
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
70 Chs

Chapter 61 Want To Be Partner Of Justice?

What? You said that the messenger of justice will not kill innocent people. I say that you are guilty, and you are guilty. If I first say that you are guilty, and then kill you, you are not considered innocent. This is the simplest logic in front of them.

In the crowd, a petite blue figure jumped to Lucifer's eyes. Altria didn't draw her sword, she also used the technique of magic burst, the magic emanating from her formed a storm, instantly blowing down all the closest crowd within more than ten meters.

The knock-on effect caused by this is that the people behind those people are also blown down. If it weren't for the fact that it was Britain, these people were just being fooled or even not a threat to the king. Just preparing to besiege the king would be enough for Altria to kill them all.

Altria frowned, her hand was already on the sword. They have just sent a magic message to the former King's Forbidden Army-Silver Sword Knights. They only need to wait a moment before the Knights will arrive. Then this farce will settle down.

Before that, if these people are still prepared to continue their ignorance after the warning, then she can only draw a sword.

Fortunately, Altria's attack just now blew a lot of people away, and it also made many people retreat subconsciously. After all, the reason why they were so fierce before was because Jeanne was weak and would not resist, but now these two knights are obviously not like this.

They were afraid that the two knights in front of them would kill them in a rage.

"Who are you?" Farfar continued to insist on the surface, but secretly scolded the cowards around him.

He didn't realize that he was a coward himself.

"If you can't know my name from the face you have seen, this ignorance is a sin in itself." At this moment, Lucifer's voice was chilly.

"I don't care who you are? Now leave me there. We are undergoing a glorious and great trial. The witch must die, and Britain must get peace."


"That's it"


This time, despite the clamor of people around, no one dared to step forward. They are not an army, but just a mob. When encountering a natural disaster of the dragon level, they will only run away subconsciously instead of stepping forward.

"Witch? Still peaceful? Are you funny?"

"If you don't want to let go, then don't blame me. Didn't you see, I now represent public opinion, do you want to be an enemy of everyone in the town, do you want to be an enemy of Britain as a whole? You want to go against this Is it a just trial?"

"You are not qualified to represent Britain, let alone justice." In the words, Lucifer drew out his sword of the king.

The intense light radiated from the sword, and for a while, it was like the sun that made people unable to look directly at it. He did not swing down his sword, but raised it to the sky, the golden light shining further away.

The crowd was in chaos, and someone finally recognized the sword.

"That is king sword! King! It is the glory of king of knight! The person standing in front of us is the king!" An old man knelt down in horror. He hadn't seen Lucifer, but he had seen the ancestor king and his sword.

With this as a starting point, the chaos of the crowd became greater. Several expressions appeared on their faces, and many people knelt to the ground subconsciously after seeing the old man's actions.

Perhaps the most unbelievable person is Farfar. He has already thought that Lucifer's identity is not simple, but he has never thought of being king himself. At this moment, his brain is blank, and he has lost his ability to speak.

Almost at the same time, a large group of knights entered the town. At the same time, there are many knights in the outskirts of the town, and three thousand silver knights surround the town.

Although the armor of the leading knight is silvery white, the key part is black. He is the commander of this force and his name is Agravain. He has performed well in previous battles to suppress the rebellion. He is known for his cold personality and is now a member of the round table.

"Wang! It was too late to let the king be disturbed by these mobs. Please be punished." Ager Zhiwen came to Lucifer and saluted him.

"Knight Siegfried, I have seen the king." Siegfried saluted at the same time.

"Knight Agravain, lead the knight to take them all together." Lucifer retracted the sword and issued an order to the knight.


In a short while, Agravain directly commanded the knights to start their hands. The originally chaotic scene was instantly calmed down. In the face of the regular knights, these people directly put down the farm tools in their hands, and many even began to beg for mercy, but all this was ignored by Agravain.

If it hadn't been for Lucifer's order, he wouldn't be so gentle now. In his opinion, just facing the king with weapon is a capital crime. Some people might say that they didn't know that it was the king and begged for forgiveness, but Agravain didn't think so.

Since the crime was committed because of ignorance, then die with this ignorance. This is the best ending for the man who knows.

Taking advantage of this time, Lucifer put Jeanne down from the stake, he untied his cloak and put it on the girl, and then gave her to Altria. He asked her to take someone out of here first to help her heal the wound on her body.

After doing this, Lucifer also learned what happened here through the interrogation by Agravain.

To put it simply, there are always misfortunes happening around the girl named Jeanne d'Arc, but every time she can miraculously survive, even sometimes dragons and the like deliberately avoid her, plus she seems to be Have some special abilities. The so-called became a witch.

Originally, these were just very normal things. There are thousands of people in this small town. If you look for it, you will find that what happened to Jeanne basically happened to them. It's just not that exaggerated.

After hearing what happened here, Lucifer felt that Jeanne of Arc was not so much a witch as a child of miracle. Same as her sister. In almost all the news, there is no proof that Jeanne directly hurt people, and it can even be said that she is eager to help others.

Such a girl is slandered as a witch under the control of a caring person. Is the purpose of the other side Jeanne herself? Or is it just because this goal is easy to use, so I want to use her to combat the prestige of Britain's just getting better?

On the throne, Lucifer thought for a while. The turmoil in front of him may seem like a farce, but if you think about it, if you don't handle it well, it may cause a chain reaction.

Seeing Lucifer's thoughts, Siegfried looked at the ordinary people, and he was ready to express his thoughts.

"Your majesty, please forgive my rudeness. But since so many people believe that she is a witch, isn't it...?"

He didn't finish what he said, but it also meant something.