
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter Thirteen


Layla was still asleep when I woke up. My baby loved me back. That meant I needed to protect her even more.

She looked so cute while asleep. I gave her a peck on the lips and got up to leave.

I was going to prepare to visit my warehouses. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and ordered a maid to send food to Layla.

I walked to my room to take my bath. After my shower , I dressed up and walked downstairs.

Layla was still not awake yet. I decided to give her the kittens I bought for her.

I picked them up from their nursery bed and walked to Layla's room.

I sat beside her sleeping figure and cooed into her ears.


She giggled lightly and opened her eyes lightly.

I hugged her and helped her up.

I gave her the kittens. There was tears in her eyes. She was happy and sad at the same time.

"Eldar ?" She called.

I held her hand and kissed it.

"They're yours. I'm sorry about Shamsiya" I whispered.

She looked at me with teary eyes.

She hugged me very tightly and said

"I love you Eldar. Even tho' you're a jerk sometimes "

I kissed her on the forehead and told her

"Bae , I have to go check up on my warehouses. I'll be back very soon "

She looked worried. She sighed and nodded.

"Hey , I'm not leaving you. I'm just going to check up on things. I promise, I'll be back " I tried to assure her.

She didn't seem to want to be left alone.

When I finally convinced her , she let me go , but not without a tear escaping her eyes.

I had to go and come back real quick , if I wanted her to be happy.

Unknown's POV

"That is his house. Take note and when he's out , you go in and do your job. Understood?"The man spoke to an evil looking man sitting beside him.

The evil looking man Terror , smirked evily and rubbed both his hands maniacally.

"Well, well, let's pay Eldar's household a visit then" he said wickedly.


I was happy because I've got two new kittens. I didn't really know what to name them.

I know it's early but I have to admit , I like Eldar just like he likes me.

I don't really believe in love. So it's just a liking thing. I took my bath and dressed up in a clingy blue dress that reached midthigh.

I picked up the kittens and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

It was then that , I realised how much I was hungry.

"Hey Carla ? What's cooking?" I asked her as she was busily cooking.

"Hey Layla , I'm making some pasta " she answered.

I nodded and placed the kittens down as I paced towards the stairs to go into my room.

I heard the doorbell ring.  None of the maids or the butler was around.

I walked to the door , I had this feeling that the person behind that door was a bad person.

I opened the door to find a very beautiful man

He had a scar running diagonally on his left eyebrow.

He was as tall as Eldar , and very beautiful looking.

He smirked at me and I blushed a little.

"Umm.. hi ? Can I help you?" I asked him.

He smirked and stared straight into my eyes with his beautiful brown eyes.

"Eldar has asked me to bring you to show you his warehouses" he said.

I was scared at first , I was doubtful of his genuineness.  But finally , I trusted him and just followed him.

There was a waiting car . It looked a bit suspicious. I was scared and I didn't know what to do.

He ushered me into the car . There were 3 men in black sitting inside the car who grabbed me and drugged me.

All I could think of was Eldar.

Terror's POV

My heart hasn't skipped a beat for anyone before. This girl , I was hired to kidnap made my heart skip a beat.

I knew instantly that I had fallen for her.

She was going to be mine and only mine.

Eldar does have a good sense of choice. I wonder how he got her. Now she's mine and only mine.

I was going to persuade her into returning my love , but if she was trying to prove stubborn, I would force her.

I laughed at my evil thought , mentally.

Zaroon's POV

Layla was kidnapped and now , we were all confused by this incident.

We saw how she was ushered by some man into a car and was spedoff to God knows where.

Eldar has really been a jerk since she was kidnapped a week ago. He does nothing but smoke weed.

After he smokes, he goes and fuck b*tches.

"Eldar ! You had better boss yourself up and make better efforts for us to find your girl. We have found some clues , and you have to come sit down and analyze them "

He was kinda pissing me off by what he's doing. Infact he was pissing everyone of us off.

He was s'pposed to be looking eagerly for her, not sitting down here burning his lungs out.

He looked at me with high eyes.  He smirked and rose up

"Give me the clues Zaroon" he said.

I smirk and gave him a disposable bag with some fingerprints on it and some sand from where the strange car drove on.

"The sand from where the car drove had some mud on it. And this mud , ain't nothing. It's like mud with chemicals in it.

The first thing we need to consider is that there hasn't been any rain for about 2 weeks now , so getting mud on the tyre of your car is almost impossible.

Also the chemicals in the mad is Sulphur and the only place you can get Sulphur from , apart from laboratories and other stuffs is that abandoned factory on the outskirts of  Los Angeles.

Also , the Sulphur is the contaminated type that has been banned and is claimed to be harmful to people"

I explained to Eldar and tge other boys.

"We're proud of you Zaroon. Now let's get my girl back" Eldar complimented.

I smiled at him.


I woke ul in a strange room. It was very dark and my hands seemed to be tied up. I was on the cold floor, with my hands and legs tied up.

Suddenly , the door to this cold room, opened to reveal , that same man who told me that Eldar was waiting for me at his warehouse with a warm looking blanket.

I could hardly speak , because of the cold atmosphere here.

"W-Who a-are y-you ?" I asked while shivering.

He just paced towards me and wrapped me in the blanket and carried me out of the room.

I realised we were in a fancy looking house.

He carried me to a big bedroom that looked like it was his.

What was he going to do to me ?

He lay me on the bed and whispered,

"Rest for now "

I stared at him and turned away.

'Who was this man and what did he want ?' I thought

Eldar where are you?

Will I make it out of this alive ?

Was this the end ?

I dropped a tear of sorrow.

Eldar come back to me

Next chapter will be updated soon...