
The Last Kaiju (DC Comics x Male Oc)

Power? Was power just another way of saying of abuse? The Justice System is merciful to those who takes lives and doesn’t get the correct sentence. So I’m taking death to those who committed guilty violence with my own hands. The Justice League can follow the law but I won’t, they took so many lives that I can never forgive them—no matter how happy I am, I’ll do Batman’s job better. I lost my mother and father to supernatural beings, I lost my friends, my family, and now I’m going to take back everything with the cost of my own soul.

Acreogoth · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

10 Year Laters (Amelia Prospective)

It's been 10 Long years since he was adopted, of course he was enjoying his life but it comes with a price being famous. At his high school he was always being bullied, I couldn't interfere with it because I was forced by my parents. They really seemed to hate him, they never gave me a reason except repeated the same words over and over.

Curse of Destruction.

What did that mean? Was they truly calling him a walking disaster? I wanted to make them pay with their lives but I needed something from them. That pocket watch my father have, it was stated to be a time traveler device but I haven't seen it.

"Amelia, dinner is ready!" Her mother called out, I closed up my journey and slid it under my pillow. Today was the day was I become the best detective.

I walked downstairs seeing my adopted family waiting on at the table, my little brothers were also there. "Hey Lucas. Matthew." I patted them on the head.

"Hey sis!" They said in unison, I can't help but adore them. Even as twins they sound perfectly cute—no handsome is how I'll describe them.

"Amelia, today is the day, you're no longer a junior detective. You're now a full fledged detective." My father explained, my eyes lit up overjoyed that I can see Yin and Ina.

Her mother than scoffed, "Your first mission is locating 4 mythical creatures spotted by the JL. Yet they've been slipping under the radar and we can't tell how strong they are so I'm leaving it to you." She explained as she took a bit out of her medium well done steak. "That doesn't mean you go look for that 'monster'"

I slammed my hands on the table, "He's not a monster, stop calling him that!" I defended Yin from their words. I don't know why they hated him, they haven't even gotten a chance to meet them.

"Should we show her?" Her father asked his wife, who sighed deeply. "She's going to learn the truth either way so let's show her."

I was confused about what they meant until they took me into the basement.


In the basement was so advanced, in technology that is. I always wondered why they locked the door, it's because they were hiding things that weren't from this world.

I got the courage to speak, "What's this about?"

"The truth. Before you were adopted, your father looked into the future. It was peaceful, though a strange man came to us and told us that if we wanted our family to live we have to do as he said. Of course we had to listen to reason and protect you from the dangers." My father pulled out his pocket watch, he handed it to me. That's when I felt it, the true sensation of its powers. I saw every event even if they were too fast, it was like a moving at x50 speed, my memories running like a streak of lightning.

I feel to the ground exhausted from the powers of watch, I saw everything especially who lives and dies…

"So did you see it?" Her mother asked me, helping me to my trembling feet.

"I did. I have to kill him." I lied to see their reactions and boy I was right, they cared about themselves, they knew Yin couldn't be defeated by the powers of the watch but he could be defeated by 'them'.

I walked back upstairs to the main floor my mind felt heavy on the topic of the events that happens in this timelines and the other timelines.

I have to find Ina and the others first, then I'll save Yin from this suffering.



I woke up exhausted, last night's event drained me especially me packing for my Journey to find the 4 mythical beings in this world. I made sure to pack everything in my big jungle bag, canned foods, clothing, water bottles, compass, and last but not least Yin's bandage.

A few minutes later, I gotten ready myself, I showered, brushed my teeth, did my hair and finally gotten dressed. I was really for my Journey, I clapped my cheeks with my hands and opened the door. "I'm heading out…not like you guys would care anyway." I said closing the door behind me, I wanted to look back but now it's up to me to protect this world from its threat.

She pressed onto the dial and she fell into a portal the hands on the clock went counterclockwise. A holographic image displayed on the clock showing how far she was traveling back into time.

The year that showed on the clock showed her final destination of the year 360 BC.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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