretty when she fights with her bones. Her Taijutsu was on level 65, high enough to be a low Jonin.

Her teammates noticed me when I was almost next to them and were trying to intimidate me with a weak application of blood lust. I felt the presence of it, but can't feel its effect.

"What do you want tree-huger?" Asked one of the two boys with a snarl. I ignored him and stepped close to the girl. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and then stiffened in shock when I hugged her.

Bones began to push out of her body, "Thought you might need a hug," I whispered into her and then hastily stepped back before they could pierce me. I ducked under a flying bone projectile and then walked back to my team.

Once back Ariha gave me a slap on the back of my head. "Why have you done that? She is from Kiri, love on first sight?"

"No, she looked as if she needed a hug, by the way, there is another one who needs one," I answered before walking off again. Now that I have my sensor skill active She tried to grab me, but I twisted under her arm and evaded her.

My next hug-target was equally troublesome, slightly more even.

Name; Roshi

Title; Genin of Iwa

Bloodline; None

Age. 11 Years

Live Points; 100%

Chakra Points; 100%

Stamina Points; 100%

Age; 11 years LV; 48 ( 06% )

Chakra Control; 007%

Nature Chakra Control; 000%

Fire; 005%

Water; 000%

Earth; 009%

Wind; 000%

Medical; 000%

Lightning; 000%

Strength; 600

Endurance; 660

Reflex; 320

Intelligence; 230

Luck; 10

Charisma; 35

He was as strong as a Jonin with the age of 11. Either his village was cruelly training him to become a weapon or the Bijuu was increasing his growth, maybe both.

I walked up to him and, like I did for Rune, hugged him before either he or his team could do anything. He has raised his arms to hit me, but I substituted with a nearby Genin and evaded the punch. He did stop himself from hitting the victim of my substitution and glared at me.

And last but not least, the last hug-target of today. Shesh, is this a Bijuu meeting or what?

Name; Tagashi Kondo

Title; Genin of Kiri

Bloodline; None

Age. 11 Years

Live Points; 100%

Chakra Points; 100%

Stamina Points; 100%

Age; 12 years LV; 43 ( 06% )

Chakra Control; 009%

Nature Chakra Control; 000%

Fire; 000%

Water; 005%

Earth; 000%

Wind; 000%

Medical; 000%

Lightning; 000%

Strength; 450

Endurance; 460

Reflex; 310

Intelligence; 430

Luck; 15

Charisma; 15

I turned to him and hoped for a surprise hug, but he was already watching me and slowly shaking his head. I spread my arms wide and grinned at him. A death glare got included in his slow shake.

Still, I used the Substitution Jutsu with one of his teammates, hugged him extremely quickly and then used the same Jutsu to get back. His teammate almost got cut down by a ninjato. He turned back to me and looked murderous.

However, before anything could happen the door opened and a group of Kiri Ninja came inside. They glared everyone down into their seats and only started once everyone was seated.

I earned another slap on the back of my head for my hug, but the title said they needed it. Titles never lie.

"Okay bitches, it's time for the Chunin exam. The first test will be quite easy. You'll have to interrogate someone for specific information. The tricky thing is, you are not allowed to physically harm the interrogated. Now, each team will select one of your own as the interrogated. He will be the 'prisoner' for another team. He will stay silent, while the other two will try got get the information."

I only needed to glance at my two teammates to tell them that I would be going. My immunity against Genjutsu made this easy. We nodded at each before I stood up and was led out of the room.