
The interpretation of priority

Interpretation of priority is a realistic story based on the bitter reality of the world in this era. It describes the different junctures of life as a transgender. Who confronted so many ups and down to become a successful man. As we know so many people in this world think that having a transgender is a source of infamy. That's why he/she is taken away from themself and sent to his/her community. Even though they are part of this society, of course, people don't like them or they just stare at them with evil eyes, and they are treated inadequately. So in my story, the view is the same as the guy was disgusted badly but where there are bad people, there are good ones, and yes. A good-hearted couple adopt him and made him a successful person. As the American journalist" Gloria Steinem" said, 'The gender-equal society would be one where the word "Gender" doesn't exist.

AyeshRay · สมจริง
51 Chs

The unbearable truth!

Jason got shocked and startled, he stood up and loudly said, " Wwhhhaaattt the hell are you talking about Doctor?"

Brooklynn got furious and said in a rough tone, "Why are you shouting? This is a hospital, not your workplace where you shout at your employees like this, and I'm not your employee. I am a doctor who saved your wife's life from this crisis otherwise no one would help her in this matter. And you should be happy and pleasant to have a baby it doesn't matter for you to have a baby in any gender".

Jason sat on the chair with embarrassment and said, " You are a right doctor. Everyone in this world doesn't exist by our will. Everyone's got their luck and their existence in this world. I'm sorry I got furious for no reason".

Brooklynn: Yes and you shouldn't blame your wife for this matter as well".

Jason got curious and asked, "But he is not a part of us or our society. You know he might suffer from mental abuse".

Brooklynn responded, "Who said that the transgenders are not a part of our society. Even no one in this society has a right to say whether it's part or not of this humanity. They have equal rights as others why don't you understand".

Jason took a deep breath and said, " Ok doctor, I got your words. I'll take good care of this child".

Brooklynn smiled and said, "Yes, you should take care of your wife also because she suffered a lot just because of all this matter. Now you may leave Mr.Jason".

Jason stood up calmly and said by bowing down, "Thank you, doctor".

Jason went out of the doctor's office and headed into the room (where his wife was admitted).

He entered the room and said, "How's your condition Row?"

[Rocella was laying on the patient's bed and Lauren was sitting on a couch with Kevin while holding a baby and playing with a newborn.]

[Edina was a cute baby but transgender. She had a fair complexion just like her mother and her brother. She had dark brown hair just like her father.]

Rocella said in a deep voice, "I'm fine".

Rocella was crying silently her tears were coming out of her eyes.

Lauren happily looked at Jason and said, "My wish came true. I have a name for my granddaughter".

Jason got depressed and looked at Rocella and pretend to smile.

Jason: "Yes mom, you should name her by yourself. What's the name in your mind?"

Lauren: "Hmmm, Edina. How's the name 'Edina'?"

Jason: "Yes mom, It's a very beautiful name".

Jason looked at Rocella and said, "How do you like that name Row?"

Rocella said in the teary calm voice, "If you and mommy like this name then I don't have any problem. I like this name too".

Lauren looked at row and said, "I think Row needs some rest, It would be better for us to let her get rest".

Kevin: "Daddy! I am hungry. I need to eat something".

Jason and Lauren looked at Kevin with pitiful faces.

Jason: "What about the subway. There is a subway (restaurant) outside the hospital".

Kevin got happy and mumbled, "Yes, I want to eat the subway. Let's go, grandma".

[Kevin always address Lauren as 'Grandma']

Lauren passed a smile at Kevin and said, "Let's get going. Let's go Jason. Raina will stay here with Row".

Jason: "No problem mom. I'm not hungry at all. You guys better go and Raina should also go. I'll stay here with Row and accompany her in here".

[Rocella was thinking that the doctor didn't tell him about the gender of a baby. That's why she was crying and depressed.]

Lauren, Kevin, and Raina left the room to head over to the subway (restaurant).

Jason sat on the same couch where his mother and Kevin were sitting.

Jason got serious and said (looking at Row), " It's okay Row, the doctor told me everything".

Row said, "I'm sorry Jason".

Jason: "Come on Row. Don't blame yourself for all this. It's just a fate and we have to accept no matter what happened".

Row wiped her tears from her hand and said, "You are right but it's the opposite of my expectations".

Jason calmed her down and they both got agreed to fate.

*****One and a half months later*****

[Row was discharged they were living cheerfully a comfortable/delighted life.]

[Row and Jason still didn't get a chance to tell Lauren about the truth.]

At the office time, Jason was sitting in his office, the door knocked.

Jason: " Come in!"

It was his old friend 'Fred'.

[Fred was 33 years old man. He had very fair skin with yellowish hair (Just like French people). He was a funny and exciting personality. He was a best friend of Jason since childhood.]

Fred: "Yes boss, how are you?"

Jason looked at Fred and smiled. He said, "I'm good. How are you, man? What are you up to?"

Fred: "Nothing special, just wanna spend some cheerful time with you, and here I am"

Jason nodded his head and laughed.

Jason: "So how's your life going on?"

Fred: "You know, Free and enjoying the life of unemployment".

[Fred was an accountant manager at a start-up company but due to some reasons, he got fired and now he is happy to get unemployment. Because Fred is born a rich bachelor man.]

Jason smiled and noted as if he agreed.

Fred: " Hey, when I was in Hawaii I didn't ask for your wife's condition. How's she?"

Jason: "Yeah, she is fine and we have another child".

Fred: " Wow man. Where is my treat. I want aunt's homemade feast (made by Lauren)".

Jason: "Ok, tomorrow evening is fine".

***Another evening***

Fred was playing monopoly with Kevin (in the lounge).

Jason(having a little Edina in his hands) entered the lounge with Row.

Jason (sitting beside Fred and talking to Edina): "Here's is my little angel. Let's meet your stupid uncle".

Fred (carried Edina in his hands) made an exciting and smiling expression and mumbled, "Wow, I wonder how adorable your son is."

Rocella and Jason seriously looked at each other.

Jason (Smiled): "Hahah, it's a girl. Man".

Fred (looked at Row): " Oops, I'm sorry sister-in-law (Rocella). I didn't recognize her as a girl. I mean she is so adorable and cute. She resembles Jason and Kevin".

Rocella got serious and left the lounge.

Fred got depressed and said: "She's got furious".

Jason smiled and said," It's ok Fred. Don't mind her. She is not in the good mood lately".

Fred nodded and continued to play with Kevin.

Lauren made a delicious Beefsteak with a Mac n Cheese, Raina served the food on the dining table and all of them dined together.

Fred met them to head out to their place.

Jason and Lauren said goodbye to Fred.

Jason entered the room and said, "What was that attitude for Row. You know you insulted our guest. Fred is my good friend".

Rocella responded, "You know what Jason, I am very possessed about my daughter Edina. I can't tolerate listening to any word about her".

Jason: " Why don't you just act normally?"

****Four months later****

Rocella was sleeping (At 03:00 am of the night), She was seeing a nightmare in which someone was taking her daughter. She was crying and saying, "Please stop. Edina, please don't leave your mom. I'll die without you. Please, someone, help". She suddenly opened her eyes and sat on the bed while saying (Loudly), "Edina!"

She was crying. Jason got distracted from his sleep and sat on the bed while seeing towards Rocella.

Jason, " What happened Row? Why are you crying?"

Rocella (with her teary eyes) looked at Jason and stammered: "J-Ja-Jason Oh-Ou-Our d-Dd-daughter Ee-Edina. So-someone i-is tt-taking ff-from me."

Jason took a deep breath held her (Rocella) hand and said: "Come on Row, it's okay. No one would take our daughter away from us. It's just a stupid nightmare. It's not the reality. You know we love Edina".

Rocella nodded and said (in her crying sound): "But..."

Jason interrupted Row and said, "it's okay. Don't worry. Get back to sleep".

She agreed and slept again.

***The sunrise beautifully and welcomed a new day***

That was Sunday.

All of them were having their breakfast in the dining room. Rocella was quiet and depressed about the nightmare. Lauren and Jason were noticing her.

Kevin: "Daddy (Jason), it's Sunday. I want to go out for a picnic".

Jason, Rocella, and Lauren looked at Kevin.

Row: " Shut up Kevin. Finish your breakfast and do your self-study".

Kevin got chaotic and he left the food (That he had to finish) and steered into his room.

Lauren and Jason got shocked.

Lauren looked at Rocella and asked, "What happened, dear? You look unhappy and pale."

Rocella responded: "Nothing Mommy (Lauren), I'm alright."

Lauren inquired, "You scolded Kevin that badly. I mean you never acted like this before. Is there something bothering you?"

Rocella answered: "It's okay mommy (Lauren). I just want to get some rest.

Lauren looked at Jason and said: " What about we go outside for a picnic today. It's been a while since we went to the picnic last time".

Jason passed a smile and replied, "Of course, mom. You are right. It's the best idea to get rid of all the depressions".

He looked at Rocella and asked: " What do you think Row?"

Rocella nodded and passed a smile.

Rocella: "Okay."

They cheerfully enjoyed the picnic time together at the beach site.

***Three days later***

Fred and Jason, we're sitting in the coffee shop near Jason's Office.

Both were using social media on their phones.

The TV (in the coffee shop) was showing the news bulletin.

The anchor on the TV said, "Yes, A transgender. It's news about a transgender".

Jason abruptly looked at the TV and requested a server to increase the volume of the TV.

The anchor said, " Another transgender was a victim of another incident. It was domestic mental abuse. We have an experienced analyst here to talk about this case".

Jason focused on the TV, Fred was shocked and suspiciously asked, "Bro! Do you know in this era transgenders are getting harassed badly? No one just noticing their rights".

Jason listened to Fred and responded, "Yes, you are right".

Jason again looked at the TV where the analyst was saying, "....and the pitiful fact is that in this society, this type of news appears every day. The rate of cases like this (about transgenders) is raising day by day. This is the worst thing that our society doesn't give their liberties as comparable to other genders (males and females)".

Fred noticed Jason and said, "Why are you so depressed all of the sudden?"

Jason: "I wonder what about their parents".

Fred: " You seem to be very worried about transgenders or their family but their family members(Parents) move them away from themselves".

Jason got confused and said, "How do you know that"?

Fred smiled and said, "Because I know a very honorable person who is transgender and he is living his life like a normal man".

Jason got shocked and asked, " Who?"

Fred smiled again and responded, "Mark".

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone, give some gifts and add your reviews about my story. Let me know how much do you like my story.}


To be continued!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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