
The Kingdom Of The Saiyans

After writing the first chapter, I've decided that the novel won't be as simple as I originally wanted it to be. I cannot, in good conscience, release something that I do not find enjoyable to read. As such, in addition to the basic synopsis listed below and in my author note, there are a few extra things that I'd like to add: Reginald Rey Von Homestein, misled out of a normal life by a pair of drunkard parents, found himself at the end of his life with nothing but his tremendous wealth and an even more tremendous lonesome. Without a purpose, one's soul is weak and conflicted, without resolve, one's will is paltry and hapless. But what if the two were to intersect? What if an individual's resolve was to find his very own purpose? Desperation evolves into will, and Reginald's soul begins his journey to find his purpose. And what better place to find a purpose than a world of limitless power? What better motivation to fuel resolve than ambition? What better way to for a person to come to terms with his own existence... than to control the existence of every single being in the multiverse? Reginald will find himself thrust to the forefront of a reimagined Dragon Ball multiverse, fraught with dangerous and downright insane foes! But when one is truly willing to give anything in order to achieve their objective, then what's the harm in fighting insane with a little insane of his own... (TL;DR) A basic synopsis for my plot would be: A person is reincarnated into the Dragon Ball multiverse as a Saiyan named Cress, and takes it upon himself to become the king of the Saiyan world and establish their might to the furtherest corners of the multiverse. This will be a power fantasy with a lot of wish fulfilment, some romance (It is improbable that there will be anything particularly intimate), and an overpowered main character (over time, otherwise I'd be too bored to write anymore). Also, I don't own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT or Dragon Ball Super. All of these licenses belong to their rightful owners, which includes Akira Toriyama, who deserves credit for being the awesome dude that created the awesome story that I am now reimagining. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. Have a wonderful day!

ThePrsn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

A Special Connection (Pre-Arc Special)

Cress had experienced many things over the course of a year; a drastic development of the body, having basic and linguistic information inserted into his mind, a relationship with his mother, a rivalry with Broly BUT most importantly, he found a… special connection.

Silver, daughter of Kura – A Saiyan Warrior that was KIA a mere two weeks after her daughter's birth – and the strangest specimen around.

She was painfully blunt, and deceptively straightforward, a self-contradictory oxymoron unto herself.

On the very first day of training, as he walked into a training room and witnessed a tale as old as the dawn of mankind itself; 'a girl beating the absolute shit out of a dumbass', or at least, that was the thought that crossed Cress' mind.

Broly wasn't an idiot, nor was he some pitiable child – product of his father's abuse… no, he was something far more malicious. A child exuding a sort of evil that was… difficult to put into words.

Cress could not quite explain it, but when he neared Silver, he felt a tug from deep within the depths of himself.

Now, he had found that Ki was amazingly simple to manipulate, a simple thought and the very essence of his being became subservient to his will, Ki could be repressed or released merely at his intent.

But THIS was something entirely different, an unfamiliar energy he could only gawk at was attached to his being – 'BEING' being his soul, a very obtuse thing that seemed to encompass his body.

The mysterious thing would flare up when he neared Silver, and everything in his vision darkened… it was then that he, somewhat inexplicably, could 'see' streaks of evil from Broly. But not only him, everyone had a few of these 'evil streaks' embedded on their being, Broly's were just a touch more… apparent.

Silver immediately took a liking to Cress, and at the slightest suggestion of Magenta, declared him her fiancé, much to the boy's chagrin.

He had the opportunity to visit his home, but never once had the opportunity to meet his father, who was away on a mission with his so-called 'elite' force of combatants.

His growing relationship with his mother had solidified one thing for him; he was a changed person, his resolve, his ability to do things, everything he didn't have before; all of it was now part of him.


Age 724

In front of Cress was a picturesque landscape strewn across the screen of the facility computer, a green paradise that seemed to mock Planet Vegeta's wastelands, this was the place they were meant to go to… Kanassa!

"Honestly speaking, I don't think two years of training will prepare you for bullshit like this, why do I have to fight alongside these low-class mongrels? I can take care of a planet myself!"

Broly had taken to training in solitude since his defeat by Cress a year-and-a-half ago. Magenta had refuted this, stating his distress over the lack of team building this would result in, but his objections had been casually rebuked by Paragus.

"K, why don't you go down by yourself? And if something goes wrong, the handy Multi-Defence Force can always become the corpse retrieval team." Replied Cress, uninterested in dealing with the Legendary Super Narcissus of a team leader he had.

His team was scheduled to leave in a week, he had to bid his mother goodbye, and brace himself for a potentially life-changing experience in Kanassa, a place full of Psychic… fish-?-people.

But Cress had resigned himself to the ironic uncertainty of this trip, sure, he had grown stronger since his fight with Broly – his power level close to 10,000. But another matter troubled the young man, and that was a recent conversation with Silver.

He had come to ignore Silver's advances towards him, but a few weeks ago, he noticed her silently trail off to her room without as much as a word, and subconsciously – a mystery to himself – decided to directly investigate.


"You seem unusually wistful Silver, are you alright?"

"Nah, I'm thinking of killing myself because you won't marry me."

Cress' eyes widened for a moment, before flaring up with a bit of rage.

"That's a bit far for a joke don't you think?"

"Maybe, but I can't help but feel a little down today."

"And why would that be?"

"… Today's the day my mother died."



Sorry for the super late upload everyone! This is the pre-arc stage, I'm gonna focus on finishing the 5 chapter arc and uploading it together or at least close together so you guys don't have to wait too long. Sorry for it's short length, but it should cover everything you guys need to know for chapters 6 through 10.

Thank you so much for waiting, and a happy new year!

Yours Truly,

The Prsn.

ThePrsncreators' thoughts