
Suffering and transportation to other world

"Stop shouting you bastard" yelled Bhairav's father Vishal and hit him hard on the stomach. Bhairav fell to the ground holding his stomach. Bhairav's mother Leelavathi immediately went to Bhairav and started comforting him rubbing his stomach.

This is an everyday issue in the family. Vishal used to be working for a big multinational clothing company called "Clothing gems" and had paid him well. But due to a colleague of his who stole the company's money and put the entire blame on Vishal with fabricated evidence.

Vishal was stripped of his position and a black mark was put on him where he cannot get positions in any other companies.

He started working in a steel factory as an ordinary worker which paid him very less. The family's situation worsened over time and wealth has diminished. He started drinking and started abusing his wife and son.

His wife Leelavathi started a tailoring shop to make the family's ends meet. But this drunken brute of her husband always forcibly took away money she earned and spent it on drinking.

As Leelavathi was comforting her child, Vishal arrived kicked her on the face. Bhairav could not do anything as he was only 11 year old and is also a target of abuse. Vishal lifted his leg again and was about to kick his wife's stomach when Bhairav immediately appeared above his mother and received the blow to his head and lost his consciousness.

Leelavathi shouted "No" and immediately rose up. She rose up and pushed away her drunken husband with all her might. Vishal hit his head to the wall and lost his consciousness but he did not lose any blood.

Leelavathi went towards her unconscious child immediately put him in his lap. Bhairav may not be a weak boy but he is not strong either. He got a wound on his head due to the kick from heavy boots.

She immediately went inside and brought a first aid kit and wrapped the wound on his head with a cloth. She lifted him with all her strength and took him to her bedroom and slept along with him for the night.

The next day Bhairav woke up and saw his mother sleeping beside him in the bed with hands on him . A smile appeared on his face and he felt happy because at least his mother is on his side. He rose and touched his head to find cloth wrapped on it.

Bhairav went to bathroom where he brushed his teeth, took bath and wore his school clothes. He is reluctant to got to school because there are bullies in school who used him as their punching bag. Whenever he put up a fight they thrashed him even hard where he could not move from bed for a week.

He could not tell his parents seeing his family situation. So all he could do was endure every day of pain and humiliation.

Leelavathi woke up and saw Bhairav already ready to go to school. She knew Bhairav is a very obedient and studious child. He may be average at academics but he is very good at cricket and kick boxing which he learned. She also know he is being bullied in school and complained many times to school authorities without Bhairav's knowledge.

They refused to take strict action because the person who is bullying Bhairav came from wealthy and influential family. The bully's father is one of the board directors of the school so harsh punishments were not given.

Bhairav removed the cloth wrapped on his head and threw it on the bed. Though he may be a kick boxer the bullies are a gang so he could not fight all of them and always got thrashed. But during the past he could not endure the blows but after joining the kick boxing activity in school he could endure the blows he got.

Leelavathi prepared Rice and potato fry for Bhairav which is his favourite dish. He heartily ate the food and left for the school with his bag. His father was still sleeping and he noticed it but didn't care. He waved goodbye and went to school. After 15 minute walk he arrived at school at 9:20am exactly 10 minutes before the school time.

Bhairav sighed looking at his school "Veerendra Model School". The school had good curriculum along with many extra curricular activities with grading. The fees is moderate that is why his family could afford the education here. The rich kids could do whatever they want and other kids suffered under them.

Bhairav first looked every side and confirmed bullies weren't there. Then he immediately made his way to the class and sat in the middle of the class. After the bell rang the bullies Rajath , Venu, Akram, John entered the class and sat at the last bench. They saw Bhairav in the middle bench and were delighted. Rajath is the leader of the group. His father runs a multi national company which sells golden jewelry. The remaining three were also rich but not as rich as Rajath.

The English teacher who is a middle age man named "Ashok" entered the classroom. Bhairav felt relieved because the English teacher is the only one who didn't care about status of the student. He is neutral and no bullshit type of person.

The rich kids over years tried many tricks against him to get him removed but all of them failed because he had a rich background just like them. In the first period the rich kids did not do anything. The next period hell began for Bhairav as they started throwing paper and started teasing him. The teachers turned a blind eye even though they knew.

Bhairav endured everything. After the 4th period lunch time came, he immediately rose up and is about to leave the class when a hand landed on him. Bhairav turned his gaze and found his one and only friend in the class whose name is "Gagan".

"Hey let's go together to canteen" said Gagan. Bhairav smiled and they both left for canteen. After paying money and taking their meals to the table they started talking with each other.

"Are they rough on you?" asked Gagan. Bhairav nodded and said "After learning kick boxing I am able to endure those bastards beatings but I don't know how long".

Gagan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the left side of Bhairav's head and found the wound. He knew Bhairav's father is abusive. Since it is a family issue he cannot interfere. Gagan's family is rich but not as rich as Rajath's. He is able to shield Bhairav many times from bullies but could not stop them completely.

"I can help you whenever I am present but when I am absent take care of yourself" said Gagan. Gagan is good in studies and has good physique for his age. "I will" said Bhairav and smiled.

They started talking about games and many other topics. After finishing their meal they went back to classroom. The bullies did not approach him during lunch because Gagan is with him.

After the school finished he is about to leave for home since he did not have any extra curriculars for the day when the bully Rajath arrived and said "Come to the terrace immediately or I will make your family's life hell".

Rajath said his piece and left. Bhairav's anger rose but he could not do anything. He felt helpless and at that instant he understood one thing that without power and background common people are nothin but playthings for the rich.

Bhairav looked up to god Shiva who he worshipped and prayed "If only I had that powers of Ranger/Gunslinger duel class in real life I would crush the rich and arrogant along with that I would protect my mother".

After that he went to the terrace where the rich brats were waiting for him. Bhairav defended himself but still got beaten by four of them.

Afterwards he cleaned his clothes in school bathroom and left for his house. He reached his house by 5pm.

He took a shower and put on casual clothes. After that he took Rs500 from his mother and went to the game center. He sat on the computer to play "Infinite worlds". He chose his "Ranger/Gunslinger" customized character and played for 3 hours. He returned home and went into his room to do his homework.

Luckily his father did not come home that day. Bhairav thought that he might have got drunk and stayed in a shabby hotel.

Leelavathi waited for her husband but he did not come. She sighed and went to bedroom to sleep as she knows about her husband's antics. Bhairav completed his home work in 1 1/2 hour and went to sleep as he was exhausted.

The next day as usual as he was preparing to got to school a policeman arrived. The policeman asked Leelavathi "Are you Mrs Leelavathi?". She replied "Yes"

The Policeman continued and said "Your husband Vishal got hit by a truck few hours ago and died on the spot".

Leelavathi is shocked to hear the news. Bhairav did not feel anything after hearing the news. Leelavathi cried but Bhairav didn't care what happened to his trashy father. The policeman is surprised with Bhairav's behaviour. "Do you not feel sad?" asked Policeman.

Bhairav looked at the policeman without any express and went to comfort his mother. Seeing his behaviour shocked the policeman. The policeman felt that Bhairav didn't care about his father at all.

The mother and son went to the hospital where Vishal's body is identified. Bhairav did not go to school for 11 days as rites need to be done. He informed the school on the day of the death of his father.

After 11 days the family became normal. Since Bhairav cannot work due to his age Leelavathi went to a clothing company for a job. She closed her shop since the income is not good. She got selected for the company with Rs50000 salary. She is happy because now the family's situation can become normal.

On the 12th day Bhairav went to school. As soon as he entered the school the bullies caught him and dragged him to alley in the school. They didn't know his father died and started trash talking.

"Hey shithead, heard your father is a drunkard and your mother is a whore" said Akram laughing. "Yeah I heard your mother sells her body to anyone for money" said John sarcastically. Rajath hit Bhairav and stomped on him. Bhairav could not endure the insults hurled towards his mother. The other three joined him in beating Bhairav.

That day something broke in him and anger raised like lava in a volcano. That day he didn't care what happens to him and only cared about bringing these rich brats down anyway necessary.

After beating him violently they left. Bhairav lifted himself and smiled sadistically. The rich bastards crossed their line when they insulted his mother. He is going to make them pay in a very brutal way.

He slowly made his way to the classroom where the middle class kids and poor kids looked at him with pity and rich looked at him with sarcasm. It is a everyday thing and he did not care. His friend Gagan is absent that day.

Bhairav laid his head on the table and slept due to the beating he took. The teachers noticed this but did not care and continued their classes. When Bhairav woke up it is already lunch time but he felt something difference in the school. The teachers were same but the students were wearing the clothes as in the game.

Bhairav slapped himself as if he was dreaming. Everyone were carrying weapons on their bodies. He looked at his body and his clothes were changed.

[Required conditions fulfilled....]

[Assimilating "Infinite worlds" data...]

[Does the host wishes to import "Ranger/Gunslinger" class from Infinite world?]

He heard the voice in the head. At first he is confused and after 1 minute he smiled and replied "Import".

I am new to writing and English is not my language so I hope you pardon me if there are any mistakes

ashwiniprasadcreators' thoughts