
The Journey of Elrath's Chosen(Warcraft/M&M/Runeterra)

In his twenties, Lucas Aldaric met an untimely demise, only to find himself reincarnated in a unique amalgamation of worlds, with a few unexpected twists.

QuincyEcht · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Expedition And The End Of The Spirit

After my sleep of approximately sixteen hours, I awoke and immediately started to prepare for the expedition that was to come tomorrow.

The first thing I did was take all the remaining [Earth Crystals] from the warehouse to create golems. Some would be tasked with constructing roads toward the new resource points, while others would harvest these resources to provide direct revenue for the city.

[No Name City] [Barrack (in upgrade), Priory, Marketplace] [Wood: 32] [Ore: 14] [Gold: 5200] [Other Resources: 2]

"I don't have that many resources left," I noted as I observed the numbers. Despite having six hours to refill themselves, the resources were still at an all-time low on the special resources side. This was due to my golem creation.

[Advanced Golemancer 214/5000 -> 464/5000] 

[Advanced Jeweller 214/5000 -> 464/5000] 

[Novice Enchanter 64/100 -> 314/100, 0/1]

"In these hours of crafting, I didn't find a way to enchant permanently. This is a shame because I wanted to enchant all these new-generation golems to improve their resistance. For the carrier and builder golems, I enhanced their speed with a [Novice Swiftness Enchantment]. According to the system's description, it allows a being to go beyond their maximum speed at a constant rate."

I promptly ordered the golems to go outside and took hold of the only remaining [Earth Crystal] before following my creations outside.

"It rained again," I noted, sensing the moisture in the air. I observed the progress of the [Garrison] as the massive building took shape under the diligent work of the golems.

And I saw another batiment that I ordonned to be built yesterday that was already finished, the canteen. I heard with my heightened senses the presence of people inside of it, so I decided to enter the batiment.

"Good morning everyone" I said as I opened the door only to see the group sat at a table and were happily starting their meal

"Good day, My Lord," George replied after sipping from his cup of milk. The entire group exchanged greetings, and as I took my seat, a sentinel handed me a bowl of soup.

"Thank you," I expressed my appreciation before delving into my meal. After a few bites, I placed the spoon on the table and turned my attention to the assembled group.

"Are all the harvests secured?" I asked, studying the faces of those gathered.

"My Lord, we completed three harvests yesterday. All the vegetables are safely stored in the cellar, and we've already planted the seeds for the next harvest," replied Philip, the recently promoted Marksman.

"Excellent," I nodded in approval, returning to my meal as the conversation among the group continued. As I finished eating, I began tapping my index finger gently on the table.

"Everyone," I began, drawing the attention of the room, "Today marks the beginning of our expedition. We will expand our resource gathering, and I've crafted golems to assist us during our journey." Standing up, I continued, "So, everyone, retrieve your armor. I'll be waiting for you at the city entrance." With that, I promptly exited the city and patiently waited in front of the city with the golems behind me.

Shortly, the entire group assembled, adorned in the resplendent armor of the Praetorians and the glistening ornaments of the Marksmen, catching the radiance of Aurelia's light.

"Perfect," I nodded as the group swiftly gathered. "Today, our mission is to encircle the mountain that serves as a protective shield for the city. We'll assess if there are valuable resources, and if not, I'll initiate the clearing of the forests near the city to create more space for future constructions or fields"

The group nodded in unison as we began advancing towards the eastern side of the mountain. Initially, there was a palpable tension among us as the expedition kicked off. However, after thirty minutes of walking without encountering any threats, a sense of ease settled in. Conversations started to flow, albeit cautiously, while maintaining focus, with Aurelia overseeing the surroundings from the air.

I established two sawmills and deployed ten harvester golems to initiate the wood harvest for the city.

'[Mineral Detection],' I uttered mentally, activating the spell embedded in my staff to locate any mineral veins beneath us.

[You found a rich vein of Iron and a vein of Gold]

Swiftly, I set up a mine to extract these valuable minerals and assigned twenty golems for expedited resource collection.

[You started mining smeltable ores; you have unlocked the Forge building]

Upon noting the system's notification, I immediately directed the golem left in the city to initiate the construction of the Forge.



[Wood: 2, Ore: 10]

'The cost in ore is high, but it's a price I'm willing to pay,' I contemplated, and we continued with our endeavors. The spell didn't detect any more mineral veins near the city as we reached the south of the mountain after three long hours of walking.

"Now, all I need is coal to initiate the production of iron weaponry or shells for the golems," I pondered, spotting something in the far north.

"Aurelia, could you go and scout there?" I asked the Radiant Light.

"Yes, my Lord," she responded, swiftly soaring toward the location that had caught my attention. It appeared to be an encampment, but this one was far grander than the one I had defeated earlier.

[You found a new Civilization]

My eyes widened at the revelation, and I promptly clicked on the button.

[Tukumoa Tribe] 

[Prehistoric Tribe]

[Inhabitants: Apemen]

[Very Hostile]

[Status: Dead] 

[Strength: Non-Existent] 

[Former God: Rakalash, Spirit of Carnage and Brutality]

[A tribe of Apemen that worshiped Rakalash, but since you killed him and he was the brain of the Hivemind, the whole tribe died in less than a day]

"Advance!" I commanded the group, with the war golems stationed and requisitioned for the expedition taking the lead in our formation.

"My Lord!" I heard Aurelia cry out as she appeared above us. "This is a tribe of the strange savages that we encountered before. The tribe seems to be totally devoid of life, as if they all died at the same time!"

I nodded in acknowledgment, casting a glance back at the city. "Lord Elrath revealed to me that since we slew the beast that was feeding on their psyche, the entire tribe perished."

As we approached the still-closed gates, I noticed the lifeless bodies of the Apemen strewn on the ground nearby.

"I will open the gates. Everyone, prepare yourselves in case of complications," I cautioned the group.

Channeling the mana stored in the crystal within my staff, I cast 'Tremor' once again to detonate the front door of the encampment. The ground quivered momentarily before a powerful burst shattered the wooden barricade.

"Well, it seems that all of this Magic Power gained by leveling up did wonders," I thought, impressed by the increased potency of the spell that completely obliterated the entrance. Instructing the war golems to enter first, we followed closely behind.

As we entered, the sight before us was grim—bodies scattered everywhere. This tribe was even more numerous than the previous one, yet I noticed a complete absence of spellcasters among them.

'Perhaps, the spirit wanted all the spellcasters presents near the mine where he crawled from, to which fin, I don't know but it mattered little in the grand scheme of things, the beast was dead.

I surveyed the area and spotted another Idol dedicated to the monstrous entity. Scanning it revealed an absence of souls within. Channeling Elrath's power, I unleashed a beam of light to pulverize the Idol.

[Congratulations! With your destruction of the last Idol of Rakalash, you have completely eradicated his influence in the material realm.] 

[You gained 6000 XP, and a random Elite Haven creature dwelling will be established upon your return to the premises of your city.]

[Level 4: 2446/8000 -> Level 5 446/50000]

[Congratulations ! You leveled up]

[Magic Power +1]

[Magic Defense +1]

[Destiny +1]

[Skill point : +1]

[Mana 200/200 ->200/250]

[You can now choose a Magic specialization]

[A magic specialization is a powerful tool that allows you to choose a Lore of Magic and become master of it.]

"Everyone, begin gathering the valuables of these savages. After that, we shall return to the city!" I commanded the group, glancing at the available specializations.

Without a moment of hesitation, I chose the [Earth Specialization]. For me, it was the most logical choice, as it would undoubtedly expedite the construction of the city and the production of golems.

As I picked the [Earth Specialization] I saw that I had new options for the [Earth Magic] skills

I chose the [Earth Magic II] as it allowed me to have even greater knowledge about this lore of magic and with the presence of my specialization, I knew that I could become extremely powerful.

Upon returning to the group, I noticed that they had completed assembling all the valuables. Deciding to utilize the [Mineral Detection] spell once again:

[You found a vein of unknown mineral and a vein of Earth Crystal]

Despite the mineral being unknown, I created a mine, believing that all new resources were valuable. Additionally, I established four sawmills near the now-defunct encampment, given the exceptionally dense forest in the area. I assigned all the war golems and forty harvester golems to commence the resource harvest.

However, upon discovering the Earth Crystal mine, a smile played across my face. It seemed as if someone were orchestrating events to provide me with the best imaginable resources.

"Well, everyone, let's return to the city!" I declared to the group, leading our way back with a newfound appreciation for the resources we had secured. As we approached the mountain, I gazed at it and couldn't help but smile.

"Everyone, the next step is to create a tunnel from the city to here," I announced to the group. Their curious gazes met mine.

"Next week will be a week filled with mining and progress for the city!" I declared with a grin beneath my helmet. With my new Earth Specialization, I could intuitively guide the golems to mine, creating a perfect tunnel.

During our return journey, we engaged in conversation and laughter. Aurelia assured us that there were no threats in the woods.

Eight hours after departing from the city, we arrived back at its gates.

[The Elite dwelling that has been created is - [Griffin Tower]]

'Oh, shit!' I exclaimed inwardly as I read the system notification. Griffins were incredibly strong creatures of the Haven faction.

I heard the cry of a Griffin, and when I looked up, I saw three of these majestic beasts descending rapidly toward us.

"By Elrath's golden scale!" exclaimed George, and some of the group members aimed their crossbows at the approaching creatures.

"Wait!" I exclaimed quickly, sensing the rising tension. "These are allied creatures."

[The Griffins will never attack people under Elrath's grace] reassured the system as the beasts landed in front of us.

One of them, a white one with golden patterns on its fur, inclined its head toward me. I extended my hand to caress its fur.

"It's so soft," I smiled, observing the Griffin appearing very pleased by my touch. I turned my gaze to the tower to check its information:

[Griffin Tower]


[A tower where the Griffin reproduces, fiercely guarded by three Griffins]

"This will change how we explore the surroundings of the city," I noted with glee, eyeing the imposing stature of the beasts.


[Character Sheet]

Lucas Aldaric

Level 5: 446/50000


Tears: 50/10000


Might Power: 0

Might Defense: 2

Magic Power: 5(+2)

Magic Defense: 4(+1)

Leadership: 2

Destiny: 3

Mana 200/250


[Advanced Golemancer 214/5000 -> 464/5000, 0/1] 

[Advanced Jeweller 214/5000 -> 464/5000, 0/1] 

[Novice Enchanter 64/100 -> 314/100, 0/1]


Urgash's Blessing(Mythical)

Earth Magic I(+50%)

Light Magic II *updated*

Elrath's Might(Epic)

Prime Magic I

Air Magic I



Earth Shield

Fire Mastery


Minerals Detection II(Temporary)


Celestial Armor


Pendant of Holiness

Enhanced Cleric Staff of the Earth

Parchment of Storm Arrows


A little chapter as I had things to do today 

See you soon