
The Jinn Chronicles

Imagine, if you will, a world beyond reason, where the laws of reality no longer apply. A world shrouded in mystery, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, and the supernatural holds sway. A realm of legends, where the impossible becomes possible, and the familiar becomes unknown. A place where dreams and nightmares intermingle, and truth is often stranger than fiction.

Daoist7bXcoJ · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Birth of Twins

There was a small village name zeterdam in a mountain not far from the wilderness were poor and old people live in this village there is a pregnant woman named Luna who after losing her husband decided to move to this small village from a town nearby, one day when she was out fetching water early in the morning, she discovered a pulsating Soulshard, radiating with unimaginable power. Driven by curiosity she reached out and touched the bead, and in an instant a glowing blue light, As the Soulshard bonded with Luna instead of granting her the power of the jinn the power was granted to the children in her stomach, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, she was struck with an unbearable pain in her stomach. She doubled over, clutching her abdomen and cried out for help. The villagers rushed to her aid, alarmed by her distress.

With the help of the villagers, Luna was moved to her house, and she went into labour. The pain was intense, and she feared for her unborn children. After a long and arduous labour, Luna gave birth to twin boys. To her surprise, both boys had eyes that were a combination of black and white, with one eye being black and the other white. The villagers were amazed by the unusual eye colours of the twins and whispered among themselves, speculating about the significance of this phenomenon. Luna was exhausted but overjoyed as she held her new born twin boys, she felt a surge of love and joy, despite the pain and exhaustion. She named them Aiden and Caleb, but because of the pain and sudden labour Luna tragically passed away leaving behind twin boys who were born with both black and white eyes. They were known as the Morning and Night Star, as their black eye was reminiscent of the night sky, and white eye shone like the morning sun. As they grew older, their powers manifested in different ways. Aiden had a natural affinity for healing and was often found helping the villagers with their ailments and injuries, while Caleb's powers leaned towards controlling shadows and darkness, which he used to play tricks on his friends and villagers, but also to protect them when needed.

As the twins reached their fifteenth birthday, they became more curious about the stories they had heard about the Awakeners in the city. They longed to explore beyond the village and discover more about their powers and their origins. One day, they approached the village head, an elderly woman named Agnes who used to work in the city as an adventurer, who had been like a grandmother to them since their mother's passing.

"Agnes, we want to know more about the Awakeners in the city," Aiden spoke up, his voice calm and steady.

Caleb, on the other hand, couldn't contain his excitement. "Yeah! We've heard so many stories, and we want to see if there are others like us, who can control light and darkness!"

Agnes looked at the twins with a mix of sadness and pride. She had known them since they were born and had watched them grow into strong and capable young men. She knew that this day would come eventually, but it still pained her to see them leave the village.

"My dear boys, I understand your curiosity," Agnes said softly, placing a hand on Aiden's shoulder. "But the city can be dangerous, and you must be careful. The Awakeners are a secretive group, and not everyone is friendly towards those with unique powers."

Aiden nodded solemnly, understanding the risks involved. He was always the cautious one, thinking things through carefully.

Caleb, however, was undeterred. "We'll be careful, Agnes! We promise!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with determination.

Agnes sighed, realizing that she couldn't dissuade them from their decision. "Very well," she said finally. "I will give you my blessing but promise me that you will come back to visit us in the village."

Aiden and Caleb both nodded eagerly, promising to return, and bid farewell to their friends and villagers. They packed their belongings, said their goodbyes, and set off on a journey towards the city where the Awakeners were rumoured to reside.

The journey was not easy, as they had to navigate through treacherous mountain paths and dense forests. Along the way, they encountered wild beasts and faced challenges that tested their powers and abilities. However, with their combined strength and determination, they overcame each obstacle and grew more skilled in controlling their powers.

Finally, after weeks of traveling, Aiden and Caleb arrived at the outskirts of the city. The city was bustling with people from all walks of life, and the twins felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. They knew that they had to be cautious and keep their powers hidden from prying eyes.

As they made their way through the city, they heard whispers and rumours about the Awakeners. Some spoke of them with awe and reverence, while others regarded them with suspicion and fear. Aiden and Caleb kept their eyes and ears open, trying to gather as much information as they could about the secretive group.

After days of searching and making discreet inquiries, they finally received a lead about a hidden location where the Awakeners were said to gather. They followed the clues, and it led them.