Starting 2024 , this will be my diary, or rather just my try to document my life. The journey i go through with God and Jesus, and me trying my best to be a beter person
Starting of the 31 Dec on a high note for me, me and my mother went to an amazing church service, one of the senior elders at Bethel Hayley Bruan was at our church.
The serivce started off as usual , our pastor doing the announcement followed by worship and then the message, but with Hayley it was a different story. Everything started of as normale, the announcements, the worship and then God took over.
The worhship was amazing you could feel Gods presence in the church , just a bunch of people showing how much we love God.
When it came to the message part Hayley went in the provetic words for people and what was amazing was I actually got not only a word but an entire story (which was amazing 🤩🤩) , I even got mine first. Then she moved on to other people and then we just praise and worshipped some more.
All and all looking back at 2023, there are so many things that i would have liked to change but my journey with God is not one of them. He has been with me from the beginning it was my own stupidity that I didn't follow Him. God has brought me out of my comfort zone and i Love it.
Its like the one verse says , "he who wishes to keep his life will loose it , but he who willingly gives up his life for Christ will always be with him".
But yeah it was a crazy year, I got my first electrician job , first real times ive been so close to Jeses