
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter Fourteen


Where is Eldar ? I'm so scared. This man terrifies me. He had left me 2 hours ago in this room.

The room had a dark aura but it made me scared. Unlike Eldar's room that had a dark aura but made me excited.

I was praying that Eldar would soon find me and save me from this beautifully scary man.

How would I escape if Eldar didn't come ? What will this man do to me ? Was he going to kill me ?

I was engrossed in thoughts of all the heinous things he could do to me that , I didn't know that he had sat on the bed and was tohching me on the thigh.

When I finally realised this , I flinched.

He was very handsome but very wicked , I could tell.

"Who are you?!" I asked him with fear written all over my face.

"I'm Terror" he reploed in an evily husky voice.

I gulped very hard. He was just staring at me like a freak. What was I going to do now ?

"What do you want to do to me ?" I asked him with the last ounce of bravery in me.

He smirked an evil smirk and said.

"I want to make you mine and only mine! I don't want that Prince coming close to you or falling for you . Get that?"

I was very scared.

Wait... What? Prince ?

What Prince was he talking about?

"W-which P-prince??" I asked him.

He looked puzzled . He smirked and begun laughing.

Wait why is he laughing?

When he finally stop laughing, he asked

"He didn't tell you did he ?"

I shook my head with a confused expression on my face.

"Well , your lover boy Eldar is royalty. He's the Prince of Persia " this goon revealed.

What ? Eldar ? A Prince ? That can't be !

"How did you know?" I asked him bravely with a frown on my face.

He smirked and said

"He is s'pposed to marry his distant cousin Aaliyah but he refused. So his father sent me to finish you. But since I like you , I've decided to keep you".

What? So his meeting with his client in Persia and his going to Los Angeles was a lie ? He went to discuss his marriage ?

He lied to me ? He betrayed my trust ? How could he ?

Just when I realised that I loved him ?

I dropped a tear of sorrow. He betrayed me , just when I thought I could add him to my life ?

Terror or whatever his name is , wiped away my tear.

I was not myself . Why me ?

Terror rose up and left me in the room.

I broke down in tears. I cried until I was out of tears. I hated myself for falling in love with him.

Why me ? Why ?

I slowly slept off.

Four or Five hours later , I heard a commotion from downstairs .

I felt too weak to check what was going on.

I felt dizzy, I tried to get up . When I finally did , the door to my room was sent flying and Lo and Behold

Mister Most High Rule Eldar, walked in. He rushed to me quickly when he saw my state.

"S-Stay A-Away... from m-me" I trembled in my speech.

He looked hurt but still paced towards me.

"L-Layla , I can explain.." he tried to say , but before he could end his statement, my legs failed me and I was swept of the ground.

I landed on someone's chest. It was Eldar.

"I'm sorry baby , please , I love you " was the last thing I heard him say.


When we got to the factory , only a few guatds were around. We killed most of them and left two.

Layla was nowhere near . The guards told us where the guy named Terror was keeping her.

I was very angry.

How dare he kidnap my girl ?

He even had the guts to tell her that I am a Prince.

She was currently unconscious. I wonder what explanation, I was going to give her. She wouldn't trust me anymore.Now that she finally loved me , this idiot came and screwed up everything.

"Zaroon ! Send that fool to the torture room. I'll be there soon " I told Zaroon.

I was hoing to find out who the fuck he was and how the fuck he got to know of me and my girl.

I walked to the torture room , in order words , the dark room of pain.

That imbecile was chsined to the ground. He had been beaten up , quite well enough.

"Who are you and how did you get to know of my house ?!" I asked him calmly with a maniacal tone in my voice.

He was sweating like a running fool

"I won't tell you anything!" He spat.

I smirked at him and knelt beside me.

"You want me to be the bad guy ? Alright let's play bad guy ?" I whispered evily into his ears.

He gulped hard. Before he could blink , I punched him very hard in the Adam's apple.

He fell onto the ground clutching his neck and hissing in pain.

I didn't give him time to cool down, when I kicked him very hard in the guts. He coughed out blood and held unto his guts while pleading.

I didn't mind him. Infact , I kicked him once again on the mouth , making him spit blood and a couple of teeth.

"P-Please, I'll tell you. P-Please " he pleaded.

Me , along with the boys smirked at him.

"Speak up now !" I commanded him.

"I-It was y-your father. H-He asked me to kidnap her and kill her but I couldn't kill her , because I fell for her. I swear , I had no intentions of killing her , I swear.

I'm sorry for telling her that you are a prince. I'm sorry. Please. My hands were tied , your father would have killed my only childern if I didn't do this

Please forgive me !" The man pleaded while confessing everything.

Eldar was very very angry.

How dare his father try to kill Layla ?

His father was going to pay dearly for what he did.

He walked away from the man and without saying a word, he dismissed his boys.

They all left, leaving Terror in the dark torture room.

But that wasn't all , Terror didn't have any kids. He lied to Eldar , in order to gain sympathy from him.

He infact wanted to let Eldar focus on only his dad, so that he could have a chance with Layla.

He deliberately let Eldar capture him at his house , in order to put his plan into action.

And the pain he felt was minimal, he really was a good actor.

"I'll destroy you Eldar and I'll make Layla fall for me " he said to himself sinsiterly.


I woke up in my room. I couldn't remember anything, except that I was kidnapoed and I'm here now.

The door to my room opened , and Mister Most High Rule Eldar, walked in.

I rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you Mister Most High Rule Eldar " I yelled into his ears.

He looked surprised.

He hugged me back and kissed me.

"You're not mad at me ?" He asked.

Why should I be mad at him ?

"Umm...what are you talking about ? Why should I be mad at you ?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Anyways what happened yesterday? I've forgotten most of what happened yesterday ." I asked.

"You can't remember anything that happened yesterday?" He asked.

I nodded and stared at him expecting an answer.

"Well nothing much happened , except that one idiot tried to kidnap you " he said.

I almost believed him. But it seemed that he was lying to me.

"Are you sure ?" I asked him again.

He nodded .

I just sighed and nodded.

"I missed you by the way " I said while hugging him.

He smiled and kissed me on the head.

I knew something wasn't right

But couldn't remember what ?

Next chapter will be updated soon...