
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs

Chapter 26: Night Moon Like Water

After dinner, Luyun didn't go to find Linyunfan. He walked out of the cave alone and slowly headed towards the forest on the left. During the day, Luyun noticed a not too big nor too small forest there, perfect for contemplating alone.

Strolling in the moonlit night, Luyun glanced up at the bright moon in the sky. The moon tonight was exceptionally beautiful, casting a silver glow like a layer of mist. Luyun chuckled, "By the bedside, the moonlight shines, suspecting it to be frost on the ground. It's a fitting description. Tonight, the moonlight does resemble frost on the ground."

Taking his gaze away, Luyun walked slowly towards the forest. Before long, he saw a white figure. In the moonlight, a faint white silhouette stood in the middle of the forest, facing away from Luyun. The gently fluttering white dress and the slightly floating long hair were all captivating.

Luyun looked at the figure, and a peculiar expression appeared on his face. He suddenly appeared behind the white silhouette. Silently, Luyun stood there, not saying a word, just quietly observing the enchanting figure. A light breeze carried a faint fragrance, plunging Luyun into a state of intoxication.

Turning around quietly, the white figure slowly faced Luyun. Their eyes met in the air, and something mysterious arose in both of their hearts. No words were spoken, and the two just kept gazing at each other. At this moment, time seemed to stop, the breeze disappeared, and everything around blurred. In this moment, there were only the images of each other in their eyes, the sole focus of their hearts.

With clear, watery eyes meeting elegant, otherworldly gazes, the two hearts were drawn towards each other at that moment. A faint smile appeared on Luyun's face as he spoke softly, "A lone visit to this place to contemplate, Aozhu, is it?"

Zhang Aozhu quietly withdrew her gaze, looking at the bright moon in the sky. She whispered, "The moon tonight is bright and clear. For many years, I never had the time to truly appreciate it. Tonight, let it be a memory for myself, quietly imprinted in my heart." Her jade-like face, bathed in the moonlight, appeared exceptionally beautiful. The calm and cold temperament of Zhang Aozhu deeply imprinted itself in Luyun's heart at that moment.

Lifting his head, looking at the moon above, Luyun said nonchalantly, "The moon is like a mirror, the moon is like water, the heart is like jade, with all seven senses intact. Every time I contemplate something, I always look at the sky because I want to tell the heavens that I won't be defeated in this life. My desire in this life is to roam freely, unrestrained by the heavens and the earth, to be a person not manipulated by fate. That's why I chose cultivation. What about you, Aozhu?"

Zhang Aozhu sighed softly, "Your ideals are too far-reaching, something I can't imagine. In this life, I hope to walk through it calmly. Unfortunately, many things are not within the control of the heart. Childhood memories are now blurred, and how much of the past can one remember clearly? Moonlight reflecting on the waves of childhood dreams, how many moments of glory in the spring dreams. I wanted to chase the bright moon with my sword, but alas, the moon was hazy at that time!"

Looking at Zhang Aozhu's eyes, Luyun's gentle expression revealed a touch of tenderness. He softly said, "If the heart is traceless, why shed tears? Let the past go, we still have the future. The Six Institutes Competition begins tomorrow, and what are your wishes or goals for this time?"

Zhang Aozhu looked at him, nodding slightly, and said, "I don't have any grand wishes. This competition is related to the honor of our Yi Garden, so we must do our best. The results, however, are not entirely up to us. In the afternoon, I heard Master mention Cangyue from the Phoenix Academy. Master said Cangyue's cultivation is superior to mine, almost reaching the level of immortality in the lower realm. That is an extremely rare occurrence. If I encounter her in the competition, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass that hurdle. From Master's words after returning in the afternoon, I vaguely sensed that something was wrong. Originally, before we came, the Sect Master and the senior brothers were full of hope, but after returning in the afternoon, Master seemed burdened. It seems that this Six Institutes Competition may be worse than we imagined."

Luyun softly said, "I also noticed that from Master's face. From the somewhat hesitant expression when facing me, I knew that in this Six Institutes Martial Arts Competition, the other five institutes probably have produced extremely outstanding talents. In that case, it won't be easy for Yi Garden to achieve good results in this competition. But no matter what, we have to give it our all. Agree?"

Zhang Aozhu sighed, "Yes, give it our all. I hope we can achieve some results." In the gentle voice, the words gently dissipated in the forest. Under the moonlight, the two of them stood quietly on the cliff, like a pair of elves in the wind, separated by three feet.

Walking quietly together, neither of them said anything, just walking silently. Moonlight, through the sparse branches and leaves, cast their shadows on the two figures, leaving a pair of oblique elongated shadows on the ground. The two closely connected shadows seemed to imply something, but unfortunately, they couldn't speak.

After walking for a while, the distant rushing sound of a river gradually reached their ears. In the night, it sounded exceptionally clear. Luyun looked at the distance, softly said, "It is said that Mount Taixuan is near the Yellow River. It seems to be true. Listening to this rushing sound, the water of the Yellow River is probably very fast. I've never seen the magnificent momentum of the Yellow River in all my life. Before the grandeur of the Yellow River, I suddenly feel very small. At the same time, a different feeling arises in my heart. Facing the Yellow River, I feel a surging momentum bursting from deep within. At this moment, I feel like I want to shout to the heavens. This kind of ambition and aspiration suddenly rises to the highest point. Facing the Yellow River, I feel like dominating the rise and fall of the world."

Zhang Aozhu quietly looked at the Yellow River, appearing very calm. Perhaps it was due to different personalities or maybe she didn't show it. In any case, she seemed mysterious at this moment, making it difficult for people to understand. Under the moonlight, the two stood silently on the stone cliff, like a pair of ethereal fairies, each separated by three feet.

Looking at the Yellow River, making him feel small, Luyun suddenly had a peculiar feeling. At this moment, Zhang Aozhu suddenly felt that Luyun seemed to be hiding something unknown, but what exactly it was, she couldn't articulate. Glancing at the moon in the sky, Zhang Aozhu suddenly floated up, like a

 fairy in the forest, swiftly chasing after Luyun.

On a cliff, two figures gently landed. Below the stone cliff, the rushing river flowed endlessly, and the splashing water droplets around, even in the moonlight, shimmered with a silver glow. Looking at this majestic and magnificent scene, Luyun suddenly felt a sense of insignificance. At this moment, he felt very small in front of nature, like a speck of dust among countless others, inconspicuous. At the same time, a completely different feeling also surged from within. Looking at the mighty Yellow River, Luyun suddenly felt a powerful and overwhelming momentum erupting from deep within. At this moment, he felt like he wanted to shout, as if his ambition and determination had reached their peak. Before the Yellow River, he felt an overwhelming desire to control the fate of the world.

Zhang Aozhu quietly watched the Yellow River, seemingly calm. Perhaps it was due to their different personalities, or perhaps she just didn't express it. In any case, at this moment, she appeared mysterious, making it difficult for people to understand. Under the moonlight, the two of them stood quietly on the stone cliff, like a pair of ethereal fairies, each separated by three feet.

Amidst the roaring sound, the two suddenly felt a strange noise faintly coming from below the cliff. The two exchanged glances, and Luyun exclaimed, "Aoxue, did you hear that strange sound? I feel like it's coming from below this cliff. Should we go and check it out?" He looked at Aoxue with a slight frown.

Zhang Aoxue glanced at the sky and whispered, "It's close to midnight, still early. Let's go take a look. Be careful and stay safe." Watching the relentless flow of the Yellow River, Aoxue spoke calmly. At this moment, she didn't look at him, perhaps hiding something.

Luyun glanced at her, said nothing, and leaped into the air, slowly descending. The Mind and Heart Sword hovered lightly above his head, emitting a faint red glow, resembling a red cloud from a distance. Aoxue watched his figure, her graceful demeanor resembling a celestial being descending to the mortal realm, slowly descending along with Luyun.

After descending for about seventeen or eighteen zhang, the two suddenly stopped, carefully observing their surroundings to locate the source of the strange noise. At this point, they were only a few feet above the water surface, and the splashing water droplets carried a damp and chilly aura, attacking them suddenly. Luyun spoke, "It's a bit cold here, and the Yin energy is heavy. Aoxue, if you can absorb more, it will be beneficial for your cultivation. As for the strange noise, although it's clearer now, it's still not easy to determine where it's coming from." As he spoke, he carefully examined the surroundings.

Zhang Aoxue looked around and softly said, "The Yin energy here is indeed heavy, but for me at this stage, it's not of much help. The strange noise is peculiar, as if it's not fixed, more like a rotating and flowing whirlwind."

Luyun, hearing this, focused his ears, rapidly rotating his True Qi throughout his body, spreading it to the surroundings while carefully listening to the movement of the noise. At the same time, Luyun unleashed the Thought Waves technique, sending out six different frequency thought waves to carefully inspect everything around.

Soon, feedback from the thought waves came in. In this moment, a clear image appeared in Luyun's mind. There was a peculiar arrangement of caves below a cliff, not too large, within a few feet below the water surface. When the river surged, causing significant fluctuations, water entered these caves, producing the strange noise. There were seven of these peculiar caves, arranged in the pattern of the Big Dipper.

Luyun shifted his gaze to that location, contemplating how the strange noise was produced. These caves were below the water surface, and theoretically, they shouldn't produce any sound. Even if there was sound, it shouldn't be so clear amidst the turbulent and roaring river. Looking at Zhang Aoxue, Luyun said, "I've found the source of the sound. It's below that cliff, about four feet below the water surface. There are seven strange caves arranged in the pattern of the Big Dipper, quite mysterious. The noise occurs when the river water flows into these caves, but I still don't understand how it produces such a clear sound in the midst of the raging river."

Zhang Aoxue looked at Luyun with astonishment, wondering how he had figured this out as she hadn't sensed anything. She whispered, "Now that we've found it, let's go take a look. Since we're here, let's carefully investigate if there's any mystery inside." After saying this, her entire body emitted a dazzling dark blue light and slowly landed on the water surface. With a slight sink, the surging Yellow River water instantly retreated six feet away from her.

Luyun also activated his protective True Qi and approached the cliff with her. Just as they got closer, the strange noise echoed again. Simultaneously, several strong gusts of wind shot out, piercing through the protective True Qi of both Luyun and Zhang Aoxue. Startled, they both retreated a yard, looking surprised at the source. Luyun activated his Thought Waves once again, sending out rapid pulses at a rate of 9,600 times per moment, carefully exploring the movements there. He quickly analyzed the reasons behind all these phenomena.

Zhang Aoxue's eyes revealed a hint of curiosity, and a vivid purple light emerged from her entire body. Approaching again, accompanied by the strange noise, several gusts of wind hit Zhang Aoxue's protective True Qi barrier. This time, she was prepared and didn't let the strange wind break through.

Luyun landed next to Aoxue, carefully sensing the strength, direction, quantity, and intervals of the wind gusts. Strangely, Luyun discovered that these winds seemed to follow a certain pattern, almost enveloping their entire bodies. The force was formidable, the quantity abundant, and the intervals extremely brief. Luyun had a vague feeling that there might be some incomprehensible secrets hidden behind these strange noises and winds.

Zhang Aoxue's entire body emitted a brilliant dark blue light, and suddenly, within a few feet, her body moved rapidly. At the same time, her hands, acting as sword fingers, unleashed countless sword auras, swiftly intercepting the gusts of wind. As time passed, the radiance around Aoxue burst forth, and a solemn expression appeared in her eyes. At this point, her hands were moving so quickly that their movements were almost imperceptible. From the increasing brilliance around her, it was evident that she had exerted her strength beyond the eighth level and was continuously enhancing her power.

Luyun watched Aoxue, his eyes showing a hint of confusion. He couldn't understand why Aoxue suddenly decided to take action. Observing Aoxue's increasingly concentrated expression, Luyun's Thought Waves, operating at a speed of 19,600 times per moment, swiftly analyzed the intricacies between Aoxue and the mysterious winds. Suddenly, a strange light flashed in Luyun's eyes, and he realized that Aoxue had detected the secret behind these winds, prompting her actions. Admiring Aoxue's intelligence, Luyun couldn't help but be impressed.

Watching Aoxue's rapidly moving body, Luyun spoke, "Aoxue, the forces, directions, quantities, and timing of the energies emitted from each of the seven caves are different. Analyzing them in this way is time-consuming. I think the best method is to focus on one cave at a time. Once we understand the situation of each cave, we can move on to the next. After comprehending all seven caves, we can integrate the information to fully grasp the secrets within."

Zhang Aoxue's body paused, and she turned to look at Luyun, whispering, "I understand the method you mentioned, but I've found that these winds are as forceful as sword energy, very domineering. By carefully observing the strange sound and combining it with the routes of these winds, you might realize that it resembles an incredibly mystical sword technique. Time is running out, and once midnight passes, the sound may disappear. We might have to wait until tomorrow night to see if it reoccurs. Right now, let's pay close attention; we might learn something unexpected." With that, Aoxue's previously halted body resumed its swift movements.

Hearing this, Luyun's expression changed slightly. He hadn't sensed what Aoxue mentioned, but upon closer consideration, it seemed plausible. With a thought, a clear pattern appeared in his mind. Luyun's body started to move swiftly, mimicking Aoxue's actions by using his fingers as a sword to withstand the strong gusts. With the help of Thought Waves, he quickly grasped the intricacies of these winds.

Luyun let out a light whistle, and his body suddenly transformed into a streak of light, moving rapidly within a few feet. Due to his speed, his entire shadow appeared blurred. At this moment, Aoxue also noticed the peculiarities in Luyun's actions, feeling extremely surprised by his behavior. Just as Aoxue was astonished, a voice suddenly reached her ears.

It was Luyun saying, "Aoxue, don't stop. Pay attention to my movements. Follow my body's motion slowly, and you'll naturally understand the mystery. I'll slow down; observe carefully and come along." With that, Luyun's rapidly moving figure gradually became clear, and the trajectory of his movement was displayed before Aoxue's eyes.

Without time to ask many questions, Aoxue followed Luyun's moving trajectory swiftly. Gradually, a hint of amazement appeared in Aoxue's eyes as she discovered that Luyun's movements perfectly matched the strange sound and the peculiar winds. Watching the increasingly faster figure, Aoxue suddenly understood that Luyun was not as simple as he appeared on the surface. He must have many undisclosed secrets that contributed to his achievement in mastering the cultivation techniques of Yiyuan within two years.

Under the moonlight, on the surging waves of the Yellow River, two different-colored light shadows were moving swiftly. From a distance, the red and purple glows, following the peculiar trajectory, rotated rapidly within a range of about a yard. As the speeds of the two light shadows increased, both the red and purple lights suddenly burst forth, casting the entire surroundings in a crimson and violet hue. Simultaneously, behind the two light shadows, two water columns slowly formed into two enormous dragons, winding their way up into the sky, soaring into the clouds.

As the moon shifted eastward, the midnight hour passed in the blink of an eye. By this time, the strange sound gradually faded away, eventually disappearing without a trace. Luyun and Zhang Aoxue, who had been moving rapidly, simultaneously emitted a light whistle, resembling the cry of cranes and the roar of dragons, resonating clearly across the surroundings. Behind them, the two dragon-shaped water columns rose into the sky, bringing rain and winds. Luyun and Zhang Aoxue's figures, with their distinct hues, appeared in the night sky, dazzling in the moonlight.

In midair, a loud noise echoed as the two dragon shapes instantly transformed into a torrential rain, accompanied by strong winds, pouring down on the peak of Taixuan Mountain. A sudden and unexpected downpour awakened numerous disciples from their slumber. Many were puzzled, looking at the moonlit sky, trying to understand why it suddenly started raining.

In midair, Luyun and Zhang Aoxue exchanged a smile. Both landed on the cliff beside the Yellow River, observing the pouring rain. Luyun chuckled, "The weather here is too hot; let's help cool the earth a bit. Consider it an act of public duty."

Zhang Aoxue looked at the majestic Yellow River and whispered, "The sword technique we just learned is incredibly powerful and mystical. Do you think we should give it a name?"

Luyun gazed at her, and under the night rain, the faint purple glow reflecting on the falling drops, she looked both beautiful and mysterious, like a phantom in the night. Looking at the sky, Luyun pondered for a moment before speaking, "Tonight's events are a shared memory between us. As for this sword technique, even though it's something we both possess, it belongs to you and me. It originated from the Yellow River and was obtained unintentionally. Most importantly, it was acquired under the moonlight. So, I suggest we give it a name—'Night Moon Slash.' What do you think?"

Zhang Aoxue softly repeated the name a couple of times and revealed a faint smile. Gazing at the moon in the sky, she whispered, "Night Moon Slash, Night Moon Slash, on Taixuan Mountain, by the banks of the Yellow River. Obtained unintentionally, memories linger in the heart." She glanced at Luyun indifferently and, with a graceful movement, ascended into the sky, flying towards the Heavenly Fire Cave.

Luyun's eyes sparkled, and he soared into the sky, a gentle laughter lingering in the air. In midair, Luyun sang aloud, "Taixuan Mountain, between heaven and earth, how many cultivate to become immortals? Youthful hearts, yearning for worldly ties

, wild swords dance for the beauty!" Accompanied by the sounds of rain and wind, his voice, filled with a hint of arrogance, gradually faded into the distance.

In the mountain woods, two light shadows—one red and one purple—vanished into the dark night. A faint whisper, carried by the light of the moon, could be heard but remained unheard by anyone.

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