
The King of the Hell

What am I now? A demon?

DaoistSword1 · ไซไฟ
9 Chs

What? A system Message?

<After 3 years>

*huff* *huff* *huff* this should be enough for now. I am quite hungry, let's get back to base for breakfast.

after reaching the breakfast table "You came back quick today, Sorren?"

"Nah, it is just that I have gone to practice earlier than my usual timing, whatever give me breakfast first! I WILL DIE OF STARVATION NOW!"

"Yeah yeah, giving you, don't shout and what did you practice today?"

"Just some 'Dragger Fighting Style' and some exercises all" Sorren was quite exhausted because of the dragger practice.

"Hmm, but the dragger is quite an exhausting comparison to your body right now, why don't you practice some other weaponry?"

"But dragger are compact weapon? It is small and easy to carry everywhere."

"Fine, I will not ask you to change your weapon anymore, and yeah here is your food"

As soon as Sorren started having his breakfast... General Garen came. As a respect, the boy who gave Sorren food and Sorren himself paid respect to him, "Good Morning, General Garen! We hope your day goes well today" "Don't be so formal boys and do what you were doing" "Yes Sir!"

"So how was your training today Sorren?"

"Well, I am still pretty bad with my dragger"

"I see, I hope you get perfect with it, and yeah your sister is doing good in her place."

"Thank you sir looking after her" "it's fine and why are you not interested in going to school?"

"If I go to school then I will not have time to practice with my stuff and I don't think I can manage school and my military stuff together."

"Fine but still... you should attend" "I will tell you when I think I need to, Sir and now I need to go, sir"

"Uff, see you, these days kids are way too stubborn"

Sorren runs towards the forest taking his dragger from his bag. As time went Sorren was going more deep into the forest which he didn't realize. When Sorren came to end he realized the fact that he is lost but how come he can be lost his way in a forest in which he practiced like 2 years.

When he got exhausted, standing in one place and suddenly was feeling dizzy. He thought, why is this happing. His head was paining quite a lot and he got fainted down the place.

After some mins...

"agh, my head....wait where am I now?" it was like he was teleported somewhere.

"It is so cold here... what is this place?" the room seemed to be white plated at the whole, and then he noticed that there are four signs and the red color sign was glowing "Why is this glowing?" and every each the signs where surrounded by different thing like the red sign, it was surrounded by fire, the Dark blue sign was surrounded by water, sky blue sign was surrounded by freezing air and the yellow-red mixed sign was surrounded by high voltage electricity, but what attracted him the most was the device which was in the middle of the whole room. It was been held by a 'Gravity Less Display Pole'.

(Gravity Less Display Pole: It is a display device which holds a thing in the air using certain energy)

"Woah, what is that thing? it seems to have an elemental sphere in the middle?" Sorren was quite surprised to see an elemental sphere in it. "Can it be that this is a 'BW suit' compressed one!?" Sorren noticed that the device was surrounded by a strange gas which was quite red in color but Sorren didn't care at all, he continued to get nearer to it.

(BW suit compressed: It is a kind of suit that can be compressed to a small size... compressable suits are rarely seen as only a few UE fighters were able to made it)

As soon as the tip of his finger touched the device as he moved, his head started to pain a lot, and again he started to feel dizzy, and soon enough he got fainted.

When he woke up, he saw that he was in the same place where he got fainted before he got into that strange room. " what the heck? was that an illusion or a dream? , but just what was that? whatever it was... it felt too real" then Sorren noticed that it was about to be night, "Ah shit, gotta run now!".

After a while, he reached his base and a few of the men who were roaming outside "Sorren! You are back boy!" they seemed to be happy after they saw him. "Where were you this whole time?"

"Well, actually I got lost in the forest because got into the forest quite too deep."

"What? How come you were lost? I mean that you are practicing in that forest for 2 years"

"I don't know...I also asked that question to myself"

"Well, forget all this, let's get back to our place"

"Umm, yeah" Sorren felt to keep that mysterious room to himself for now.

After all the things he needed to do and ate his dinner... he was quite exhausted so, he got back to his room. He saw that his sister forgot to put her blanket on her again, he put the blanket on his sister, and then he also went to sleep.

"Today was a huge mess man" he sighed to himself, "Well let's get some sleep, I hope tomorrow will be a normal day like always..."

<Scanning complete>

<Loading Info...>

<Name: Sorren Liston>

<Height: 3.1 ft>

<Weight: 28 kg>

<Weielding Beast: Asten Catospro>

<Suit Condition: Compressed>

Sorren's sleep was broken and he exclaimed when he saw that pop-up message

"What the hell is this, A system message!!??"

here goes the new chapter....Do you like it? please add it to your library. I am trying to post every day to reach 15000 words quickly. Anything to say to me? comment down the box. I will see your comment.

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