
The life of a Celestial Dragon in One piece

Ethan Mars, a Celestial Dragon in Marie Geoise, seeks revenge after a pirate's attack shatters his privileged life. As he trains to become stronger, he struggles with the responsibilities of his lineage and learns the true meaning of strength, facing his destiny with courage and newfound purpose. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL.

Cronos_512 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 2 Elegia


We entered the theater, a magnificent building with golden domes and frescoes on the ceiling depicting musical scenes. The orchestra was already tuning their instruments, and the sound was already wonderful.

My family and I took our seats in a balcony reserved for us. Marcus leaned towards his grandson and whispered:

"Listen carefully, Ethan. This will be a moment that will stay with you forever."

The music began, and Ethan felt as if time had stopped. Every note, every chord resonated in his heart, filling him with an indescribable tranquility. It was as if the music spoke directly to him, telling the stories behind it.

*She says that the world is a broken mess*

*And it's always on her mind*

*She cries at the news when the shots ring out*

*Every single time*

*And no, I cannot fix it, no, I cannot make it stop*

*So I said, "Turn your phone off, only look me in my eyes*

*Can we live that real life, real life?"*

*Oh, hey, "Turn your phone off, only look me in my eyes*

*Can we live, yeah, real life, real life?"*

*Prays on her knees as the towers fold*

*To a God she does not know*

*She's begging him to stop the mess*

*As the Boston bombs blow (ooh)*

*She said, "How could I ever believe in something*

*That would step aside and watch?"*

*And I got no words to say 'cause I think I lost my faith*

*But I thank you for the day when everything will be okay*

*But no, I cannot fix it, and I cannot make it stop*

*So I said, "Turn your phone off, only look me in my eyes*

*Can we live that real life, real life?"*

*Oh, hey, "Turn your phone off, only look me in my eyes*

*Can we live, yeah, real life, real life?"*

*I wish I had the answers*

As he listened, Ethan thought of his friend Alice and how much he wished she were there with him, sharing this magical experience. He promised himself that one day he would bring her to Elegia and let her hear this song.

*Something you could hold too*

*Only thing that's real to me is*


*"Turn your phone off, only look me in my eyes*

*Can we live that real life, real life?"*

*Oh, hey, "Turn your phone off, only look me in my eyes*

*Can we live, yeah, real life, real life?"*

*Oh, hey (real life, hey)*

*Real life, real life*

*Oh, hey*

*Real life, real life*

*Oh, hey*

The concert ended, and the audience erupted in applause. Ethan clapped enthusiastically, his face lit up with a big smile.

"Grandpa, this has been... incredible," he said, not knowing how to describe what he felt at that moment.

"I'm glad you liked it, Ethan. Music has a special power. Always remember how it made you feel today," Marcus replied, placing a hand on his grandson's shoulder.

"Mom, Dad, can we stay with the musicians?"

My parents looked at each other, and my mother spoke, "No, Ethan, it's best not to. I'm sorry, son."

I was disappointed by her response and asked, "Why not, Mom? We are like gods, aren't we? They're just minors who would be thrilled to serve a Celestial Dragon."

My mother looked at me with a conflicted expression and bent down to say, "Ethan, I want you to understand something. Even though we are the closest thing to gods in the world, many people don't see us that way in these times of the Great Pirate Era." Her hand started to gently caress my face as she continued, "Moreover, they are musicians. Music sounds better when it's not confined by shackles. Believe me, I'm telling you this from experience."

I was still disappointed that we couldn't take them home, but I think I understood my mother's reasons. "I understand, Mom. I suppose we can leave now, right?"

She simply nodded, and we headed towards the theater's exit.

As they left the theater, the people of Elegia approached the Mars family to express their gratitude and admiration for the immense donations they had made for the island's development. The vice admirals, though remaining vigilant, also accepted the signs of respect courteously.

Ethan knew that this day would be etched in his memory forever. The island of Elegia had left a mark on his heart, and he was eager to discover what other wonders awaited him in his life as a Celestial Dragon.

Time Skip

That same night at the Mars family mansion in Elegia

You could see a mansion near the sea, mostly built with white limestone and marble, featuring imposing columns, balconies with balustrades, and large panoramic windows in an open style.

It was accompanied by stunningly maintained gardens with impressive views of the ocean. Stone pathways led to various resting areas, ornamental fountains, and classical statues. A seemingly infinite pool appeared to merge with the sea horizon, providing a sense of luxury and tranquility to the residence.

Ethan's POV

I was in bed trying to fall asleep, which I'd say had been for an hour. I was starting to feel thirsty, so I reached for a glass of water by my bedside. I brought it to my lips but couldn't feel the water falling into my mouth. I stared at the glass and realized it was empty, so I decided to get up and find a servant to bring me water.

As I walked down the hallway, I felt like someone had been watching me, but I wasn't sure, so I glanced back occasionally, looking for anyone. Then, as I turned a corner, I saw an open window with a scene that sent shivers down my spine.

There was a man dressed in black with what appeared to be a small, bloodstained sword and the headless body of one of the servants on the floor, with a horrified expression on its face. Near the head was the body, covered in blood.

Seeing this terrified me, and I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't move. I could feel bile rising in my throat, and fear made my eyes well up with tears. The man looked at me and started to approach slowly.

"So you're a Celestial Dragon, kid," the man said as he stopped a meter away from me. He looked at me, and I could swear I felt satisfaction emanating from him. "Are you afraid, little Celestial bastard?" he taunted.

I was scared, very scared. I could feel my heart about to leap out of my chest. But I managed to remember something—I was a Celestial Dragon. "G-Get away, you don't know who I am. I'm Ethan Mars, grandson of Marcus Mars, a member of the Gorosei. If you dare to touch me, say goodbye to your life, scum."

He glared at me angrily and kicked me in the face, leaving me on the floor with a painful face.

"It seems you don't understand your situation, brat. I don't care that you're the grandson of a Gorosei member. What I care about is…"

"Well, I do care," said an angry voice from the other side of the hallway.

When I saw him, tears of relief began to roll down my face, and I whispered, "Grandpa… you came."

By the time the man turned around, his face was already on the floor, and Grandpa's sword was covered in blood. Grandpa sheathed his sword, took a few steps toward me, and offered his hand to help me up.

I took his hand and stood up. He embraced me, and I said, "I want to get stronger, Grandpa. I don't want to feel like this again."