
The Journey of a Psionic Champion

A young man suddenly gets pulled into the world of pokemon after a strange accident. He awakens in the body of a boy named Lucas in the region of Sinnoh. Born with the powers of psionics he is able to create a connection with the pokemon around him. With a mindset that leads him to constantly be working he will begin his journey through the world of pokemon. Traveling from region to region until he truly becomes a Champion.

BonAurevoir · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

The Creator of the Pokedex

This was my first time leaving the region of Sinnoh. My first time taking any big trip really. So I was pretty excited to finally check out a different place for the first time. I had heard from Rowan that there were going to be a few surprise guests throughout the summer camp. So I was left waiting to see who would show up.

Once we arrived at Professor Oak's farm we were greeted with the smiling face of Rowan with three pokemon behind him that started waving in excitement. They had changed a lot since the last time I was able to meet them

Kadabra's crimson star on his forehead appeared somewhat cristaline, differentiating him from the usual pinkish markings that appeared on other Kadabra's. Kirlia's white skirt was longer than the average, nearly reaching to the ground. Lastly, Brozong's ring above his head was larger and shaped more like a circle.

The three musketeers dashed in my direction before I felt their psychic energy envelop me, lift me up, and then drag me in their direction. I couldn't help but laugh as I saw the shocked expressions of the people around me.

After we crashed against each other, the pokemon began to communicate with me about how much they had missed. We used to hang out by mediating with each other and entering a strange trance that allowed us to connect.

"All of you have grown so much!" I said with some laughter before adding. "You all have to catch me up on what you all have done these past two years."

Rowan held in a bit of laughter as he approached and ruffled my hair.

"Kid, it's been a while. I have some cool things to show you inside of the lab. I think your theory on why the musketeers had strange evolutions might be right. Plus, Oak has been looking forward to meeting you. The rest of the kids should be arriving tomorrow for the summer camp so we have some time to catch up."

Oak's lab was inside of the massive farm he owned. The farm was gigantic, as it held ponds, small forests, and gigantic fields for the pokemon to wander around. The place was packed full of pokemon that gave us curious looks as we walked by. From all different regions and different typings. The dude must be loaded with money to be able to afford to keep all these pokemon well fed and happy.

When we arrived at a small building on a corner of the farm we arrived to see Professor Oak holding a Pokedex on his hands while scanning different pokemon.

[Bulbasaur the Seed Pokemon. A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokemon] A robotic voice spoke from within the pokedex before the professor let out a big laugh.

"Rowan, I think the pokedex is ready to be released into the world. The database should be able to collect information on pokemon with the help of the users and we will be able to keep a better record on pokemon and what moves they can learn, as well as any anomalies that can be found in the wild."

He turned around before noticing me and smiling.

"Ah, you must be Lucas. I heard that you would be coming here today. What do you think of the pokedex? Don't you think it will come pretty handy if you ever find a pokemon in the wild you don't recognize? With this tool we will be able to finally register and document all of the pokemon in existence.

As long as a trainer has a pokedex we will be able to collect data from anything they scan. There will be no more doubts as to whether some pokemon are real or myths as long as a single person can scan them. This is the next step for humanity in terms of pokemon research!" Oak exclaimed with excitement as he lifted the pokedex high into the air.

However, as he did this a bit of embarrassment crossed his face as he slowly lowered it and put it in his pocket.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

I shook my head before saying.

"No, Professor Oak, you are right. The pokedex is an amazing invention. I truly can't wait for the chance to use one and see how it works. I would love to assemble one with you to see how the parts work.

Is the scanner function connected to a server that relays the information back to you or does it have to be connected to a computer to share the information? How often does the battery need to be recharged? I saw that it had a small description once the pokemon was scanned. Did you write these descriptions yourself?"

Oak's excitement returned to him as he pulled the pokedex out once again. He was ready to go on a massive explanation on how everything worked before my mother let out a small cough to draw attention.

"It's already a bit late, and we have all of the summer camp to discuss things like this. How about we go back and grab something to eat before calling it a night? We just left a long flight, and I don't want you all to be tired during the presentation tomorrow."

Oak scratched his cheek a couple of times before nodding.

"You are right, Miss Johanna. It is about time we return back to the living quarters. Lucas, I can show you the prototypes of the pokedex and how I built it once all the kids are settled in. I hope you can get along with my grandson and the other kids."

We all went back to a cabin on the farm and went to our separate rooms, with my musketeers following me along to my room. Once inside, rather than going to bed we all sat down in a circle and closed our eyes, beginning a simple meditation. It had been such a long time since we had been able to relax like this together.

When I was by myself I had to keep a constant hold of my psychic abilities. If I didn't, the thoughts of everything in the area would begin to overwhelm me in a jumbled mess. I would see and feel everything in my surroundings and I just wasn't capable of handling such a barrage of information.

However, when I was with my musketeers we were able to connect our minds. They would share the burden and help me fully relax. It always felt as if a burden was lifted off my back.

"Lucas! I can see it now! You are like me!" Kirlia said excitedly into my mind

I could feel Bronzor and Kadabra nod in agreement.

"We have been listening in on the Professor's research. And he theorized that humans have different typings. We have been speaking amongst each other and we believe that you have a double typing like Kirlia. You must have inherited the Fairy typing from your mother." Kadabra added.

I raised an eyebrow before asking.

"What does that mean for me? I don't really know what that type implies for a person."

"Boss, the professor thinks that Humans with that type just give off a friendly aura. It helps them create friendships easier with other humans and pokemon. Trainers of that type usually are surrounded by friendly pokemon." Bronzor said.

Well I guess that explained how I was able to calm the pokemon so easily whenever I helped Nurse Joy. I just naturally had a good type combination to be able to communicate with pokemon. To be honest I kinda wanted to get into a fight with a fighting type pokemon to see if I would take less damage.

I had a lot of questions about this world, but most of them didn't really have any answers, at least not yet. Once I grew older I would be able to get a lab of my own to research the things I found interesting.

'But that's gonna cost a lot of money…' I thought.

Even if I became a pokemon league champion I would have to hold that position for a long time if I want to fund my own research. I could ask for funding using my future reputation but I am slightly hesitant to request so much money.

There was the Aether Foundation in Alola, if I could join them in the future I would be able to use their research facilities. But to be honest their leadership was not the most trustworthy. My memories of Lusamine were vague, but I knew she went a bit crazy there at the end.

Maybe if I also became a pokemon coordinator on my path to champion I would get enough fame and recognition to make a lot of money. I know my mother used to be a famous coordinator and she was able to save up enough for us to live comfortably for the rest of our lives.

My train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"Lucas, go to bed. I know you are still awake. I don't want you staying up late. Remember, if you don't sleep you don't grow. Goodnight."

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as I opened my eyes to see the pokemon around me pretending to be asleep. The musketeers had activated their acting 101 skills to avoid getting kicked out.

"Goodnight, mom."

Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for the story in the comments

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