
The King of King's (Male Gilgamesh reader x Highschool DXD)

Ryuga111 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


God:"Hmm, What's Up Young One?" He Asked Y/n.

Y/n:"No, I'm Just Surprised That A being Like You Exists In real life. Do you know? I'm Not Believing in Gods in Real Life. But what I said at that time was proven wrong when I saw you." Y/n replied

God:"Ho-ho, I guess so."

He Reply while stroking his beard

Y/n:"Don't just talk so short, say something, like where is this. Or where was I put. I'm dead and I'm in this strange place." Y/n said to the middle-aged grandfather in front of him

God:"This is my room, here is after death. Your sins will be counted here. Likewise with your karma. Then let me examine the size of your sins."

Y/n:"Okay, do as you please" answer Y/n with a little afraid.

Y/n:'Well, most likely I'll be thrown into hell. I've committed many sins in my past life. Like contradicting my parents and so on. I don't expect my karma to be more than my sins.' Y/n said in his mind.

God:"Ho-ho is that so? But your karma is more than your sins. You get this karma from helping a little kid who was almost hit by a truck." He replied.

Y/n:"Eh Is That True? So Have You Decided Where To Take Me? To Heaven?" Y/n Asked.

God:"Of course you do, your karma is more high Compared to your Sins. So don't think that you will go to hell. Surely You Will Enter Heaven." He replied.

God:"Okay... I will give you two choices. First you will enter into heaven. There you will get eternal life, as well as meet your deceased relatives or parents."

God:"Secondly, I will resurrect you to another world and give you some kind of request for your provisions in your new world. So what are your choices??"

God:"Second Life Or Life In Heaven?" He Asks.

Y/n's previously ordinary expression now changed drastically. He didn't think he would be given a choice.

Moreover, the choices given are very unreasonable.

Just given a second life already Pleasant. Moreover, coupled with given a request too. It made him both happy and surprised when he heard this.

Y/n:"Of course I want a second life." Y/n's answer

God:"Hoho, what are you going to do?" God Asks Again

Y/n:"Improving my life, my life in the world that used to be very messy. Did you know? I'm not very good at helping other people. My grades in school are also very bad. Moreover, I haven't had time to produce offspring." Y/n's answer

God:"I see, a pretty good reason. Well I won't stop you. What world do you want to go to? A fantasy world with swords and magic? Or some kind of Japanese cartoon world. If I'm not mistaken it's called anime." Said the god while still stroking his beard.

Y/n:"Eh Is It Really Doable?" Asked Y/n who was just surprised when he heard the words of the god.

God:"There's Nothing I Can't Do. That's The Easy Thing. If you want, I can also bring you to life in the world of novels or comics. So Just Say It." He Cassualy say.

Y/n:"In that case, it's clear I chose the anime world. Well, even though this anime world is pretty crazy." Say Y/n.

God:"Hmm, High School DxD?" Say God

Y/n:"Yes, As expected from god." Rein's answer.

God:"Hoho I see, so what's your wish? Oh yeah I'll give you 5 wishes because your karma it's around 500 thousand. Do you accept it??" Ask Him.

Y/n:"Five wishes? Alright that's more than enough. Oh yeah. I should be able to ask for things related to powers like that, right?" Y/n Asked Him.

He just stood there and nodded his head.

Y/n:"Oh I see, Alright I'll start it" Y/n continued

God:"Hoho Go ahead." Say God With His calm Expression

Y/n:"First: I want my race to be the embodiment of all the races of supernatural beings from that world. So? You can do this, right?"

God:"Hoho, Of course it's a trifle to me. Continue." he said.

Y/n:"Second: I Want an unlimited mana"

God:"Unlimited eh? I can do that, Next." he said.

Y/n:"Third: I Want My Appearance to look Like Gilgamesh From The Anime Series Called Fate Series And Also I Want My Identity to be the same as my name."

God:"The Arrogant Character Who Has Unlimited Gold huh. Hahaha Alright, That's Easy. Good Continue" he said.

Y/n:"Fourth: I want a kind of super strong bloodline that can make me continue to get stronger without the slightest obstacle."

God:"Bloodline alright, Well And The Last One?" He Asked.

Y/n:"Lastly: I Want Creation Ability And I Want It As If I Can't Die And Be Born From Nothing World. Well Almost Similar To The Graham Character From That Maou Gakuin No Futekighousa Series."

God:"Can't Die huh. Well I'll Make It As If You Will Not Die And If Killed You Will Be Reborn From That Nothing World. You Will Be Unbound By All The Laws Of The World. The Laws Of Sealing, The Laws Of Time, And So On."

God:"And as for your Creation Skill, you can only make things and magic. You will be able to create everything once you know the laws of death and life. Do you accept them?" He ask Back.

Y/n:"it's Fine, I have no problem with that." Say Y/n.

God:"Then, I Will Move Yourself Now. You Should Have Prepared Yourself." Say it.

Y/n didn't reply anything and just smiled there.

The god smiled back and then he raised his right hand as high as his chest

God:"You can do anything in that world all you want. I don't care if you fuck all the girls in that world or not. I don't care if you blow up the world later." Say The God.

God:"Oh yeah kid, I haven't introduced myself earlier. I'm usually called The One Above All or better known as the God of Sovereign. You understand right," he said.

Y/n:"I understand." He answered with a smile at him.

God:"In that case, Y/n L/n, I hope you enjoy your second life. Be the strongest and come to my place whenever you want." Say God.

Y/n:"I Will Visit You One Day. And I Promise I Will Not Disappoint You. I Will Be The Strongest and unbeatable." Say Rein.

God:"Haha, Good Spirit, Young Man" God Reply.

God:"Then, see you later" he continued and then snapped his right finger and his snapping sound was heard throughout the room.


And Instantly Y/n's Body Disappear to only god know where. And The god also immediately disappeared from there using his black portal.