
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter Three

Eldar's POV

"What the Hell was she thinking?" He roared as he paced up and down infront of his room's door, trying to calm down.

"You need to calm down !" His accomplice and childhood friend Zaroon said.

"What does it look like I'm trying to do ?" He growled at Zaroon.

"If you were a bit patient 7 hours ago , maybe all this wouldn't have happened. You know she doesn't know who we are and she'll be scared of you if you continue this way" Zaroon advised him.

I was going to punish her ruthlessly when she woke up. And as for that Bastard Jamal , I will deal with him later.

All because of him, my cherry was going to die ?

Yes she could have been severely wounded or even worse.

"Mr. Eldar ? She is alright. She just needs to rest." The doctor told him.

"Okay , you may leave " he dismissed the doctor.

He hurried away , afraid for his life.

Eldar walked into his room to a sleeping Layla. She was very beautiful. Her milk coloured skin , her beautiful eyes and thick body structure. She was very sexy.

He was going to punish her when she recovers. He would do so many things to her. He needed to keep himself busy in the meantime.

He walked downstairs and gave strict orders to the maids to take care of Layla when ahe woke up. He took his poker face mask and picked up a pistol and his favourite knife, it was the Mark I Trench knife.

That knife was almost illegal , because it was used in the World War periods. It was the most dangerous knife in the world.

He took a simple car from his garage and drove to find his next victim. He saw a couple sitting together by the beach side . He paced expertly towards them.

He sat beside them and said in a sinister tone

"Isn't it such a lovely evening?, too bad this is your last !"

They both looked at him with fear in their eyes. He looked at them through his poker face mask and chuckled.

"Haha, I'm not going to hurt you . I'm going to destroy you "

He stabbed man in the heart and shot the woman in the head. He took a bit of their blood and drew a bloody smiling face on their car.

And he wrote with their blood

"53 AND 54".

He walked back to his car and drove to find his last victim for the night.

He came across a woman with her baby , who was about to get robbed. He got down from the car and fearlessly walked towards them.

"Give us all your money! Before we take your baby away" they threatened.

"Please ! I don't have any money. Please " she begged them.

"Why you ...." Eldar caught the hand of the goon who tried to slap the woman.

"This evening , is a pleasant one for lucky people. But unlucky people? They lose their lives " he maniacally whispered into the goon's ear.

The goon gulped hard. Eldar was enjoying how he made the goon want to pee in his pants.

"Go Home and don't walk around at this time of the night " Eldar said to the woman.

"Thank You So Much Sir , I'll never forget you" she said as she walked briskly away from him.

"Now back to business " he spat into the goon's face.

He slashed the first goon's throat . The second goon was sent flying, into the bushes. He got stabbed my a stray iron rod in the bush.

The last goon tried to escape. Eldar chased after him and cut his ear and his tongue off and stabbed him in the face.

He drew another bloody smiling face on the wall and wrote

"55, 56 AND 57" .

So far he had killed 57 people.

He walked back to his car and drove back to his mansion.

In the mornings , he was a ruthlessly rich and handsome owner of one of the most successful illegal drug dealing companies.

It was a success because the police knew that there was a drug dealing company but had no idea where ? It was right in the city noone ever suspected it.

And if anyone ever suspected anything, he was killed.

All the 57 people he killed are the people who have some information about the illegal company or owed him money or tried to dupe him.

He returned home and met Layla sitting on the bed ,with her hands in her palms crying.

Why was she crying? Had anyone done anything to her ? If anyone did anything, I swear to God , he or she will regret his mother's condom failure that created him or her.

"What's wrong Cherry " he asked.

She looked up at him with red eyes. When she saw his bloody hands , her eyes turned a deeper shade of red.

She was scared of him and he didn't like it !

"W-What h-happened t-to y-you ?" She asked in a breaking voice. She was scared.

"This isn't my blood " he told her.

She looked even more scared. The fear in her eyes were heartbreaking.

He loved to see people afraid but he hated seeing Layla afraid of him.

"I'm not going to hurt you " he trued to console her.

She backed away from him and asked

"Did you kill someone?"

He knew he couldn't lie to her since she seemed like she already knew the answer.

He bowed his head in shame and nodded.

"Are you going to kill me ?" She asked out of fear.

His head shot up like a deer who heard a gunshot.

He shook his head aggressively.

"Who are you and what exactly do you want from me ?" She asked him in a scared and a bit angry tone.

"I'm the most wanted man in this country. People call me The Killer. And I want you "

what he just said made her heart eat faster than a normal human beings heart should.

She stared at him for a long while before she got a panic attack.

What had he done ?

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, next chapter will be better. I appreciate how y'all give me the morale to write more. I love y'all ❤