
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter Seven


I don't know what Eldar is up to ,but it isn't going to work.

I don't know why he doesn't want to understand that I hate his guts.

I brushed off every thought of him and went back to my baby Shamsiya.

She's the most wonderful kitten , I've ever seen. She has been a good girl since I got her.


"Come in ?" I replied to the person behind the door.

Carla walks in with another maid.

"Ummm.... hi Carla ?. How may I help you?" I asked her.

"Well Layla, this is Margo .." she introduces the new maid.

"Okay , hi Margo " I wave at her.

She smiles shyly at me.

"Well , Eldar asked us to prepare you for an upcoming dinner he's organising, for his family" Carla tells me.

What the dog fart hell is that for ?

Why does he think I'm interested in his lame dinner party ?

"Carla , tell Eldar I'm not interested " I commanded.

She looked confused. She tried to convince me but I remained reluctant.

She finally gave in and walked away.

10 minutes later...

Eldar barged into my room. I wasn't really surprised, since he usually does that.

"It's not about what you want Layla. It's about what I'm ordering you to do ! " he growled at me.

I was not moved by his words. Infact I wanted to piss him off more.

"Are you bipolar?" I asked him.

He looked at me with the 'are you serious girl ' look.

"Why do you ask such a question?" He asked.

"Well first thing , you're all nice to me , next thing , you're a douche bag " I snapped at him.

He smiled at me evily and whispered

"Be my date at this dinner party, or say goodbye to your beautiful friend Muneera" . He was still threatening me ?!

This son of a b*tch ! I looked at him with hateful eyes and spat at him

"Get out of this room ! Expect me at your fucking dinner! B*tch !"

He smirked and kissed my cheek before I could even do anything.

I got up suddenly and rushed to the bathroom. I washed myface immediately and walked back to the bedside.

He was about leaving. I rolled my eyes at him and lay on the bed.

He walked away, but not after whistling at me.

This man is really crazy.

Carla and Margo, came back to my room and ushered me to the bathroom.  They bathed for me in scented perfumes and gave me a manicure and pedicure.

They gave me a massage and finally sat me down to do my makeup.

It was a simple one. I saw the dress I was to wear. It was a gorgeous silver coloured dress that clinged unto my curves.

It was undoubtedly beautiful. It was long sleeved and long. It had a matching hijab and some silver coloured heels and a fancy silver coloured birkin.

I fell in love with the dress immediately.

When I wore the dress , it looked even more beautiful.

Carla and Margo complimented unending about how I looked in the dress.

When it was time for us to leave , Carla told me that Eldar was already waiting for me at the venue at his parents home

I was ushered downstairs to the waiting limousine. I guess it was a special reserved  for special occasions, because I never saw it being used until today.

I waved Carla and Margo  goodbye.

I asked her to feed Shamsiya for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked the driver.

He didn't reply and it pissed me off but I just shrugged it off and looked out through the window.

After about 20 minutes, we got to a enormous mansion. It was so beautiful. It was white coloured and had beautifully mowed carpet grass and beautiful flowers.

The driver got out and opened the door for me.

I walked to the front door of the mansion and Malik was there waiting.

He looked very good in his ripped jeans and white V neck shirt.

I smiled at him and he smirked back at me.

"You look good " I complimented.

"You look even better " he commented back.

I smirked and he held my hand as he walked me into the house.

All eyes fell on me when I entered.

I saw the guys. They rushed to me and hugged me. They all looked good.

"Woww...y'all look delicious " I teased as they gave me a group hug.

"You look more than delicious " they said in unison.

All the ladies around glared at me with hateful looks.

I just raised my eyebrows at them and smirked.

I spotted Eldar , he was staring at me as though he was seeing me for the first time.

He looked so hawt😅. He was in a black ripped jeans and a black V neck shirt. His muscles were visible and his tattoos were glowing. His hair looked messy but sexy.

He smirked at me and for the first time ever , I realised that he had dimples.

I still looked short as compared to the guys even though I was in heels.

He walked to me and the boys backed away and stood at attention, with hard faces.

He had to lower himself before he could talk to me.

"You look beautiful  Cherry" he complimented in a husky voice

For some reason his compliment made me blush.

He smirked and I covered my face with my palms to prevent him seeing my red face.

He chuckled and held me protectively as we paced towards some elder looking people.

"Pretend we're getting married " he whispered seductively into my ears and I unconsciously giggled.

What the fuck ? Getting married ?

He held my waist and when we got to the elder people he let go gently . I guess they were his parents. He said:

"This is my fianceé Layla" he told them.

They looked at me impressed whilst one of the younger ladies who would be a little older than me looked at me with disgust.


"Eldar ? You left me for this tramp?" She spat at me.

He looked at her with hard eyes.


I was going to teach her .

"Excuse me mom and dad , I'm Layla.  It's really nice to meet you "

I addressed the elderly folks. They smiled at me.

I smiled back and turned to this b*tch

"Now back to this plastic Barbie who called me a Tramp ! You hardly know me girl, so boss up and stop flicking your herpes infected fingers at everyone.

Eldar here chose me over you because he has taste in good things not b*tchy girls with bad manners and ugly asses.

Just take a look at me and look at yourself.  I doubt you looked at your self in the mirror that's why you think you're so pretty. Well you're not bitch!

So shut the fuck up and open your eyes. A new girl took your place in his life "

Everyone present looked so surprised yet impressed. Including Eldar and the guys.

The b*tches who were looking at me with hateful glares walked up beside that b*tch who called me a tramp and pulled her away .

She forced her self out of their grasp and tried to hit me.

But don't forget I am the most wanted girl in our country.

I punched her in the face and kicked her where the sun doesn't shine.

She fell down with a heavy thud on her butt.

Eldar pulled me back and the guys took me away from there.

The b*tch was on the floor screaming.  I smiled , then giggled and then laughed out loud , drawing attention to myself.

The guys looked at me puzzled. I took of my hijab and my hair flew freely.

I charged towards her once more and sat on her beating her up.

Her friends tried to intervene. I pounced on them too and beat the shit out of them too.

Eldar was confused. The elder people begun

"Please daughter, don't hurt her anymore"

I loved elder people,so I just got off them and walked back to the guys . I took my hijab back and wore it and walked out of that place.

The boys followed behind me

I was really angry.

She insulted me over a man and even tried to hit me .

And her friends also tried to hit me.

I didn't like to be called a tramp. It brought back bad memories.

Memories of when I was bullied in school.

How them fuckers used to insult and bully me because I didn't want to fight back.

"Layla we're sorry for what Anika did to you " the guys apologised.

"It's not your fault " I said.

When I had calm down , I walked back into the mansion.

Everyone was looking at me, I just walked without a care in the world.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Dad. I just don't like it when I'm called a tramp. It brings back bad memories " I apologised.

They smiled at me and the elder woman hugged me while the man patted my head.

I smiled at them.

Eldar wasn't there with them.

I spoke with the elder folks for a while.

  I  realised that the man was called Mujahid and the woman was Samira.

They were Eldar's caretakers.

After a while, I walked back to the guys.

"Eldar said he has something to take care of " they told me.

He didn't return until around midnight. He looked messy and he advanced to me.

"I'm sorry for what happened tonight Cherry" he apologised.

I just stared at him and they was something strange about his smell today.

He usually smells like some expensive cologne but now , he smells like his cologne and blood.

I looked at him intensely and realised that there was a spot of blood on his neck.

I touch it and I realised it wasn't his blood.

I then realised that b*tch was no where to be found.

My opened opened wide like saucers.

Did he kill her ? Oh? No!?

He realised I knew

He sighed and said

"She insulted you " .

So he really killed her ?

"D-Did you kill..... her ?" I stammered.

He looked down and nodded

I looked at him with teary eyes and backed away from him.

"Why ?" I asked.

He looked at me with worried eyes.

"I didn't like that she insulted you Cherry " he tried to explain.

I backed away , until I bumped into Malik's chest. He took me away from the place into his car and sped off to Eldar's house.

When we got there, he tried to calm me down .

"He killed her because of me ?" I asked

He sighed and said

"He likes you and doesn't want to see anyone hurt you " .

I lokked at him with red eyes and begun crying.

I cried into his chest.

No! He's like an elder brother to me. Nothing more !

After sometime he sent me to my room and I changed into some big shirt and some shorts.

I sat down on the bed , I was blaming myself for her death.

Suddenly , my room's door opened.

Eldar walked in.  He looked at me with sad eyes.

I backed away from him when he paced towards the bed.

"I won't hurt you Cherry. Please believe me " he said

I got up and tried to run away.

He caught me and hugged me from behind.

I was crying so hard.

That girl's blood was on me

I cried for so long , until I got tired and rested my head on his chest.

I fell asleep on him.

I was sad , angry, worried and hurt.

I didn't like this world where I was in.

A world where people just die like ants.

I  was scared of Eldar and scared of everything that was associated with him.

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