
The leading actor always has ulterior motives towards me.

Shen Yi, also known as Wei Long, was a movie star in the 1970s who achieved worldwide popularity. However, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to have never existed in history. One day, Rong Qian came across a 30-year-old photo of herself and Shen Yi together, which led her on a time-traveling journey to save him. For Rong Qian, she only traveled back a few days each time, but for Shen Yi, he had to wait for many years just to see her again. During his long wait for her, Shen Yi, who was elegant and refined in public, could often be found biting his finger and calculating the days until he could meet her again. He would often sigh with sorrow and say, "Ah, love across time and space is even harder than long-distance relationships. My Ah Qian, I miss you so much."

kite_baby · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

5 He disappeared at sea

Although they don't believe it, Rong Qian is convinced, but she is not sure whether these introductions are exaggerated.

"By the way, Qian, where did you know Shen Yi's name?" Chen Jia then remembered to ask her.

Rong Qian didn't know what to say, but changed the topic and asked her, "Don't talk about this. Can you find other information about him based on this information?"

"Why don't you just ask Shen Shuhuai directly?" Chen Jia said straightforwardly. At the same time, she operated the mouse and opened the personal homepage of the account. "Here, there is an address. Since he wrote the article, he must know it."

Rong glanced over and saw that Shen Shuhuai's head was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a kind smile. He was obviously a man of good character.

The address of the account location is shown in the villa area of Haoyuan Villa, Chengdong Road, which is a very famous place. The people living there are both rich and expensive.

"Do you have contact information?" Rong asked her.

Chen Jia nodded, "I can find you if you want."

"OK, you can send it to me later. By the way, isn't there any news yet? How many days have passed since the news was sent, and no family members have come?" Rong Qian suddenly remembered and asked. Chen Jia shook her head, "No."

Rong Qian was silent for a while, and suddenly wanted to see the corpse. Zhang Hao followed her as soon as he saw that she was leaving.

When the corpse was just moved out, he was wearing a suit and coat, and a red scarf. The time of the accident was obviously winter. The forensic doctor also speculated that his height was about 1.8 meters.

Rong Qian carefully recalled Shen Yi's height. He should be about 1.87 meters tall, but it is still uncertain that this corpse is not him.

After lunch in the bureau, Rong Qian decided to go to Shen Shuhuai's home.

But because this is too strange, it is not easy for Rong Qian to let Zhang Hao follow, so as not to be known by him. When the time comes, she can't figure it out. How can she have time to explain it to him.

So she stopped a taxi alone and passed by. As for her car, the rear of the car was badly hit and had been sent for repair.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Rong Qian arrived at the villa of Haoyuan Villa. According to the detailed address given by Chen Jia, she came to the door of Shen Shuhuai's mansion.

She rang the doorbell and waited for a moment before she saw a middle-aged man come out. It was Shen Shuhuai on the head. He also wore glasses, but he did not look like Shen Yi.

At first, Rong Qian suspected that Shen Shuhuai was Shen Yi's son, but the data showed that he was unmarried, and Rong Qian didn't think about that.

Shen Shuhuai came to open the gate of the courtyard and asked her, "Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Rong Qian, the police officer." Rong Qian took out the police certificate. Shen Shuhuai looked at it, but didn't ask more, so he invited her into the room.

Rong Qian followed him into the hall. Shen Shuhuai asked her to sit down and make tea for her. Rong Qian looked around while he was making tea.

The villa is spectacular. The long stairs run up to the top of the building, like an exhibition hall. It is magnificent. She can't even see how many rooms there are on the upper floors. The waxed high-grade maple floor makes the whole hall seem to glow.

But for such a big mansion, she could not see anyone else except him. She asked him, "Mr. Shen, are you the only one living here?"

Shen Shuhuai smiled, with deep wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. "Yes, but this is not my home. I just look at the house for others."

With that, Shen Shuhuai handed her a cup of tea, and Rong took it with both hands. After taking a sip, she asked him if he knew the news of the previous few days.

Shen Shuhuai nodded, "I heard, but it has nothing to do with me."

"In your impression, has no one in your Shen family ever disappeared?" asked Rong Qian.

Shen Shuhuai took up the cup and sipped it before saying, "There is one, Shen Yi, who is my cousin, but he disappeared at sea."

"You really know Shen Yi!"

Rong Qian was surprised and asked him: "His stage name is Weilong, right? Since you know him, you must know why all the information about him has been cleared?"

Rong Qian thought that when he found him, everything would come to light. Unexpectedly, Shen Shuhuai shook his head and said he didn't know.

He said, "I don't know much about my cousin. After all, when he disappeared, I was a teenager. Before he disappeared, he told me to take care of his home."

Rong Qian was shocked. Is this Shen Yi's home?

"Miss Rong, you just asked me about the accident in the news, but you also know about my cousin. Can I know who you are?" Shen Shuhuai stared at her with scrutinizing eyes.

Rong Qian said solemnly, "I'm a criminal policeman. You don't have to doubt that. The reason why I came to you is that the man named Shen Yi may have something to do with the disappearance case decades ago, or even with me!"

Hearing her words, Shen Shuhuai frowned and felt puzzled.

His cousin disappeared decades ago, and all information about him has been cleared.

Theoretically, no one will know his existence. How did she know?

Rong Qian knew that it was very complicated, but she explained to him what she found last night.

Knowing that she knew the existence of Wei Long from the film, Shen Shuhuai had no doubt about this, because he also had the film disc about his cousin.

However, there is one thing he doesn't understand, that is, how did she know that Weilong is Shen Yi?

Hearing him ask, Rong Qian knew that she could not hide and told him what happened in the morning.

Rong Qian is ready to be treated as a psychopath by him. Unexpectedly, after hearing her say that she saw his cousin, Shen Shuhuai showed a surprised expression and said, "No wonder I feel so familiar with you..."

"What do you mean? Have you seen me?" Seeing that he didn't doubt her words, she asked lightly.

Shen Shuhuai stood up, said a word to her, and then went upstairs to get an old and faded album.

After Shen Shuhuai sat down, he immediately opened the album, looked for a moment, and then pointed to one of the photos to show her: "Look! Is this you?"

Rong looked at it, and her face showed surprise again.

Just because this photo is older! The black and gray photos are full of strong historical flavor.

There is a retro piano in the picture. In front of the piano, there is a woman wearing a white shirt and overalls. Her belt is tied tightly and her waist is so thin that she can easily hold it with two hands.

Her eyes stared at a direction beside her, her eyebrows wrinkled, her eyes were sad, and she seemed to be worried about something.

She can see that the woman in this picture is herself without looking carefully.

"Mr. Shen, where did you get this picture?" Rong Qian immediately asked him.

Shen Shuhuai also didn't hide it. He said frankly, "I found it when I was sorting out my cousin's belongings. It was a long time ago. The piano in the picture was in my cousin's room."

Somehow, she felt uncomfortable when she heard him say "relics".

"Apart from this one, is there no me?" Rong Xian stared at the picture for a while, then asked him.

Shen Shuhuai turned over, shook his head and said, "No, because I have seen this picture many times, so I just remembered what you said."

"Who are these photos?" Rong Qian wanted to take the whole album to see, but he always held it in his hand, and it was not easy for him to grab it directly.

"It's all old photos. You can have a look if you want to." Shen Shuhuai handed the album to her. Because it was too old, he was very careful and was afraid of breaking it.

Rong Qian took it with both hands and took a rough look at the whole photo. It was really old.

But there are very few about Shen Yi, only a few of which are strangers.

Looking at these old photos, Rong Qian had a sense of instant vision when she returned to the countryside when she was a child and followed her grandfather to see those old photos when he was fighting against the United States and aiding Korea. A strong sense of history came to her face.

"Miss Rong, you just said that you saw my cousin because of a photo with him. Could it be the photo that took you back to the past?" Shen Shuhuai guessed.

Hearing this from a middle-aged man, Rong Qian felt a little funny.

She didn't believe this kind of thing. He had already made such a guess and thought it was very reasonable. He said to her, "Miss Rong, I don't think it is so simple. In fact, my cousin's disappearance was very unusual. It may really have something to do with you!"

"You don't think your cousin is missing because of me, do you?".

Shen Shuhuai shook his head, stared at her eyes, and said seriously, "I don't mean that. It's just that many things were really hard to explain in those days. Maybe it was doomed. Miss Rong, I think the person in the picture is you."